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Pet Peeves Thread

On driving pet peeves:

We were approaching a roundabout when a car of our left (which was supposed to give way to us) as we were about to enter the roundabout, just dashed in. It would have been a forgettable incident if the car did not have one of those Learning to Drive Institutions advertisement on the roof. I should have taken note of the driving school!

Drivers who don't wave when you let them in.
Am with you on this one, I think as a matter of courtesy one should wave, when safe to do so of course.
On over-used catchwords: "seachange" when it has nothing to do with the sea. What's wrong with the simple "change"?
Ever since that very silly TV programme.

of course, the rule is, whoever is in the roundabout has right of way, then, next is the car on the right. As I said earlier, we were about to enter the roundabout when the car on left stepped on the pedal and rushed in, it was a small roundabout and not your double lane roundabout. We were definitely closer to the roundabout than the car on the left. If it was a smooth transition we would not have to step on the brakes ei?
As above from Spaghetti, and also people who use Express check-outs with about 50 items in their trolley instead of 15. Apparently the check-out staff are not allowed to turn them away to an ordinary check-out.


I would lie to go 1 step further and say I hate people that take trolleys through the expess lane full stop,...

Express lane should be for hand baskets only... Even if you have a couple of extra items if it fits in a hand basket hat ok in my book.
On over-used catchwords: "seachange" when it has nothing to do with the sea. What's wrong with the simple "change"?
Ever since that very silly TV programme.

Tree change!!......ggrrhhh...tb

Some drivers are confused on the rules at roundabouts,always must give way to vehicles on the roundabout,where you get problems is drivers misjudging the space they have to merge,same thing happens on merging lanes with inexperienced drivers slowing down instead of accelerating,indicate early enough so that the inside lane can move over to let you in...tb


The roundabout sign

The roundabout sign means Slow Down, prepare to Give Way and if necessary stop to avoid a collision.
So, as you're approaching a roundabout, you must get into the correct lane, indicate if turning, and give way to traffic already on the roundabout.
Enter the roundabout when there is a safe gap in the traffic.
Giving way

Slow down as you approach a roundabout. You must give way to traffic already on the roundabout if there is a risk of collision. Enter the roundabout when there is a safe gap in the traffic.

When approaching a roundabout, if you are turning left or right, you must indicate left or right.
When exiting a roundabout, whether you are turning left, right or even going straight ahead, you must always indicate a left turn just before you exit, unless it is not practical to do so.
Single lane roundabouts

The rules for slowing down, giving way and indicating when approaching and exiting at roundabouts are the same for single lane and multi-lane roundabouts.
Cyclists and roundabouts

At roundabouts with two or more marked lanes or lines of traffic, a cyclist has the option of turning right by entering the roundabout from either left or right lanes. However, if the cyclist chooses to enter from the left lane, the cyclist must take care to give way to any vehicle leaving the roundabout.

Going left
  1. Slow down and prepare to give way as you approach the roundabout.
  2. On approach you must be in the left lane unless otherwise marked on the road, and indicate a left turn.
  3. You must give way to traffic already on the roundabout if there is any risk of a collision.
  4. Enter the roundabout when there is a safe gap in the traffic.
  5. Stay in the left lane.
  6. Keep your left indicator on until you have exited the roundabout.
Going right
  1. Slow down and prepare to give way as you approach the roundabout.
  2. On approach you must be in the right lane unless otherwise marked on the road, and indicate a right turn.
  3. You must give way to traffic already on the roundabout if there is any risk of a collision.
  4. Enter the roundabout when there is a safe gap in the traffic.
  5. Stay in the right lane.
  6. You must indicate a left turn just before your exit unless it is not practical to do so.
Going straight ahead
  1. Slow down and prepare to give way as you approach the roundabout.
  2. On approach you can be in either lane, unless otherwise marked on road.
  3. When going straight ahead you do not need to indicate on approach.
  4. You must give way to traffic already on the roundabout if there is any risk of collision.
  5. Enter the roundabout when there is a safe gap in the traffic.
  6. You must indicate a left turn just before you exit unless it is not practical to do so
What about the right hand lane hogs,the ones who think if they are doing the speed limit they can just carry on holding up the fast lane...tb

The Right Lane Hog

So who is a Right Lane Hog?
This is probably best explained by examples.
  1. You are on a dual lane road with no intention of turning right in the next few hundred meters. You are in the right hand lane, travelling on or below the speed limit. Hello, Right Lane Hog.
  2. You are on a single lane road with no intention of turning right in the next few hundred meters. There is room for two cars, and you are in the right hand lane, travelling on or below the speed limit.
    BZZZT! Right Lane Hog.
  3. My favourite! You are on a dual lane road with no intention of turning right in the next few hundred meters. The road expands into a third lane. You immediately drift over into the right lane until you see the arrows indicating that this is a right turn only lane, when you panic, apply your bakes, and try to resume your spot in the "old" right lane.
    KAPOW! You are the worst kind of Right Lane Hog!
If you happen to be one of "the worst kind" of Right Lane Hogs, and somebody appears to be impeding the return to your Right Lane Home (after you realise you should not be in the right turn lane), its possibly me, or one of the other drivers you have pissed off in the last few kilometers. I know you will not learn your lesson though. You will do the same thing tomorrow, and I will be waiting for it.
Learner Drivers
While you can't blame the learner drivers directly, it is frustrating to see learners being taught to sit in the right hand lane. It is the responsibility of the driving instructor, whether they be a parent/guardian or hired, to instruct young drivers on road ettiquette, not just road rules. Drivers build habits. If a learner builds a habit of driving in the right lane, they will carry that habit throughout their driving career. In the last 10 years I have seen an increase in Right Lane Hogs, and I believe driving instructors are a major cause of this.
I can remember seeing learners using the left lane a couple of times lately, and both times have been with parents instructing. I can't say I have seen a hired driving instructor lately in the Sydney area instructing their student to keep left
I would lie to go 1 step further and say I hate people that take trolleys through the expess lane full stop,...

