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PEN - Peninsula Energy

Get a grip.
Would never have been his intention---your reading much more into a benign post AGAIN.
You appear to be quite an antagonistic opinionated character.

Purely expressing my right of opinion of course.

If not the intention then why do it, and how would you know what the intention was anyway?

Many a ST trader has been doing the same of late elsewhere, finding joy out of any of this I find truly amasing that anyone could do so. Trade the opportunity by all means but leave it as trading only. So many traders now coming out professing to know anything fundamental to justify their negative view is truly a joke.

You speak of "antagonistic opinionated character", that is interesting considering your style of derogatory, if not belittling "I told you so" posting of late.

As I said before I respect your T/A, but I must say that's where it ends.

Miner is what I would regard as one of the best informed and intelligent posters i have ever come across on any forum. Knowing his profession and background and a litle of him personally now, I for one find great value in his opinion and it is far from your derogatory descriptors that belong firmly in your sig IMO.

PEN will be just fine and I look forward to the final judgement day immensely. I truly believe in Karma and it so often occurs.


Another opinion. Like armpits---everyone has a few.

You all must be buying your brains out at this price!!
Particularly as It wasnt EVER expected to get this low!

Back to it girls.

Another opinion. Like armpits---everyone has a few.

You all must be buying your brains out at this price!!
Particularly as It wasnt EVER expected to get this low!

Back to it girls.

No doubt with your genius and foresight you saw this Tsunami coming I suppose? Of course you did, just like other posters have said elsewhere they can predict announcements on charts. Of course they can!!!! LOL

Transparent and as ever tech and I can't describe you any better than your own derogatory words of late "antagonistic opinionated character".

Best you go back to your fortune cookies and tea leaf reading.

PEN will be fine and I welcome you back here on the day. No doubt you will come back forecasting the next once in a thousand year event nostradameus like.

Just another day trader tech. Talk PEN up when you are in and talk it down once out...yawn...
Its nice to see some familar names on Aussie stock forums. ( I came over for a look from HC) will have to keep coming back.
Its nice to see some familar names on Aussie stock forums. ( I came over for a look from HC) will have to keep coming back.

Welcome jasejdv3, more the merrier. Another poster of good information.
Im more then happy where PEN is heading ( and that something illl keep posting) sure there were some scarey moments with the recent events in japan. But either way the world needs lots of electricity generation and that aint going change, we need to reduce Co2 going into the air (nuclear provides both of these options)

So Im quite happy to sit back and enjoy the ride that PEN will offer (its a near term producer, with plenty of upside), with so much news happening in the coming weeks /months I just wish I had more available funds. One only needs to look at URZ.

p.s HS its nice to see that you are posting on Aussie stock forums. Cheers jasejdv3

Please undertake your own research, after all its your money, this post is propably worth what you paid for it!!

We might find that we can call the CEO and pass on his comments on this forum.

PEN is in good hands and although we have some clashes here; in reality is only perspective versus intent that causes this.

We who are invested in PEN for long term gain don't see eye to eye with the chartists who are looking at day by day progressions.
That's fine we just need to appreciate the needs/goals of everyone as there are so many perspectives that each person that buys/holds/sells has different circumstances to others and therefore comments on threads like this will clash at times.
As I said to one of my friends:-

WE are underpinning our futures with an investment that is nearly a given. Our destinations are incongruent to those with other agendas
WE are underpinning our futures with an investment that is nearly a given. Our destinations are incongruent to those with other agendas


I just cant get past an "Investor" that sits buy and watches his "Investment"
lose 60% of its value and fail to capitalize on it! Whilst talking it up in the 10c+ area yet stone quiet at 6c-7c.

You guys puff each other up as astute value investors yet I see some pretty basic investment errors in the short time Ive been on this thread. Rose colored glasses.

Just another opinion.


I've just come over from another site that has dozens of posters like yours here , berating PEN shareholders for their shortcomings (according to you !!!!)

Everyone can do as they please, and will reap the results of their investment actions. I am a medium/long term holder and although I do my own charts I don't trade short term, I came in at a very low price and I should reap the benefits and thats's reward enough for me

I hope you mean well but please perhaps if you refrain from telling us what we should and should not do, and just concentrate on positive input then you will be of most help to all

I've landed and go the PEN
Yeh good point.

