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PEN - Peninsula Energy

I was doing quite good until recent red days for the relatively new beginner. So it is for me win win situation at the moment, losing one gaining other. Perhaps, I guess I learnt only on gaining side not the losing side, this was the big lesson for me on the losing side, psychologically. That why I am happy that I learned the doctrine of LOSE SMALL - SAVE BIG. Well, many trading days ahead of me and I am pretty confident to play with flaming giant fireball to heal my wound in short time:
Opportunity to buy more really.

PEN dropped 30% but did the world's demand for uranium drop by that much?

It's not as if all the other uranium plants in the world are going to close down. They still need the stuff. If demand doesn't change than price should not be too affected long term ether. Growth in nuclear power will probably be affected but not in proprtion to the number of people who bailed out of this today.

The market is a irrational and exaggerates things at times. This is when the rational investors make their money.
Yeah, probably a knee jerk in the short term, but we shouldn't discount some significant effect to juniors like PEN. They need cash investments to keep going and if they don't get it, for whatever reason, they could collapse. More than likely a knee jerk and longer term opportunity though. Unless Thorium is embraced.
Its good to begin with shares when times are tough because it teaches you lots of hard lessons for a smaller fee. If you get allot of false confidence early then you learn those same lessons harder for a much bigger fee later on.
PEN dropped 30% but did the world's demand for uranium drop by that much?
It might.
Chernobyl and Three Mile contributed to swaying public opinion against nuclear plants, which caused to a flattening off of the expansion of nuclear power. However, I think people are being pretty unreasonable on this one - the thing got hit by a tsunami FFS. But the worlds demand for energy cannot yield, so in the long run yes the demand will remain. The question that cannot be answered, of course, is 'when will that long run resume?'. Politics changes everything.

My condolences guys, this was a freak event and it could not have been foreseen.
Hello All

Notwithstanding PEN has dived down and for small players like PEN cash flow and market capitalisation is important for CR, I personally welcome the announcement today.
The ppm of Uranium is just magnificent. How to measure it ? IMO the quality of ore body as published should be more than 5 (five) times the best quality BMN got, three times the best quality Yeelirrie (BHPB) got (not JORC compliant however).
So yes, uranium plants are in danger for a short time due to Japan havoc, but the fundamental strength remains with uranium plants. Cherenbyl (check the spelling) incident was disaster and so was WW and GFC . The world did not stop there however.
I am hopeful and if I got some more available cash, I would have bought more PEN at the low price going now. But please DYOR. I am relying on fundamentals. To be frank I am too lazy and ignorant to interpret or understand charts or candle sticks. please download it from ASX site as I could not upload the announcement in ASF site

Have a better day PEN holders
It might.
Chernobyl and Three Mile contributed to swaying public opinion against nuclear plants...
Maybe so, but there are few "right now" technologies that are close to carbon neutral (ignoring the concrete and steel used). Here's a list of the current Nuclear Power Stations by country:

Probably wise to ignore the "Planned" and "Proposed" columns since these are at least 8 years away, but the "Operating" and "Under Construction" columns are interesting.

While the world's population continues to rise, so too will our power consumption. And in hindsight, building a Nuclear Reactor near a fault-line was always going to have it's risks.

Disclosure: Long term holder.
looks like the biggest ramper of pen has sold his shares on the way up (to you know who you are ) and has left the building
Buy opportunity soon.

The worlds most dense location of Nuclear power generation takes a hit from the 5th largest quake ever followed by a tsnumai of massive proportions and 3 days on we have had 2 relatively small hydrogen explosions and managed to contain radiation (so far).

Sure we may not have seen the worst of it yet but if this is the extent of the damage from what is potentially the worst case scenario then nuclear power isnt going anywhere imo.

Sure the price is suffering at the moment but i cant see how we have seen anything that justifies a sell off of these proportions to U stocks. Capital protection is a must and i understand some selling but those that think the alternatives are now ready to replace nuclear power generation are deluding themselves. I cant see coal fired power popping up all over SE asia, USA and europe either so batten down the hatches people.

Give it a month and the short sighted plus those who protected their capital will be back.

My advice is put your shares in a drawer and walk away for a while or just sell and dont look back or you will be sorry.
looks like the biggest ramper of pen has sold his shares on the way up (to you know who you are ) and has left the building

Could you please be specific to PEN and share your thoughts whom you meant to be biggest ramper ?

If I was you, then I would direct my concern to Administrator and keep this site clean from suspected allegations.
People have so much of misnomer and ill formed opinions about uranium plant. But they do not stop riding or sailing ships even after so Titanic or to board planes even after so many plane accidents.

