Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Pet Peeves Thread

Howard's Battlers?
Yeah, we live in the era of the 4 second sound bite. (it used to be eight, but we can't concentrate that long now) They need a short catchy term that will occupy 3 of those seconds, so they don't have time to say anything else of import. :p:
My biggest PP with catch phrases is with that chest nut, "going forward".

Seems to have been the legacy from that loser Chris Connolly. Even the yanks are saying it now!

How about:
Comportmentally oriented;
Beyond the present;
In futurity;
Our outlook;

Or perhaps the most apt replacement of this catchphrase at the present moment is:

With the same ****, just with a different bucket...

Haven't read through the whole thread so not sure if these have already been said. One of mine is the oldies here on the Gold Coast. One of them today was turning left and just slowly cruised on in front of me. Had to brake. Then a short time later, they decide to turn left. So, instead of moving off to the left, they come to a grinding halt stopping all the traffic behind them, then with apparent great effort, the vehicle slowly goes to the left. All this in peak school traffic - and it happens regularly.

The other annoying thing here on the Gold Coast roads is the median strips that are attractively built around the areas where one can turn right at lights, etc. All very pretty, but so frustrating when you can't get into that lane due to a long line of traffic going straight ahead plus the large lump of concrete blocking you. Then the green arrow comes and you have no choice but to sit there and watch it and wait another full round of lights. No help at all in keeping the traffic flowing and let alone adding to driver frustration. I have seen 4WDs mount it and go anyway, but not possible in my car.
We only remember what we choose to remember :D
So, how does that remark advance your argument?
You have still to tell us the phrase used by the Libs to the same nauseating extent we are currently enduring "Australian Working Families" from the current government.

And yes, thanks Prawn. The term "Howard's Battlers" was indeed a phrase coined by the media.

So, Sprinter, we await your clarification to aid our apparently ailing memories.
"Who do you trust..."

"Union domination.."

"Working families..."

"Record growth..."

"We are the best friend working Australians have ever had..." hehe

I didn't say that your memeories were ailing, I was just saying that we only remember what we choose to. Just like we refuse to acknowledge faults in people whom we place on pedestals.
My biggest PP with catch phrases is with that chest nut, "going forward".

Seems to have been the legacy from that loser Chris Connolly. Even the yanks are saying it now!

Everywhere... like people have found a new favourite, fashionable toy.

I refuse to use the term.
use of derisive words like...

"mum's and dad's"

being used to describe everyone else who doesn't have the self proclaimed superior intellect of the writer and a share in his/her opinions.
This drives me mad.

.......gate,all scandals get the watergate moniker:banghead:

Nipplegate...wardrobe malfuction...gggrrr....tb:D
Another driving one... when people pull out onto a road and cause you to have to brake sharply... what the hell? Another major pet peeve of mine is idiots who don't lock up their aggressive dogs... countless times my golden retriever and I have had to beat a hasty retreat... that is really disrespectful :mad:
Another driving one... when people pull out onto a road and cause you to have to brake sharply... what the hell? Another major pet peeve of mine is idiots who don't lock up their aggressive dogs... countless times my golden retriever and I have had to beat a hasty retreat... that is really disrespectful :mad:

You mean back out into traffic when they could have reversed in then leave forward?that gives me the 5hitzers...tb
Quote If electricity comes from electrons , does that mean morality comes from morons???

Considering most religions think they have a monopoly on morality, I reckon this statement is true, as all religious folk who believe in a fantasy with absolutely no credible evidence to support their argument are morons!!!
Considering most religions think they have a monopoly on morality, I reckon this statement is true, as all religious folk who believe in a fantasy with absolutely no credible evidence to support their argument are morons!!!
Like a person in Central America believing in the Abrahamic God?

Another funny one to consider is why do religious folk pray to an unknown but almighty & powerful god to save one's life from a terrible terminal disease like cancer but don't ever bother to pray for someone to grow back a limb from a car accident etc, which on the face of it would seem a much easier task for the almighty especially as other animal species can do this on their own. IMO this is yet another good example of the moron behaviour
And, why do religious folk praise the Lord when a couple of people survive a disaster, and heaps die?
Religion:A crutch for weak minded people(imo)

Thats why its called faith...:banghead: anyway bit of a contentious subject that

can get out of hand,sometimes...tb
Another driving one... when people pull out onto a road and cause you to have to brake sharply... what the hell? Another major pet peeve of mine is idiots who don't lock up their aggressive dogs... countless times my golden retriever and I have had to beat a hasty retreat... that is really disrespectful :mad:

lol, Did you read my pet peeve. We often pull out onto the road causing drivers to brake sharply. Maybe you live in my neighbourhood.:p: