Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

PEN - Peninsula Energy

Make that PDN up 8%:eek:

Make that PDN up 8000%

Found this, thought it may be of interest:

Tokyo Electric to Seek Restart of Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Reactors

By Jacob Adelman & Yuji Okada - Jul 2, 2013 5:27 PM

Tokyo Electric Power Co. (9501), operator of the wrecked Fukushima Dai-Ichi atomic station, plans to file an application with Japan’s nuclear regulator to restart its Kashiwazaki-Kariwa plant.

The Tokyo-based utility will apply to restart the number six and number seven reactors at the station about 220 kilometers (137 miles) northeast of Tokyo as soon as possible, it said in a statement.

Tepco, which had a 685.3 billion yen ($6.9 billion) loss last fiscal year, said in May 2012 that it would return to profit this year if it’s allowed to restart reactors at Kashiwazaki-Kariwa. The company will seek to explain its decision to local governments, according to the statement.

All but two of Japan’s 50 functioning reactors are idled for checks after the March 2011 disaster at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear station, which caused the evacuation of 160,000 people. The Nuclear Regulation Authority, set up last year, will accept restart applications from July 8.

Tokyo Electric, known as Tepco, rose 19 percent to its daily limit of 623 yen at the close on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, the most since May 16. The Topix Electric Power & Gas Index rose 3.8 percent, while the Nikkei 225 Stock Average gained 1.8 percent
Thanks Jewels

Uranium shortfall may threaten national nuclear strategies


By Diarmaid Williams
International Digital Editor

A peer reviewed study in the journal Science of the Total Environment has provided what it says is firm evidence of an impending uranium supply gap, a situation that may threaten the prospects for nuclear power generation in countries like the UK and US.

China, India, the US and the UK in particular have made it clear that they are committed to nuclear power as a clean abundant source of energy that can fuel high growth economies, however the study indicates their energy strategies completely overlook potential uranium supply challenges.

Nuclear power plant

The Guardian reports that the new scientific study of worldwide uranium production warns of an imminent supply gap that will result in spiralling fuel costs in the next decades.

The study, based on an analysis of global deposit depletion profiles from past and present uranium mining, forecasts a global uranium mining peak of approximately 58 kilotonnes (kton) by 2015, declining gradually to 54 ktons by 2025, after which production would drop more steeply to at most 41 ktons around 2030.

"This amount will not be sufficient to fuel the existing and planned nuclear power plants during the next 10–20 years. In fact, we find that it will be difficult to avoid supply shortages even under a slow 1 per cent/ year worldwide nuclear energy phase-out scenario up to 2025. We thus suggest that a worldwide nuclear energy phase-out is in order."

If the study is correct it represents a setback for the UK’s prospects for developing its nuclear power sector. In its most optimistic scenario the British government forecasts that nuclear power is expected to provide 86 per cent of the UK's electricity at 75GW of capacity by 2050.

Study author Dr. Michael Dittmar, a nuclear physicist at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, described the nuclear component of the UK's energy strategy to keep the national electric grid going even during the next 10 years as "effectively non-existent."


Historic data from many countries demonstrate that on average no more than 50–70% of the uranium in a deposit could be mined. An analysis of more recent data from Canada and Australia leads to a mining model with an average deposit extraction lifetime of 10 ± 2 years. This simple model provides an accurate description of the extractable amount of uranium for the recent mining operations.

Using this model for all larger existing and planned uranium mines up to 2030, a global uranium mining peak of at most 58 ± 4 ktons around the year 2015 is obtained. Thereafter we predict that uranium mine production will decline to at most 54 ± 5 ktons by 2025 and, with the decline steepening, to at most 41 ± 5 ktons around 2030. This amount will not be sufficient to fuel the existing and planned nuclear power plants during the next 10–20 years. In fact, we find that it will be difficult to avoid supply shortages even under a slow 1%/year worldwide nuclear energy phase-out scenario up to 2025. We thus suggest that a worldwide nuclear energy phase-out is in order.

If such a slow global phase-out is not voluntarily effected, the end of the present cheap uranium supply situation will be unavoidable. The result will be that some countries will simply be unable to afford sufficient uranium fuel at that point, which implies involuntary and perhaps chaotic nuclear phase-outs in those countries involving brownouts, blackouts, and worse.
Be interesting to see where this heads. Remember the spot price accounts for less than 15% of the total sales, most is at the LT contract price. Regardless I concede the current trend is down, but for how long.

The latest spot sales only accounted for around 450,000 lbs with sellers reluctant to sell below the LT contract price of +$55lb (see graph below) being the majority of uranium sales.

