Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Pray for a Republican win next Tuesday

22 October 2006
You all better start praying for a Republican win in the elections next Tuesday.

If the Democrats take control of the senate then the experts are predicting that the sharemarket is going to crash and it will be worse than Black Monday back in 1987.

You will all lose your money so I repeat pray for George W Bush's party to prevail.
its a win-win anyway. If republicans win we won't have Duya at the next presidential elections. If democrats win we still won't have Dubya.

It's all good
thestorm said:
You all better start praying for a Republican win in the elections next Tuesday.

If the Democrats take control of the senate then the experts are predicting that the sharemarket is going to crash and it will be worse than Black Monday back in 1987.

You will all lose your money so I repeat pray for George W Bush's party to prevail.

Storm, Here's my prayer to add to the partition if youre sending one up there. (Trust you're in the mood for a light hearted look at this :) - we can't make the news but doesn't stop us smiling at it ).

"Ole-pella-he-lib-long-sky, pls makim GEORGE W BUSH winhim election in faraway-country-himhe-got-dat-flag-belong-stars-and-stripes;

and rousehim dat DEMOCRATS-pela, himhe got LONGLONG policies on the economy. " ;)

PS "an' makin TLS shares take off like mixmaster-belong-Jesus"
(seem to recall that was a helicopter) - I hear that TLS is selling really well in the villages in deepest PNG. Helps to belong to the cargo cult religion of course.
thestorm said:
You all better start praying for a Republican win in the elections next Tuesday.

If the Democrats take control of the senate then the experts are predicting that the sharemarket is going to crash and it will be worse than Black Monday back in 1987.

You will all lose your money so I repeat pray for George W Bush's party to prevail.

what experts? and why? :confused:
Jerry Seinfeld said:
You all better start praying for a Republican win in the elections next Tuesday.

If the Democrats take control of the senate then the experts are predicting that the sharemarket is going to crash and it will be worse than Black Monday back in 1987.

You will all lose your money so I repeat pray for George W Bush's party to prevail.
God I'm glad I logged on today! You're the funniest man ever :D

x2rider said:
what are you smoking ?
whatever it is, I WANT SOME
I posted this elsewhere - on "Gold where is it heading" (Cripes there are multiple threads going on this one)!

"I was raised the old-fashioned way, with a stern set of moral principles: Never lie, cheat, steal or knowingly spread a venereal disease. Never speed up to hit a pedestrian or, or course, stop to kick a pedestrian who has already been hit. From which it followed, of course, that one would never ever -- on pain of deletion from dozens of Christmas card lists across the country -- vote Republican." - Barbara Ehrenreich

Not that I care if Republican or Democrat - as Juddy says, either way there'll be no more GWB after 2008. :) Shame Powell doesnt run.

I understand (? - Im guessing) that there's a chance that the control of the senate is up for grabs? Personally I thought Aus operated pretty well when the control of the two houses was split. At least we get to see the full story by the time it gets thrashed around in the media for a few weeks before each decision.

Also that GWB has apparently timed the announcement of Saddam's trials a few days b4 the election.

Thought:- could it be that this presidential race thing is "too much power to one man"? quite often a complete novice? or an unknown entity - recall the "Jimmy Who" headlines? - And hence - maybe the monarchy in Aus isn't so silly after all? :hide:

PS dont know about the republicans - but the Publicans are sure to win next Tuesday. ! (I'm off to pick a horse). ;)
thestorm said:
You all better start praying for a Republican win in the elections next Tuesday.

If the Democrats take control of the senate then the experts are predicting that the sharemarket is going to crash and it will be worse than Black Monday back in 1987.

You will all lose your money so I repeat pray for George W Bush's party to prevail.

Are you for real? or is this a wind up?

Just a few facts. When Bill Clinton (a democrat) left office he had overseen the united states longest sustained ecconomic boom, regular healthy buget surpluses and a stockmarket at new highs. Since then under GWB the sharemarket crashed, the buget has gone into deficit and there was a recession. I think i know which party i would prefer to run the US.
or we could look at the facts...

Since 1901 the Republicans have had power for 56 years with a total return of 383.7%, or 6.9% annualised. The Democrats have been in power for 48 years with a total return of 639%, or 13.3% annualised. Under the last Democrat government, i.e Clinton, the Dow rallied 236%.

There have been 14 recessions and 14 bear markets under Republicans and 7 recessions and 10 bear markets under Democrats.
Right now, I think Satan himself would be a better alternative than the fascists.


Interesting stats! Folklore diverges from reality, eh?

wayneL said:
Right now, I think Satan himself would be a better alternative than the fascists.

Found this which I think will put a smile on your face Wayne:

Who said this:

"An evil exists that threatens every man, woman, and
child of this great country. We must take steps
to insure our domestic security and protect our

Now, which name springs to mind??

If you said George W Bush I'm pretty sure you're
wrong. He's said pretty much the same thing but the
form of words is important here.

Second Guess???

Perhaps our own John Winston Howard?

That raucous buzzing sound says no! Little John
wasn't saying much in 1933 when that other famous
statesman made today's quoteable quote!

Enough hints??

"An evil exists that threatens every man, woman, and
child of this great country. We must take steps
to insure our domestic security and protect our
Homeland" - Adolf Hitler (1933)
kennas said:
Enough hints??
Oh yes! And the parallels don't just stop there either.

The concentration camps are being built as we speak. Yes! true!
Don't forget politics in the US is far more 'dirty' than in Oz.

In US it is quite ok to say that the democrats support Osama bin laden and to insinuate that the opposition candidate regularly sees prostitutes (not that i am denigrating prostitute see'ers).

So you have to see these dow crash / gold crash stories in that context. Everything is exagerated to the n'th degree.

Nick Radge said:
Since 1901 the Republicans have had power for 56 years with a total return of 383.7%, or 6.9% annualised. The Democrats have been in power for 48 years with a total return of 639%, or 13.3% annualised. Under the last Democrat government, i.e Clinton, the Dow rallied 236%.

Yes, fascinating stats. Wonder how it would look if you took out the more anomolous bubbles/crashes such as 1929,1987,2000.....
Had a very quick scan of that labour program document.
Seems like a great idea to me. Good use of prisoner resource, unless of course you would want prisoners to be let out daily for a cuppuchino and a chat after watching a good movie.
123enen said:
Had a very quick scan of that labour program document.
Seems like a great idea to me. Good use of prisoner resource, unless of course you would want prisoners to be let out daily for a cuppuchino and a chat after watching a good movie.

Not combined with the PATRIOT Act and the Military Commissions Act it ain't.

Don't forget this is an unclassified document and is one long euphemism. Reading between the lines and taken in context of the current political landscape is required.
That's a fair point.
But I think there is a place for something like a Civilian Inmate Labour Program.
First places should perhaps be reserved for anyone found guilty by a jury of their peers for crimes that cause harm to fellow human beings.
123enen said:
That's a fair point.
But I think there is a place for something like a Civilian Inmate Labour Program.
First places should perhaps be reserved for anyone found guilty by a jury of their peers for crimes that cause harm to fellow human beings.

They have that in the US already. It's called Jail.

The red flag here is that it is a program to be run by the US Army :cautious:

Military Detention camps? WTF?