Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Pet Peeves Thread

I got done in the very early days of the 'Keep Left Unless Overtaking' laws. 2 points and $100, back in 97. I was going down Canning Hwy in Perth, taking directions from my drunk mates in the back seat.. you know... "Turn left up here somewhere".... "Man I'm so drunk, I don't know where I am" hahaha

FTR, it is also an offense to travel slower than 20km/h of the speed limit on major roads, except in heavy traffic, in any lane!

Yep you will get knocked off if you think you are clever,mate it is very annoying in a truck to be climbing over the rear end of vehicles as some knob sits in the fast lane..:banghead: as i said i plan well ahead to change into the fast lane & being in a truck i am well aware ive got cars behind me looking to get past,so i try to use it as quick as i can(car drivers please dont try to rush up the inside,just wait a sec...) so i expect others to move over when anyone comes up behind...

I am back onto sydney-melbourne as of tomorrow for a month solid so its a very easy run for me,all dual carriageway except for the coolac part that is now being duplicated,into tarcutta then 30 kms south before the tumbarumba turn off(roadworks in progress for duplication),into & out of holbrook & up to table top(albury),thats all the oneway which by next year should be all 2 lanes to melbourne...

Here is a curly one,from moore park to somerton about 860 kms,where istheonly set of lights???...tb
1. I'm currently peeved by the CommSec website.

The watchlists now take forever to open. And what is the point of a row of click options if the Back button doesn't bring you back to this watchlist?
CommSec - it was better before you started tinkering with it.

2. And I don't like the people who blow smoke in my face as I walk the city streets.
TV and radio presenters who say:

"Join (insert name) and I again tomorrow when we bring you another fantastic show."
TV and radio presenters who say:

"Join (insert name) and I again tomorrow when we bring you another fantastic show."

That's right, me and my friend agree, they never deliver a fantastic show...Grr!! ...Grr!!
TV and radio presenters who say:

"Join (insert name) and I again tomorrow when we bring you another fantastic show."
I was always taught that this was correct Julia. But that was in America, perhaps it's a Yankee bastardization?
I was always taught that this was correct Julia. But that was in America, perhaps it's a Yankee bastardization?
I don't think so. I know a number of Americans with cause to care (they're writers) who would all tell you that's incorrect.

I is used in the subject position and me in the object position. More simply, remove the other person and see if it sounds correct with just the me or I alone:

Join I again tomorrow...
Join me again tomorrow...

Same basic rule for he/him and she/her.

I don't think so. I know a number of Americans with cause to care (they're writers) who would all tell you that's incorrect.

I is used in the subject position and me in the object position. More simply, remove the other person and see if it sounds correct with just the me or I alone:

Join I again tomorrow...
Join me again tomorrow...

Same basic rule for he/him and she/her.


That makes total sense GP. But I distinctly remember being told off for saying:

Join me and xyz tomorrow.

I also distinctly remember thinking to myself "that sounds really dumb" ( the xyz and I thing).

xyz is now firmly rooted in my noggin, and now I find out is DOES sound dumb.

*** But what about dalek's example?
That's right, me and my friend agree, they never deliver a fantastic show.
You wouldn't say " That's right, me agree, they never deliver a fantastic show. Would it be proper to say "my friend and I" in that case?

I wish I'd paid attention in my English classes.:eek:
Wayne, GP is right. I can't remember the grammatical rules now, but you don't use "me" as you have suggested at the beginning of a sentence, e.g. "Me and Tom are going out".
Think of it similarly to what an accountant once told me about a tax return:
"if it looks right, it probably is". With grammar, think "if it sounds wrong, it probably is".

As GP has suggested, the easiest way to check if you are right is to simply say the sentence removing the other person. viz "join I tomorrow" is obviously wrong.

With the example "me and Tom are going out" again remove "and Tom" and obviously you are not going to say "me are/am going out", but "I am going out".
If you and Tom are both going out, then it should be "Tom and I are going out", again decided by removing "and Tom" from the sentence.

Someone will be able to elaborate on the actual rule of grammar which describes this.