Demand won't remain low for long. Japan is also undergoing a re-start of two reactors and 10 have been requested for re-start.

also this...
Nuclear Reactor Startups Expected for 2013 through 2017
2013 India, NPCIL Kudankulam 2 PWR 950
2013 Korea, KHNP Shin Wolsong 2 PWR 1000
2013 Korea, KHNP Shin-Kori 3 PWR 1350
2013 Russia Leningrad II-1 PWR 1070
2013 Argentina, CNEA Atucha 2 PHWR 692
2013 China, CNNC Sanmen 1 PWR 1250
2013 China, CGNPC Ningde 2 PWR 1080
2013 China, CGNPC Yangjiang 1 PWR 1080
2013 China, CGNPC Taishan 1 PWR 1700
2013 China, CNNC Fangjiashan 1 PWR 1080
2013 China, CNNC Fuqing 1 PWR 1080
2013 China, CGNPC Hongyanhe 2 PWR 1080
2013 India, Bhavini Kalpakkam FBR 470

2014 Finland, TVO Olkilouto 3 PWR 1600
2014 Russia Vilyuchinsk PWR x 2 70
2014 Russia, Rosener Novovoronezh II-1 PWR 1070
2014 Slovakia, SE Mochovce 3 PWR 440
2014 Slovakia, SE Mochovce 4 PWR 440
2014 Taiwan Power Lungmen 1 ABWR 1300
2014 China, CNNC Sanmen 2 PWR 1250
2014 China, CPI Haiyang 1 PWR 1250
2014 China, CGNPC Ningde 3 PWR 1080
2014 China, CGNPC Hongyanhe 3 PWR 1080
2014 China, CGNPC Hongyanhe 4 PWR 1080
2014 China, CGNPC Yangjiang 2 PWR 1080
2014 China, CGNPC Taishan 2 PWR 1700
2014 China, CNNC Fangjiashan 2 PWR 1080
2014 China, CNNC Fuqing 2 PWR 1080
2014 China, CNNC Changjiang 1 PWR 650
2014 Korea, KHNP Shin-Kori 4 PWR 1350
2014 Japan, Chugoku Shimane 3 ABWR 1375
2014 Japan, EPDC/J Power Ohma 1 ABWR 1350
2014 Russia Beloyarsk 4 FNR 750

2015 USA, TVA Watts Bar 2 PWR 1180
2015 Russia, Rosenergoatom Rostov 3 PWR 1070
2015 Taiwan Power Lungmen 2 ABWR 1300
2015 China, CGNPC Yangjiang 3 PWR 1080
2015 China, CPI Haiyang 2 PWR 1250
2015 China, CGNPC Ningde 4 PWR 1080
2015 China, CGNPC Fangchenggang 1 PWR 1080
2015 China, CNNC Changjiang 2 PWR 650
2015 China, CNNC Fuqing 3 PWR 1080
2015 China, China Huaneng Shidaowan HTR 200
2015 India, NPCIL Kakrapar 3 PHWR 640

2016 France, EdF Flamanville 3 PWR 1600
2016 Russia, Rosenergoatom Novovoronezh II-2 PWR 1070
2016 Russia, Rosenergoatom Leningrad II-2 PWR 1200
2016 Ukraine, Energoatom Khmelnitsky 3 PWR 1000
2016 India, NPCIL Kakrapar 4 PHWR 640
2016 India, NPCIL Rajasthan 7 PHWR 640
2016 China, CGNPC Yangjiang 4 PWR 1080
2016 China, CGNPC Hongyanhe 5 PWR 1080
2015 China, CNNC Hongshiding 1 PWR 1080
2016 China, several others PWR
2016 Pakistan, PAEC Chashma 3 PWR 300
2016 USA, Southern Vogtle 3 PWR 1200

2017 Russia, Rosenergoatom Baltic 1 PWR 1200
2017 Russia, Rosenergoatom Rostov 4 PWR 1200
2017 Russia, Rosenergoatom Leningrad II-3 PWR 1200
2017 Ukraine, Energoatom Khmelnitsky 4 PWR 1000
2017 Korea, KHNP Shin-Ulchin 1 PWR 1350
2017 India, NPCIL Rajasthan 8 PHWR 640
2017 Romania, SNN Cernavoda 3 PHWR 655
2017? Japan, JAPC Tsuruga 3 APWR 1538
2017 Pakistan, PAEC Chashma 4 PWR 300
2017 USA, Southern Vogtle 4 PWR 1200
2017 USA, SCEG Summer 2 PWR 1200
2017 China, several
2018 Korea, KHNP Shin-Ulchin 2 PWR 1350

Will PEN go below the stated 2c mark before (what I and many others believe) the inevitable occurs?