But normal John and Mary people get panicked on uranium explosion and media encashes our fear.

I know you were not directing to me as I never ramp and do not have enough money to take benefit of any ramping. Share is my part time hobby and not livelihood.

Notwithstanding I would mention if you are referring to one of our learned contributors please show some understanding. There are people who invested their super on PEN and again might have bought PEN at .03 cents while contributing their thoughts in ASF for the well being of others.

I have personally benefitted from PEN postings in ASF and still holding it. I am not expert on uranium (or any thing) but probably have gained some knowledge on uranium plant and PEN projects . So I looking for opportunity to increase my holding in PEN

(my condolences to the victims at Japan - I do mean it).. I got three Japanese colleagues working next to me, got a dear friend (Australian) in Japan who just escaped life from this disaster. So I am not shying away from the tragedy.

Please DYOR and remember even many of us will be incurring a paper loss only (like many of us got paper gain recently) unless we are sold out PEN.

Panic is only normal in share market. Last few days there have been very high unloading with PEN, PDN, BMN . So why blame PEN alone

disclaimer : I am holding PEN and will hold
Technically what we look for in VSA is a very high volume exhaustion and that "appears" to be yesterday.
Then we want a reversal clearly showing sellers have gone.
This is in setup phase on todays bar.
I have a buy order in at the point that this will be confirmed with a stop at the low of the day less a tick.What I like at the moment is the reversal on low volume.(not yet complete OR confirmed so some caution!)

Low risk entry.

Sanity WILL return.
Panic is only normal in the share market.

Panic is absolutely a normal part of the market. Every stock does what it does, and there's no way you can struggle against it.

Is the crowd confident? Good I'll buy.
Was the crowd confident, now undecided? Good I'll hold.
Is the crowd overconfident (masking anxiety)? Good I'll sell.
Is the crowd scared witless? Good I'll sell.
Is the crowd despondent? Good, I'll consider buying once more.

Go with the market.

And remember that any stock that gets huge coverage on HC will have a big meltdown at some point. It happens time and again.
People have so much of misnomer and ill formed opinions about uranium plant. But they do not stop riding or sailing ships even after so Titanic or to board planes even after so many plane accidents.

I dont think planes, trains and ships have the ability to displace a large number of peoples from their lives, homes and health , as does the possibility of nuclear fallout from a reactor.
Opportunity to buy more really.

PEN dropped 30% but did the world's demand for uranium drop by that much?

The market is a irrational and exaggerates things at times. This is when the rational investors make their money.

The relationship between PEN's share price and U demand is probably not linear...

So true... particularly on the HC observation.

As to my 2c on PEN - if I was holding I would have sold regardless of my entry price. I am not a nuclear power technician (i.e. not Homer Simpson) and have no idea if the Japan situation will get better or worse. But I would think that, if we have a full blown emergency then PEN has a long way to fall. If the situation improves it will still be a long time before the U juniors recover... So on a risk/reward basis I would have sold... easier said then done given I don't hold.
Panic is only normal in the share market.

Resigning yourself to "Panic will happen" is less than ideal.

Refusing to be a part of it and putting into place contingency plans to take advantage of it rather than being demolished by it IS ideal
Feeling the pain for all you PEN holders out there, this is GFC Mk2 for Uranium stocks out there. The economic analysis is very murky because its hard to take into account the effect that an event like this will have on world nuclear policy. If there is serious fallout from this latest disaster (looking at bloomberg apparently its likely) then its going to set back the nuclear movement 10 years.

If you are happy to hold for 10 years then stock up at 6c!

Just my (thats where PEN is going)
If you are happy to hold for 10 years then stock up at 6c!

Around 6c seems to be the next level, failing that (which I tend to suspect it may) see the chart !

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Around 6c seems to be the next level, failing that (which I tend to suspect it may) see the chart !

(click to expand)

Excuse my charting ignorance, which is complete... is the suggestion that 3.5 is the next level it could fall to?
This stock is handing out some very important lessons.

I will remember this thread in the years ahead as a stark warning to those who only make plans for Clear 30 degree days.

The Price action clearly is not telling us it has pulled up.
but it WILL.---

Frankly those who didnt sell out on a break below 12c and watched this tank NEED to learn this lesson.

Go back to post #1004 on 7/3/11 and take it all in there were very very obvious signs.
I must say, I'm glad I started out investing with PEN and learning the ups and downs. Better now than later on when capital matters most.
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