Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum


Give it a break White.

Is the wordl in such a great shape that any and every effort to improve it has to be labelled a "crusade"

That was an excellent essay by Bindi. Certainly opens up a conversation on how overpopulation is one of the big issues that is challenging our environment.:2twocents
Give it a break White.

Is the wordl in such a great shape that any and every effort to improve it has to be labelled a "crusade"

That was an excellent essay by Bindi. Certainly opens up a conversation on how overpopulation is one of the big issues that is challenging our environment.:2twocents


I'm not a doomsayer by any means, and i believe the human race is capable of overcoming almost any challenge. Overpopulation is however, a grave concern for humanity. There is allot of suffering due to this issue.

There probably are solutions, but we're not looking. In fact, world government and economic policy continues to encourage more children.

The hockey stick graph we really should be worried about.

Population growth.png

WOuld have liked to have been long on that trade... ;)

I honestly do not thin that anything will be done about overpopulation as it is those of us in a comfortable position trying to tell others who are less fortunate how to behave. They need children not only on a genetic basis, but also due to societal pressure as well as providing for them as they grow old as their government health/retirment packages wont.

Unless you can get a unified World government nothing will ever be done, or anything that is will be pointless :2twocents
Give it a break White.

Is the wordl in such a great shape that any and every effort to improve it has to be labelled a "crusade"

That was an excellent essay by Bindi. Certainly opens up a conversation on how overpopulation is one of the big issues that is challenging our environment.:2twocents

no finding issues that you dont understand and precede to proclaim as the greatest threat to humanity or whatever is a crusade...

go re-read Malthus and refer to whats happened in history, look at the western worlds birth rates, look at the major areas of population growth in the next 50 years projected, Kuznets curves..

then come back and report findings

also under this assumption of overpopulation, people arent subject to market prices, economic scarcity does not exist (which is funny), technology is in stasis..
I'm expecting mother nature to come up with a solution.

Dengue fever has gone from nothing to practically all over the world in 50 years. nasty virus too. 4 strains and building up immunity to 1 makes u far more susceptible to the others.

We're well over due to a good influenza pandemic. I shudder to think how the world will cope with JIT manufacturing and the massive inter dependency we have on each other. Countries wanting to shut their borders, yet they need to trade to keep a modern functional society.

I would say it will be access to fresh water that limits human populations the most. We'r hitting the limits already.
The graph shows that the human population has grown from 1.5 to 9.5 billion in 150 years. That might be OK for ants.

surely you just extrapolate that out and assume we will all be giving birth on top of ourselves...

China's population will be under 1billion in the next 50-100 years.. exponential growth isnt a certainty
80,000,000 population growth each year. 80 million!


Correct me if I'm wrong, but does this not spell disaster?
80 million is nearly 4 times Australia's total population.

Four new Australias every year added to the planet!!

China :mad:
Does that mean 4 Julia Gillards. That would be hell.

You might be interested in this TED talk which suggests that world population will stabilise at around 10 Billion. What is interesting is the changes in birth rates in muslim populations. Not what we often think.

Yeah I think that is what UN projections are saying. Also most of the increase will come from the African continent.

As stupid as it sounds, we will more likely have issues due to lack of population growth than due to overpopulation.

Most developed countries have and even few developing countries e.g China have passed their economic dividend levels i.e their working population as a proportion of total population has peaked.