Long term contract and Short term spot prices courtesy of Cameco.


  • U Price LT and Spot.png
    U Price LT and Spot.png
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Link to the above information from WNN regarding the 10 Japanese reactors requesting restart.

July 9 (Bloomberg) -- Japan’s Niigata prefectural govt,
which hosts Tepco’s Kashiwazaki Kariwa nuclear power plant,
rejected the utility’s request to meet again to discuss
application to restart Nos. 6, 7 reactors at the plant, Kyodo
reports, citing unidentified official at the local govt.
• NOTE: Tepco President Naomi Hirose visited Niigata July 5 to gain support for a restart application from Governor Hirohiko Izumida, who has opposed the plant’s resumption:

Not much reaction in the Canadian uranium plays atm though
July 9 (Bloomberg) -- Japan’s Niigata prefectural govt,
which hosts Tepco’s Kashiwazaki Kariwa nuclear power plant,
rejected the utility’s request to meet again to discuss
application to restart Nos. 6, 7 reactors at the plant, Kyodo
reports, citing unidentified official at the local govt.
• NOTE: Tepco President Naomi Hirose visited Niigata July 5 to gain support for a restart application from Governor Hirohiko Izumida, who has opposed the plant’s resumption:

Not much reaction in the Canadian uranium plays atm though

Also noting Tepco is not one of the 10 in the article.

"Ten Japanese units go for restart
08 July 2013
Four Japanese utilities have applied to the country's nuclear regulators for permission to restart ten of the country's 48 non-operating nuclear reactors. Tepco is not one of them."
Thanks hs , I'm accumulating PENOC with some lazy money from a dead Auntie. Are all the HC heroes still alive?


You tell me GG, you et al seem to look there more than I do ;). I was banished from there permanently over a year ago and believe the PEN thread is still shutdown. Probably all changed nics and posting here or elsewhere for all I know.

Good luck with your accumulation and hope you make a motza. I am waiting in the wings for what I believe will be an opportunity I truly never believed would occur again, noting I did state I believed PEN would go down and it has done. PENOC has also caught my eye atm but no rush.

The grand finale is pending and I think the market may just give the required push if all reports flushing the market like a tsunami of toilet paper news and talking heads. I placed a buy at 1.9 on PEN that I pulled a few months ago but will be happy getting anything between that and the 5 year low when/if the time comes.

For now happy to be sitting on the sidelines market wise waiting for what may be coming. Better to be out than in at times eh...
You tell me GG, you et al seem to look there more than I do ;). I was banished from there permanently over a year ago and believe the PEN thread is still shutdown. Probably all changed nics and posting here or elsewhere for all I know.

Good luck with your accumulation and hope you make a motza. I am waiting in the wings for what I believe will be an opportunity I truly never believed would occur again, noting I did state I believed PEN would go down and it has done. PENOC has also caught my eye atm but no rush.

The grand finale is pending and I think the market may just give the required push if all reports flushing the market like a tsunami of toilet paper news and talking heads. I placed a buy at 1.9 on PEN that I pulled a few months ago but will be happy getting anything between that and the 5 year low when/if the time comes.

For now happy to be sitting on the sidelines market wise waiting for what may be coming. Better to be out than in at times eh...

You were holding several million at last count at an average you reported of around 3.2c

Still got those?

The extras at 1.9c averaging down?
You were holding several million at last count at an average you reported of around 3.2c

Still got those?

The extras at 1.9c averaging down?

And Tech/a are all Auntie Anzhelika's roubles in PENOC destined for the grave as she was?

Demand won't remain low for long. Japan is also undergoing a re-start of two reactors and 10 have been requested for re-start.

Spot uranium prices about $39.50/lb with 'downward' bias..."The overall demand situation may not improve anytime soon," noting it is unlikely "that Japanese reactors will see a surge in restarts in the near future."

Now 39.25

"We're working through the post-Fukushima period and it will take awhile for supplies to work ways through the market," another market source said in an interview Tuesday. "If anything, [it is] more likely prices will ease a bit rather than rise a bit in next few weeks, to a month," he said.

whoa, looks like the sky is falling chicken little - what happens after the "next few weeks to a month"?
Funny, I don't read the article as inferring that course of action for the U price Dengo, I guess we'll have to wait a few weeks to a month to see.