Express lane should be for hand baskets only... Even if you have a couple of extra items if it fits in a hand basket hat ok in my book.

Tyson, I don't think the size of the items should be a qualifier. It's the time taken to scan each item that is the issue.
I wouldn't mind having at least one express checkout which is cash only, rather than have to wait for the credit card routine to happen.

Isn't a trolley OK if, e.g. you are buying a dozen bottles of soda water?
Then you would need a trolley to carry them but the scanning time would be just one item x 12.
I would lie to go 1 step further and say I hate people that take trolleys through the expess lane full stop,...

Express lane should be for hand baskets only... Even if you have a couple of extra items if it fits in a hand basket hat ok in my book.

I think that little old gents/ladies should be allowed to wheel their trolleys through. They cant carry baskets. Nor can people with a disability.

Woolies I notice have made sure trolleys cant go through their express by making the lanes too narrow.

What about the right hand lane hogs,the ones who think if they are doing the speed limit they can just carry on holding up the fast lane...tb

Ok, that is certainly the law, but as long as they are doing the speed limit, in what way are they disadvantaging you?
PP1: People who think school zones are in force on the weekend!!!!!

PP2: West Coast Eagles supporters whinging like little bitches hahaha, actually, that's more of an AP :
PP1: People who think school zones are in force on the weekend!!!!!
They are in South Australia, 24/7! Even on public holidays!

PP1. People who dont realise that road rules are different throughout Australia!
PP2: West Coast Eagles supporters whinging like little bitches hahaha, actually, that's more of an AP :
And then there's the sell outs that jumped ship from the Eagles when the Dockers came along. They give me the right ****s.
Ok, that is certainly the law, but as long as they are doing the speed limit, in what way are they disadvantaging you?

Exactly what i said,hogs who think that if they do the speed limit they can not move over,i think its 3 points & $ is a big traffic hazard,prospector...

The disadvantage is the traffic flow that is held up in the fast lane,it is an offence to hog the lane,what you have then is people attempting to then undertake on the inside which causes many prangs...

When you overtake if you are not overtaking say for another 200m,get over to let the fast lane bring the faster through traffic.

When you have drivers getting out of the way asap the traffic flows as it should,the faster overtaking traffic keeps the lane moving as it should,see as a heavy vehicle driver i have to plan to use the fast lane well in advance as opposed to a car driver,so i can see far uphead how it can affect the you drive???...tb


Disobey keep left unless overtaking sign$2383 Australian Road Rules
Rule 130 (1)(b)&(2)

Drive in right lane on road with speed-limit over 80 km/h$2383 Australian Road Rules
Rule 130 (1)(a)&(2)

Drive on dividing strip$1852 Australian Road Rules
Rule 137 (1)

Drive on/over continuous line near painted island$1852 Australian Road Rules
Rule 138 (1)

Drive wrong way on one-way service road$2383 Australian Road Rules
Rule 136
Not drive on far left side of road$1852 Australian Road Rules
Rule 129 (1)

Not keep left of centre on two-way road$2383 Australian Road Rules
Rule 132 (1)

Not keep left of dividing line$2383 Australian Road Rules
Rule 132 (2)

Not keep left of median strip$2383 Australian Road Rules
Rule 135 (1)

Not keep left of oncoming vehicle$2383 Australian Road Rules
Rule 131

Go here...
See the explanation re:"im doing the speed limit i can stay in the fast lane"

many accidents happen as a result of this attitude,just keep this in mind if you only have 6 points on your licence,you could lose your licence for this offence on a public holiday...for 3 months...tb

Hear! Hear!

They are in South Australia, 24/7! Even on public holidays!

PP1. People who dont realise that road rules are different throughout Australia!

My apologies, I was only referring to WA. The signs have "On School Days" written on them haha.
And then there's the sell outs that jumped ship from the Eagles when the Dockers came along. They give me the right ****s.

I've always been a Freo boy. Was a member of the Eagles until Freo came in. My Mum's family was South Freo, and my Dad's family was East Freo, so, I think I'm allowed to be a Freo member :
I got done in the very early days of the 'Keep Left Unless Overtaking' laws. 2 points and $100, back in 97. I was going down Canning Hwy in Perth, taking directions from my drunk mates in the back seat.. you know... "Turn left up here somewhere".... "Man I'm so drunk, I don't know where I am" hahaha

FTR, it is also an offense to travel slower than 20km/h of the speed limit on major roads, except in heavy traffic, in any lane!
They are in South Australia, 24/7! Even on public holidays!

PP1. People who dont realise that road rules are different throughout Australia!

I run to S.A. on weekends & weekdays,i love going there & wish i could see more,truro is a creepy place & i always wonder how many girls are still there when i drive through ???,as for the school zones they are 25kmh over there but only when children are present(so if its sunday & a child is present its 25kmh),i have to know alot of these rules in all the states i visit so i dont get caught out especially the variable speed cameras they put in school zones...tb

S.A. drivers are very friendly & always do the right thing by me anyway,give you plenty of room & ive never had any dramas when ive been to adelaide,i come down main north road into the transport areas of athol park,regency park,cavan,wingfield..yep good drivers down there...tb
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