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PEN - Peninsula Energy

One sure as hell, fundamental analysis is the driver of a share price not lines on a chart.

So the next time you go to your doctor and he does an ECG and finds that something is not quite right, just tell him to ignore it as you know that you are fundamentally ok.
Ive noticed buyers are increasing to sellers so hopefull we will get some more positive movement as a result! it briefly hit 10.5 cents today!

Massive resistance at 10.5 today. Approx 10 million shares at time of writing.

Although i'm confused as to how you equate buyers moving to sellers as a sign for positive movement? I would have thought it'd be the opposite (i.e. more people selling will drive the price down in the short term?)

I'm sure a lot of the resistance is down to the fact that at 10c, the next tick down is 0.1c and the next tick up is 0.5c making a trade that much more onerous for a buyer than a seller.

My bad engrish!!!
I mean there is gradually becoming more buyers compared to the amount of sellers!! Or buyers numbers are increasing to the amount of sellers.

There has always been about 260 sellers. Yestreday there was 160 buyers, when i wrote the original post there were 170 buyers and now there is 185 buyers. Buyers increasing equals demand equals higher SP???

Haha no harm done! Although i'd venture to say that you should be wary of comparing just the total number of buyers/sellers. The volume of shares is very important too - if 170 wanted to buy 100 million shares has gone to 185 buyers wanting to buy 60 million you have a situation of lessening demand. So just saying to be careful when using those sort of figures in your analysis.
Regardless it was pleasant to see that single 5,000,000 buy step up to take up 10c.

Someone (else) likes PEN
Regardless it was pleasant to see that single 5,000,000 buy step up to take up 10c.

Someone (else) likes PEN

Throwing $500,000 into a single stock... would be interesting to see the size of that fellas portfolio

Unless he doesn't diversify
Regardless it was pleasant to see that single 5,000,000 buy step up to take up 10c.

Someone (else) likes PEN

Was there a single 5M buy ????

Total sales for the day were only 10M odd.

It appears there was a sale of 1.5M+ at 2.41.26 pm and there was also a sale of 500,000 at 3.45 pm.

Can you shed more light on the matter H/S ?
There was a $50,000(approx.) buy at 9.9c at 12.46 pm recorded. Maybe that's what it was.

Value Number
of Trades
176 - 205 4:10:09 pm 10 3,613,284 0.1 $361,328 30
174 - 175 2:39:43 pm 9.9 100,000 0.1 $9,900 2
165 - 173 2:31:28 pm 10 20,623 0.1 $2,062 9
164 2:29:05 pm 9.9 82,489 0.1 $8,166 1
158 - 163 2:28:38 pm 10 7,500 0.1 $750 6
157 2:26:56 pm 9.9 30,000 0.1 $2,970 1
144 - 156 2:04:44 pm 10 23,302 0.1 $2,330 13
143 1:53:56 pm 9.9 10,208 0.1 $1,011 1
111 - 142 1:53:44 pm 10 248,624 0.1 $24,862 32
109 - 110 1:23:26 pm 9.9 177,000 0.1 $17,523 2
95 - 108 1:16:05 pm 10 40,207 0.1 $4,021 14
93 - 94 12:52:02 pm 9.9 98,000 0.1 $9,702 2
91 - 92 12:46:12 pm 10 60,500 0.1 $6,050 2
85 - 90 12:46:00 pm 9.9 500,000 0.1 $49,500 6
77 - 84 12:40:41 pm 10 74,999 0.1 $7,500 8
74 - 76 12:19:26 pm 9.9 130,000 0.1 $12,870 3
45 - 73 11:26:47 am 10 1,733,194 0.5 $173,319 29
42 - 44 10:24:13 am 10.5 185,000 0.5 $19,425 3
1 - 41 10:16:39 am 10 2,990,596 $299,060

What I see at 12.46.01 pm is a sale of 100,000 shares at $0.099 for a total of $9900.

Your reference appears to be 6 sales below-

12:46:01 PM 0.099 100,000 9,900.00
12:40:48 PM 0.099 3,000 297.00
12:40:48 PM 0.099 115,000 11,385.00
12:40:48 PM 0.099 10,000 990.00 XT
12:40:48 PM 0.099 95,000 9,405.00 XT
12:40:48 PM 0.099 177,000 17,523.00 XT

H/S referred to a sale at $0.10
LOL Purd seems so ..."lerching" around all over the place hahaha

The buy I refer to was a single placement of 5M shares that took out 10c and left around 3M on the buy side. What remains is under 2M now and 1st in the buy queu at 10c
Thought you guys would be all over the latest announcement.
You still a sleep?
Litmus test for PEN today.

Its NOT making a Profit.
Lots of "Sales" announcements---LOTS.
Your a cheek bugger tech! Thats why i like ya!! haha


page 4...

"the mineralised potential of the Lance Projects, which is in addition to the JORC-compliant resource, is assessed at between 95 and 145 Mlbs eU3O8."

"In addition" meaning...the potential total resource is the current JORC of 32.95m lbs plus an extra 95-145m lbs?

For some time I have been stating I believed Lance will be over 100M/lbs. The outside current estimated potential is now 180M/lbs and it doesn't include this on page 5...

"Peninsula controls the majority of the surface and minerals rights in the Oshoto Region and is currently acquiring additional areas that are considered prospective for roll front style uranium mineralisation.

Note also the increasing Vanadium credits that will serve to lower the Opex and net returns.

People are slowly waking up...and there we have it, the sp rising on the back of a pure fundamental outcome...and the chart rises accordingly pushed along by the many market forces indicated so rightly by others. The chart did not indicate this rise, nor did it make it rise, in fact our chartists were indicating otherwise (in the short term at least). The fundamental reason was the sole cause of the rise, the effect was an increase in buyers.

Being a simple old bloke, with a clear head now after my morning "bridges", my analysis is also getting easier by the day. I predict further increases in sp in the near future, on the back of further fundamentally sound reported reasons.

  • DFS; to be shorty follwed by:
  • Funding announcement (as stated by PEN); and
  • RFP outcomes

Although not necessarily imminent, I also expect earlier permit exemption to begin construction.

Have a great day!
A few big single buys at 10.5 today....i think!!!

10:33:02 AM 0.105 1,001,516 105,159.18
10:06:55 AM 0.105 1,088,000 114,240.00
10:06:55 AM 0.105 500,000 52,500.00
10:06:54 AM 0.105 767,499 80,587.40

A little early to begin beating ones chest.
Nothing really has happened to PEN.
There is NO CLEAR indication that Supply is being over come.
There is plenty of supply (sellers).
Buyers are being absorbed at 10.5 ish.

The big question which holders "should" be asking is
Will Buying (demand) over come Supply (Selling).
Currently supply is CLEARLY with the upper hand.
SP cant rise above 10.5--11c

If buyers dry up or become disillusioned with reports but no profit
then sellers will seek lower prices to abandon ship. So buyers now
run a real risk of buying at the high.
I still see 8.4c in the not to distant future.

A clear gap through 11.5c which held--- would alter the technical view.
You may see this Hang seng.
But heaven forbid you may not!

I dont think it wise to be in flexible with any form of analysis

Hi Tech

i really like your imput to this thread. Just put a few questions there for you when you have time. Im loving this and learning more everyday. Thanks to everyone.
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