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PEN - Peninsula Energy

Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

An update :

PEN looking particularly bullish at the moment on DAILY chart: I've circled the points of interest (green)

1. Price action - closed above the upwards price trend.
2. RCD - after 4th bounceback on support line maxing out on upper trend - Possible breakthrough today (below the lower line)
3. Continued uptrend of RSI - latest retrace well above gradual trend.
4. Significant Vol. increase.

More of interest is the results on the 1/2 week (i use 3 day) & weekly charts

The strength of the longer term charts (and constant RCD Uptrend) indicates this is showing to be a potential longer term than the short term trade originally thought.

At this stage I would usually 'double up' the holdings.


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Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

Thanks for the charts and analysis eunza, much appreciated
From now on should get very interesting.
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

Would be interested to now whether Eunza doubled up on your call.

Significant volume increase goes no where , they are all just blow off tops.

Churn "n burn it.


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PEN Completes Aquifer Pump Testing

Well Hangseng

It has been long time you came to this forum, but things have started rolling in positive direction for PEN.

Specially Aquifer testing have put company closer to DDW licence.
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

Well Eunza

Really wonderful charting skills you got. Do you mind having to look at new chart for PEN. Keeping the new news in mind, it will be worthwhile
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

I like your Quote "Churn n burn it"

I thought they call themselves Sophisticated Investors, i.e. " P & D" experts.
Re: Broker report and Strata Energy/PEN NRC Presentation

Latest Hartleys report:

May be a little technical for some but this is an outstanding presentation given to the NRC in Wyoming by Strata Energy/PEN. Only one more quarterly update to go and then final permit submission . The file must be accessed direct from the site as it is 17.1Mb. The following was given to me to access it you must follow this path for those who care to.

Personal thanks to 'Yuro', a big shareholder and great researcher of PEN.


2. Begin 'ADAMS Search'

3. Go to 'Public Library'

4. Log in as a 'guest'

5. Go to 'recent released documents'..go to third page

6. go to the last page 'September 2010'

7. Then go to Sept 14th. You will find 250 documents in there, Strata Energy (PEN) is the 221st document.
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

If the brokers see Pen as undervalued why is nobody acting on these reccomendadtions??
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

Who said nobody is acting on them?

As an aside the latest RCR Capital Research report on PEN and the Uranium sector has just been released.


Uranium Sector

I am strongly of the opinion that by the time people do wake up to PEN the horse would have well and truly bolted and a lot of this will be going on
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

Things warming up for PEN in more ways than one, lol! Uranium price on the rise, suppliers keen for when PEN starts producing hopefully in 2012 and recent news from PEN all good - one of the most undervalued stocks going around IMO.

Not much time left for accumulation - go the PEN!
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

No arguments on all the above from the current shareholders Donga

Not a lot of talk on ASF for PEN, but for those that aren't aware of what they are up to ..... it may pay to read the latest Hartley Broker Report.
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

HI Barney,
thanks for the link, reading through the brokers report, and apart from looking interesting and promising in many area, I note that there are 670M options out there at 3c. Haven't determined expiry date yet. Though I'd just bring this up for anyone that didn't see.
I like the idea that they are being very proactive with the nuclear reg. commission to ensure permitting is conducted without hiccups; they seem to be smart and proactive. 2c
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

Howdy Mr J,

PEN has two series of tradeable options :- PENOA, exercisable by June 2012, and PENOC, exercisable by December 2015, both at 3 cents.

Even though the share register is large, there is essentially no difference between a 2 billion share register at 5 cents, and a 200 million share register at 50 cents ie. Same market Cap. Their current MC is about $80 million, so lots of headroom there still.

Management is definitely "proactive" as you say.
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

Good to see a few new faces here.

Things for you to look forward to:

  • NRC Site visit update - imminent as it was completed last week and feedback positive.
  • Final permit submission - in progress and will be submitted anytime between now and Dec
  • Cornerstone investor about to come on board folowing the AGM
  • Funding being sourced by Rockbury's principal Gerard Holden - watch this man closely and have a read about him.
  • Imminent jorc resource upgrade
  • DFS conclusion

And a little chart from today to ponder...

This was before close today so the last candle is actually 5c and green now.


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Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

Lots of good things happening for sure HS. Gerard Holden is obviously a smart cookie, and no surprise to see PEN utilising the services of quality people for their financing.

Re the chart:- Technically it looks like we could benefit from one more retracement/consolidation area to base the next up move off, but considering the way the price action has been forming, it would be no surprise to see this jump sharply on the next announcement or two with no real consolidation at all. Either way, it is looking good.
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

It looks like PEN burnt through $5mil of cash in the last quarter and only have $4mil going forward. Are you guys expecting a cap raising soon or is there something else going on?
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

It looks like PEN burnt through $5mil of cash in the last quarter and only have $4mil going forward. Are you guys expecting a cap raising soon or is there something else going on?

see above posts and

news release, 28th October 2010. This would solve the cash issue ?
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

It looks like PEN burnt through $5mil of cash in the last quarter and only have $4mil going forward. Are you guys expecting a cap raising soon or is there something else going on?

"Cash PositionThe Company’s cash position at the end of the quarter, including commercial bills, bonds and security deposits, was $4.1 million. The combined cash position including the rights issue funds is $8.2 million."

They are also putting up at the AGM this week an issue of 250,000,000 shares to a "cornerstone investor" "at a premium to the share price" for shareholder approval.
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

Hello all,

Pen has about 600,000,000 issued options to be exercised at 3 cents according to the recent announcement on the 2nd of this month They also have about 65,000,000 un-issued options according to the same announcement. So on top of the 1.6 billion shares currently on issue, PEN has about 2.3 billion shares fully diluted at the moment. Is this correct? I have heard people state 3 billion fully diluted? Can anyone please clarify, thanks in advance.
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

Hi Ping,

As at the 28th October, 2895.9 million shares (fully diluted, including ALL options)

Estimated current market cap approx $86 million.

What punters need to remember is the relationship between Market Cap and Share Price. ie. Lets assume ALL options are exercised tomorrow and we have 2895.9 million shares on issue at the current SP of 5.4 cents...... If the Company did a 10:1 share consolidation tomorrow, we would then have 290 million shares at a Share Price of 54 cents per share ..... hardly anything unusual about that ..... Sometimes the high number of shares on issue seems to spook investors, when in reality, its simply a mental barrier which needs to be addressed .... The fundamentals dictate that a high volume producer of Uranium, which PEN will be in the not too distant future, does not operate on a Market Cap of $86 million .... In a year or two those numbers will simply not stack up in my honest opinion
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