Administration of hospitals is a major problem. Unfortunately, you have incompetent people running hospitals. Here is an example. An oncologist was going to move his family to a regional centre that currently has an extremely limited oncology service. One would think administration would be everything humanly possible to lure his services. He made one important request that his partner get a job in the hospital as an allied health professional (of which there is a shortage) and this was promised. Administration "forgot" to do this and he simply decided that he could not work under such an administration and I do not blame him. So we have a person who is obviously not qualified to do her job whose incompetence impacts on 1000s of peoples lives. This is not an isolated case. My partner who is also a doctor has just left this hospital for similar reasons. No-one would know but these people made national headline news 1 or 2 years ago because of their incompetence. They were moved around in the system for a few months but ended up exactly where they were initially. I often believe these administrators work where they do because they simply could not get a job anywhere else. They are incompetent, they make mistakes, they get "audited" but they don't get fired. They are faceless people whose decisions make a huge impact on patient care even though they never come face-to-face with patients. Why does no-one complain or go to another hospital? Because nothing changes and everyone thinks everywhere is the same... which it probably is. Do things like this occur in private hospitals? No... Why? Efficiency means money.
PS. Sorry once again for the rant. Particularly sore topic for me at the moment!!!
PS. Sorry once again for the rant. Particularly sore topic for me at the moment!!!