Is that any clearer? I suspect I may have muddled you further.
Is that any clearer? I suspect I may have muddled you further.

No that makes perfect sense. I probably wasn't listening properly (90% probability :D).

**More grammatical revision for me.
Charley Pride - me & Bobby Mcgee

PS warning - don't pick this to sing at the pub's Kareoke night ;)
those bludy " ladada de dadada , ladada de , etc" go on for hours ;)

"good enough for bobby mcgee and me " :confused:
Charley Pride - me & Bobby Mcgee

PS warning - don't pick this to sing at the pub's Kareoke night ;)
those bludy " ladada de dadada , ladada de , etc" go on for hours ;)

Only Janis Joplin should be permitted to sing this ( a bit hard now I guess)... or Kristofferson himself.

One of the great songs.
Only Janis Joplin should be permitted to sing this ( a bit hard now I guess)... or Kristofferson himself.

One of the great songs.
here ya go wayne ;)


good enuf fer mee - nnnnnnnnnnnn mar bobeeeeer mcgee

good enuf fer myanmar(?) bobeeeeer mcgee
Only Janis Joplin should be permitted to sing this ( a bit hard now I guess)... or Kristofferson himself.

One of the great songs.

The dad took me to see him at the concert hall when I was about 10. I remember Kris singing this. He is actually of genius level intelligence. Great experience. As was Mr. Cash the 2 times I saw him and Waylon Jennings, Emmylou Harris. Good times. :)
Someone will be able to elaborate on the actual rule of grammar which describes this
I already did, briefly. "I" is a subject, "me" is an object (or part of one when more than one person).

With transitive verbs you have an actor (the subject) and a thing acted on (the object).

Tom [subject] kicked the cat [object].
He [subject] hates me [object].
I [subject] hate him [object] too.
Bob and I (plural subject) love seeing her [object].
She [subject] gave the present to Jack and me [plural object].

Note though that if you turn these into passive statements, the subject and object change:

I [subject] am hated by him [object].
Jack and I [plural subject] were given the present by her [object].

In imperative statements, where it's written like a command to do something, the subject is an implied "you":

[you] Leave him [object] alone!
[you] Join her [object] tomorrow.
[you] Join Tom and me [plural object] later tonight.

Some transitive verbs have both direct and indirect objects:

He [subject] gave me [indirect object] the ball [direct object].
They [subject] offered us [indirect object] her [direct object] in exchange.

Subject: I, you, he, she, we, they
Object (direct or indirect): me, you, him, her, us, them

The dad took me to see him at the concert hall when I was about 10. I remember Kris singing this. He is actually of genius level intelligence. Great experience. As was Mr. Cash the 2 times I saw him and Waylon Jennings, Emmylou Harris. Good times. :)

Emmylou should be canonized. :)'s johnny cash m8

two of my pet peeves
drugs, and
the music kids like ;) ("fu*k you I won't do what you tell me" etc Rage Against the bullsh1t etc)

Johnny Cash: What Is Truth?
the music kids like ;) ("fu*k you I won't do what you tell me" etc Rage Against the bullsh1t etc)

PS more so, or at least equally, the way you set out on a road trip, and each of the kids has their own set of earphones - listening to some "personalised noise" that barely rates as music - at some noise level so they can't hear you ask them anything - sure to kill their hearing - and offended if you interrupt them to ask them what they did for the last 6 months , or if they can spy anything starting with "iPod".....

.."hey mate - I can download 12,5000 hours of Rage Against the Machine!! and stuff - enough to travel around Australia 8 times and not listen to the same song twice!!". :eek:

(I can understand why you wouldn't want to hear some of those songs twice thas for sure.

Bit like mobile phones - I remember seeing a table of 4 men sitting having dinner at a table in a hotel somewhere - all with mobile phones - my companion posed the question - I wonder if they're talking to each other?

PS Missy Higgins etc ? - different story
reggae, etc? - maybe - (caught a taxi the other day - bloke had bongo drums in the car - played em at red lights - was great ;))
american rap, and/or all-t1ts-and-bums?. ... what's on the next channel ~!
(the kids reckon I have a high 2CH factor) ;)