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PEN - Peninsula Energy


I think its plain as day for everyone who has been around for more than 5 minutes, that you have formed a very negative view on PEN and are simply trying to provide charts that are tailored to support that theory.

I'll give you an example of when you were on the other side of the fence - when you were a big holder of CVI - top 10 or top 20? You posted chart after chart which again, merely supported that already formed view, with a bit of "FA" thrown in for good measure "the next Oxiana" etc etc. I think with hindsight you will admit that those charts and predictions were all wrong in the end.

Why you have picked PEN to vent on I have no idea, but if its that hopeless excuse for a company (CVI) that has made you so bitter then I sympathise.


If my understanding on the information you have provided is correct, you are suggesting a sell signal is imminent.
My simple strategy of selling on a break of the daily OBV had provided an exit signal in the double digits.

Allow another observation on my part.(I dont draw lines on charts, I simply lay a ruler on the computer screen to watch trendlines)
Bring up the 5 year Share Price chart on PEN:
Line A-Touch highs of June 08 and July 11
Line B-Touch highs of June 08, Oct 09 and July11
Line C-Touch lows of March 09 and July 10
All run parallel.
Line A is a result of run on SP of Uranium. To get back to this line, I believe requires U to run or near term production/profit. Also if you look at 5 yr DAILY OBV trending upwards, has a surge about once a year which could provide a surge on Share Price to Line A with positive market sentiment.
Between lines B & C appear to be a trading range. Line C tells me the SP would not fall below mid 4 cents in the near future.
Hence I believe the current environment is an excellent time to be buying PEN

You obviously missed the deleted tête-à-tête...

Charts have been spot on so don't complain.

There's nothing worse than an ex smoker - know what I mean?
Hence I believe the current environment is an excellent time to be buying PEN

So Fukushima didn't happen, Japan/Germany etc aren't dumping nuclear power, the DFS was released on time and uranium/PEN are trending higher?

Reality bites...
So Fukushima didn't happen, Japan/Germany etc aren't dumping nuclear power, the DFS was released on time and uranium/PEN are trending higher?

Reality bites...

1/ Shares go up, shares go down. PEN was downtrending before Fukushima, remove the following weeks price action and you would not be aware of the anomaly due to the disaster in the charts.

2/ Japan/Germany closing reactors ..... Arabs, Chinese, Indians etc etc building many more

3/ DFS- PEN announcements have (to my knowledge) always been outstanding. Why should this be any different. Since it has not been ready for release I would therefore assume it is for good reason/s.

4/ Trending higher....I have no reason to believe an uptrend is in place. I am pointing out my logic for a buying opportunity.

PS Sleep well Chalea, another day in paradise is upon us tomorrow
1/ Shares go up, shares go down. PEN was downtrending before Fukushima, remove the following weeks price action and you would not be aware of the anomaly due to the disaster in the charts.

I wouldn't call a break of support a downtrend...

4/ Trending higher....I have no reason to believe an uptrend is in place. I am pointing out my logic for a buying opportunity.

On 1/8/11 you stated "I have found positive indicators" when the SP was >7c.
Now it's a "buying opportunity" yet the SP is 20% lower.

Dismiss my target all you like, but PEN/uranium's a falling knife....
Chalea, not baiting or anything, but taking into account your technical indicators and your fundamental view on Uranium, PEN and this crisis going on, would you say that 3.5c would be a suitable buying price? Or is there a strong resistance level above that level that looks unlikely to be broken even in spite of this financial bloodbath?

3.5 - 4.0c appears to offer a fairly solid level of support on the yearly chart, (a gap fill @ 4.0c may satisfy the market).
Nothing would stand in it's way if the SP closed below 5c.

Whatever level it does make a meaningful turn will have more to do with the rising price of uranium than anything else.

Everyone's different. One may think 5c is a gift while another may need to see a close above 15.5c before buying...

2 days ago the support at 5c proved to be very strong. I had a buy order at 4.9 which did not come close to getting filled and I am one of many. I very much doubt it will come close to that price again. Looking back at 5c it was a very good bargain which I should of have pursued closer, but I snapped up other opportunities.

You sound very bitter chelsea, instead posting rubbish you should have bought back in and stfu. The more you post the more you sound like a desperate madman IMHO

If you mistake my deadly accurate charting and erudite reality based views of PEN/uranium for rubbish then I would have to seriously question your judgement.

Especially your charting/stock picking judgement...

"5c proved to be very strong" - LOL, the SP hit 4.9c!

Good luck with your 'investment'. Hope you didn't base it on the 80c fantasy valuation posted here a fortnight ago!
PEN Tech's technical update.

How can you possibly state that that the worst is over for PEN? Based on what? Your subjective use of EWT?

It was only a matter of days ago that you and others were calling "double bottom" and that PEN "was likely to range for a very long time" LOL

FYI your 6c support is now resistance...

Chalea, you are walking a very fine line here. Your responses to other peoples posts are beginning to get tiresome and are bordering on rude.

How about toning it down a bit and showing other people some respect even if they have differing views to yourself.

There will be no more warnings for anyone on this thread as it has a history of being a bit of a problem child.

This is not up for debate.

I have deleted the last few posts as it discussed my post and not PEN. Lets all get back on the topic of PEN.
How can you possibly state that that the worst is over for PEN? Based on what? Your subjective use of EWT?

Prob on the massive reversal on Equities in general.

It was only a matter of days ago that you and others were calling "double bottom" and that PEN "was likely to range for a very long time" LOL

And it was a pretty good call. 30% off the dbl bottom lows. More from the oppies. Some people actually trade their calls.

Whats the chart supposed to show? Don't see anything between this and tech's orig chart

Agree sQ.

I have been buying and selling PENOC all month.

They are like a bride's nightie.

I use another website (coldcrims) postings as a weather vane for buying and selling. If they say sell I buy and if they say buy I sell. It's a range trade atm. technically.

I see the fuss on Skyquake 's post

All analysis is valid until it fails
When it does the analyst looks at further analysis to support price action going forward.

That's why good traders have stop losses in place.

All analysis can do is supply an entry and exit setup.
The skill of the trader will determine performance.

Always has alternate analysis possibilities even a fall to 2 c.
Highly unlikely but nothing in trading is impossible.
If you live long enough you'll see many impossible outliers.
I still expect this to range to 8c now as this is strong resistance.
The current low is also likely to be tested.
If anyone is going to trade it then place a stop and a sell at the obvious and there you have it.

Trading isn't that hard.
I'd be happy to take a shot at tech/A trade probability any day.

I diverge:
Just letting you know that when I said 'bitch is always right' I was referring to the market, not any person. I'm actually pretty much in awe!!
I'd really hate for that to have been missunderstood. Also, it's not sexists it's just that I'm male, hetro and have been screwed by here alot! So I know she's a girl.
PEN Always has alternate analysis possibilities even a fall to 2c.

Longer term bearish continuation rectangle support @ 5.9c failed this week and now acts as resistance.

Target = 5.9 - (8.3 - 5.9) = 3.5c

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