If your holding from 3.5 cents and watched it go to 10c then back to 1.5c then up to 16 cents then back to 6c-----who gives a rats its still in profit eh!

12 years ago it was 40c in 12 yrs time it could well be double that.
Or half 6c--or half 3c.

Yeh good point.

Ill tell you all why I rat on about this.

Back 17 yrs ago I was doing the securities institute Tech analysis course 101
I became friends with a Young broker named Mark.
He went to great lengths to tell me why I should buy DVT--Davnet.
He had just bought 100000 at 6.5c $6500 was a sizable investment for this 22 yr old.

He moved a few months later to Sydney and we kept in touch by phone and he kept pointing out the price as it rose to $5---why dont you sell them I said his wage was $35K a year.---No it will make me a million ill sell at $10.07c

It reached $7.54 I think. Mark was still holding at $2.30 ish when I last heard from him and it was still going to make him that million.--- 2 yrs later (From memory) it was de listed-----------
I havent heard from Mark for many many years-----I doubt he is brokering!

The lesson is seldom learnt I find.

Dear HS

thanks for your kind words for me and continous value added postings on PEN.

Your contributions are well accepted by all positive minded investors in ASF.

Every one has or supposed to have his or her own strategy to make money. And PEN also has its own strategy to grow and return to investors. Does not matter what short term fall shows, the fact PEN has been hovering around more than three times the price it issused rights to the existing share holders not long ago.

So if some one is trading to get overnight rich through PEN then it is his or her strategy.

Regarding ill worded personal comments from one of the posters against me than my postings, I have nothing to loose. I am thankful to ASF for having a unique system calling 'ignore' list. I have put those posters in my ignore list so that I do not have to read them.

Let us move on PEN and it is only matter of time. PDN and ERA was also at their infancy stage. I am sure PEN will steer us towards it with a bit patience. My target is 2015 and I have patience for PEN and its business case.
Gday Everyone
I have just joined ASF upon recommendation. I have held PEN since the 08 I think when it was in the 4s and followed it down to 1.5 buying all the down and all the way up. Im very much looking forward to the next 12/24 months as I believe PEN will change the lives of many Investors who have chosen to invest with PEN and hold.
Good luck to you all.
Cheers Bukka
oh dear.

sorry guys but i must let you in on a little secret.

PEN is just another penny dread... there often are many reasons for the low market caps surrounding these companys.

scroll back in this thread and you will see my entrance b4 it got pumped.......... now open ya charts to a 10 year view....... notice anything?

probably not.

gotta love cycles

but "investors" seem to ignore them

Excellent position TRADING stock, Been in and out of this pound pup since the early 2000,s it has been well documented in commsec chat from way back then when it also was still a penny dreadful

My posts can be searched under "geroanyday" via the chat search facility there.

Hot4$ if you reading this .cheers

as you were
gotta love cycles

but "investors" seem to ignore them

Agree entirely nun.

Don't discourage the penny dreadful 'investors' though, without them traders would have nobody to sell to when each cycle ends

Dear Bukka

Welcome to ASF and your first posting

I am sure you will enjoy ASF forum and its postings.

There are always some noise like all sites or graphs. But I am sure you would make it use of the forum by using smoothening techniques on graphs and filters for noise.

Please go forward and best of luck

Agree entirely nun.

Don't discourage the penny dreadful 'investors' though, without them traders would have nobody to sell to when each cycle ends

Thanks Boggo for a very good concise and balanced expression .
Some people are happy to ride out the big drops; what's wrong with that? So long as you have a 10+yr time frame and you know the people at the helm (essential IMO) and really believe in them, you couldn't go too far wrong. If you had a huge position and a long term time frame, the last thing you would want to do is start trading every few weeks/months. You'd get whipsawed. Personally I couldn't do that with a company as small as PEN (too risky). I think that sort of approach is better suited to big caps.

- People and fundamentals drive the long term SP
- Technicals drive the short to medium term SP
- Market depth and drives the immediate movements of the SP

Apples and oranges.
gotta love cycles

but "investors" seem to ignore them
Agree with your post. However, re the phrase above, isn't that the point of being an 'investor', i.e. that they do ignore cycles and take the very long term view?

NB The above comment shouldn't be taken as any sort of opinion about the stock, about which I know nothing.
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