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PEN - Peninsula Energy

Ok so announcement out and prices drops on Low volume.

Now disscussions on Pen thread banned so is there something bad in there? Or is Pen working with insto's so they can have a little shake out as mum and dad investors will be worried?

Stupidiest thing they ever did was shut down the HC forum. Now there isnt anyone to help digest the info??
Tread carefully...

This is possible the worst and most offensive post I have ever seen.

The moderators carry out their job once someone crosses the line. It is absolutely inappropriate for a long term bull to be issuing warnings to people who wish to share their own personal opinion.

Truly offensive!
How are those Karoo updates due out before xmas coming along??

Who knows, I asked Gus directly and specifically at the AGM and he said straight faced "before Christmas". BTW (IMO) I'm not buying any delay due to lab testing - most have no backlogs, are crying out for samples, and have been since Sept.

I should have got him to put a carton on it - at least I would have had something to show.... :alcohol:
Well the January Comp is over, and I have finished 24th out of a field of 42.

And I am even steven. Entered at 0.039 and end at 0.039.

I have picked PEN again for February.

I must give Cynthia, Errol or Stan or whatever their names are, a call at headquarters, probably not tomorrow.

PEN is an unfolding story, for it's investors let us hope it has a happy ending.

Again may I ask could someone post the share price of PEN versus the Uranium price. I do not have the wit to do it.


You are easily offended it seems.

The post was genuine and not a "warning" as you put it. Take it or leave it I really don't give a damn. It is unfortunate I know what happened, even more unfortunate it did.

I would not like to see the same happen here and people lose the opportunity "to share their own personal opinion."

It wasn't PEN that shut the thread down as is being banded around aimlessly. HC were simply protecting themselves as they have every right to do. There is far more to it but I will leave it at that.

As for me being a long term bull, times have changed and I with them. I am very much a short term bear in fact and have been for a while now. My decision vindicated with the BOT continuing the sell down.

Fundamentally PEN doing fine but can't fight sentiment, nor the BOT continuing to play with PEN.

I care not for your small minded opinion, that ignores the fact I was doing just as you espouse others have the right to do. Or is it just for those you approve of to have an opinion here?
This thread is about PEN. It is not about those who post in the thread, other forums, or any other topic unrelated to PEN.

Posts in this thread should contain information and/or analysis related to PEN, and nothing else.

Specifically, what I do not want to see in this thread is:

(1) Personal attacks or insults of any kind.
(2) The referencing of other posters, unless it is for the sole purpose of responding to the content of their post(s).
(3) The baiting of holders/bulls by bears who make light of a declining share price.
(4) The baiting of bears by holders/bulls who mock their analysis, rather than respond to it in a constructive way.
(5) Off topic posts that have no bearing on PEN. This includes remarks about goings on at other forums or the ASF stock tipping competition.

Feel free to criticise the analysis of others, or correct information you believe to be incorrect or misleading, just don't make it personal. This also applies to those having their analysis or information in their post(s) criticised. Do not make it personal. Just offer a defence, if you have one.

If this thread fails to improve in the near future I may close it temporarily or order specific individuals not to post in it.

I am tired of the drama, sniping and personal attacks this thread generates and I'm not prepared to tolerate it any longer. So, for the sake of this thread, please only post dispassionate analysis and information sharing.

All views are welcome and entitled to be presented, as long as they are constructive and are not deliberately misleading or contain factual errors. And please be sure to back up all forward looking statements and price forecasts was reasoned analysis.

Thank you all for your co-operation.
"Surprise to the upside"
"Measured move target = 2.3c"

Good to see agreement on the T(e)A leaves.

For many Ih ope you are right gg. However happy to sit this out in waiting for what I believe will be the BOT's last hoorah before moving up toward the EOY and SML issue.

But then the much awaited NRC hearing. Should bring plenty of guessing by all once again.
Here's my take on order to keep things relevant. At some point if you have been holding from one of those big spikes, you've got to decide when you're going to throw in the towel. Always have an exit plan...

There are some options on the chart..WEEKLY.

Insults will be promptly deleted guys...keep it real.



  • pen.png
    27.8 KB · Views: 32
That is a very interesting chart.

I would be bullish on that, it has been trading sideways for some time now. A revisit of the low 0.03's would be a concern though.

PEN may surprise, to the upside.


Thanks CanOz, our analysis is basically similar.

PEN is, to steal a diving ( aquatic olympics ) expression, presently poised on a double reverse bear trap, with spikes, reverse tucks and triple twists, which it may just pull off with a move up.

If it heads for the low 0.03's my analysis will be incorrect.


This is my biggest fear with PEN at the moment. It has been played up and down like a yo-yo game artificially pumped up and down for some time now. Those responsible (The BOTS) whoever they are are now playing a very dangerous and damaging game. We have a bull market surge appearing in world market equities BUT if they continue to suppress this stock then it may well be damaged goods and unappealing for any equity investors no matter how wonderful their announcements may be for years to come. They want to continue to play with fire here, then they may burn this stock for good.

I fear if they want to push this stock down to the low 3's or 2's they will do irrepairable damage to PEN in this current market.
I fear if they want to push this stock down to the low 3's or 2's they will do irrepairable damage to PEN in this current market.

No need to feel distressed from Bots or viewing individuals perspectives on likely bearish movements in the Share Price in the coming months mickqld. Im still firm on a low come June/July this year. I have provided a long term chart to give yourself a perspective of repetition in PEN.

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