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PEN - Peninsula Energy

Hi flashman1207, HQ are very busy!
Some milestones for you.
Final safety evaluation report---Feb 28th, 2013.
Draft supplemental environmental impact statement---March 29th, 2013.
Final SEIS---Due to be issued on November 4th, 2013.

Hi Yuro,

I note that you are very specific with your date for the Draft SEIS, more so than the NRC Review Schedule for Ross which leaves it open as 03/2013 - is there a link between the Final SER and the Draft SEIS with regards to timing?

Many thanks,



Hi Col, there isnt any link that I know of. I have had the 29th March noted for some time (after the NRC updated there review schedule).
This morning I watched a NRC Commisioner stand and state that Strata will receive the final SER shortly and the final SEIS this calender year.
Flashman, I don't know if any construction has taken place, I doubt it.

Thanks Yuro
...once 3.5c gets hit the gap will be closed and we should be away - will the chartists who profess to know all be right? We may well know by the end of today.

We're away all right!
Haven't seen any charts anywhere stating 3.5c would be the end of this slide.
Anyway, today's gap will be the target of the next pump - after it hits the continuation flag's target in the low 2s


"A Japanese nuclear power company has taken the rare step of selling some of its uranium, apparently to help repay loans amid its faltering business conditions... is likely the company returned it to the likely meant selling the uranium for less than the import price"
so is anyone shortselling this?

The short selling of PEN has been discussed before and I doubt anybody here is short selling and certainly not to an extent of affecting the price.

It has been suggested before that significant short selling by UBS is occurring, but there is no evidence of this. There may have been some of playing with it as UBS buys and sells depending on the market for the day, but that is about all. Over the last 12 days for which the data is available, UBS was active only twice, as a buyer on one day and seller the other.

Today's higher turnover was likely just the market's bad day.

Let's face it, why would anybody want to short sell this piddly little company, particularly when the average turnover in the last 10 days has been only about $75,000. Far more leverage and certainty of success in other companies.

Based on the lower turnover over the recent period, it appears the drop in price is simply a lack of interest - I can relate to that.

Country Lad

Hi Yuro,

Thanks for your response. One more question if I may, where were you when the above happened? It looks as though they are committing to the scheduled timelines as they now stand. You probably can't say but was there any indication of bettering the schedule?
Sorry, that was two questions.



Col, the SER and SEIS comments were actually made by Bill Von Till chief of the Uranium Recovery Licensing Branch, my mistake.
Every couple of years the NRC holds a briefing on uranium recovery, the last one yesterday was web cast live and is available below if you have a few hours spare.

Well worth listening to as it covers every aspect of the complexities involved in the ISR industry in the USA and Wyoming in particular. All interested parties are represented including the NRDC, Indians etc. Also gives a good rundown on supply and the known resource in America and worldwide.

thanks Yuro,

i'll try to find the time (and a comfy chair) over the weekend.

much appreciated,


Flip:cowboy:...March is drawing near.....Concerned about my "Dip In feb" prediction based on my chart from late last year.

Decided to take a close up analysis to define a probable expectation of a due dip....Sweet as fellas...Karlos has done it again....Check this out

Approx 9 month spans are slightly larger, exact mid red dash lines (approx little over 4 and half month divisions) show final Share Price low occurs after mid point, as is also RSI. Still on track fellas.....Appears from this "Up Close Chart" thou that SP low point shall be revised to hit a dip low in early March
those charts would give you a target of what - something like 1.5c during the year?

My expectation is for the Share Price to touch the lowest ascendng trendline which appears to be around 2 cents come June/July, possibly August.
I am now 42nd out of 49 in the stock competition holding PEN.

It looks as if it is dropping like a rock from my entry at .39c at the beginning of February, a total loss of 17.95%.

just keep picking it GG, it's bound to go up eventually (but it may take until the end of the year) and then you will win the comp.
I am now 42nd out of 49 in the stock competition holding PEN.

It looks as if it is dropping like a rock from my entry at .39c at the beginning of February, a total loss of 17.95%.


But GG

The opportunity to buy up BIG has never been better.
infact the whizz predicts 1.5c!!!
Wow never been better to Dollar Cost Average.
is today's announcement described as "board enhancing" the employment of another "friend" for a fat salary, when there's far from any need for more employees? it doesn't say he has any uranium specific background - more just that he's another WA mining boy - and maybe an old friend of gus.

meanwhile malcolm james goes from being a director to a consultant (1000/day isn't unreasonable for this kind of service) where he can show up a few days a week now and get the same income...

cmon guys - how about produce growth the the share price!

or will they just continue to dilute share holdings and palm out fat salaries until the next uranium bull run makes mining feasible (at $40/lb it currently is hardly profitable)
I am now 42nd out of 49 in the stock competition holding PEN.

It looks as if it is dropping like a rock from my entry at .39c at the beginning of February, a total loss of 17.95%.

even with relaxed margin, my system told me to sell yesterdayah well may win next time
So Pen gets added to the all ords index and nothing happens, not even 1 trade today??

I remember last time this happened there was talk about how funds would be forced to buy pen that track the all ords and there was much fan fare?? Today nothing??

i'd rather have no trades and be even for the day - most of my watchlist is RED
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