DDT might be on the cusp after this announcent today???
The Directors of DataDot Technology Limited (ASX: DDT) announce a significant milestone
in new product development.
It was previously announced in the company’s IPO prospectus that DDT and the CSIRO had
entered into a Research Agreement for the joint development of new generation identifiers.
It is now announced that a provisional patent application has been lodged for a new
generation identifier of products and materials. The identifier, DataTraceDNA, is not an
extension of the current DataDotDNA laser-etching technology but an entirely different
technology based on adding unique luminescent microparticles to products and materials.
DataTraceDNA will be used in process and logistics control, inventory control, quality control,
pollution control and for establishing the authenticity of products and materials.
The Chief Executive Officer of DDT, Mr Ian Allen, said that the revenue potential for
DataTraceDNA is substantial. “Just in the area of detecting counterfeit products, which is
only one of the uses of DataTraceDNA, we know from the OECD Report The Economic
Impact of Counterfeiting and the Report of the Union des Fabricants Counterfeiting and
Organised Crime, that industrial and commercial counterfeiting costs billions of dollars,
represents 5% to 7% of world trade and is growing at 10% to 15% annually. We believe that
DataDot Technology and the CSIRO have jointly developed a product that can make
significant inroads into those numbers because DataTraceDNA will detect counterfeit products
simply and affordably. The benefits are substantial: corporations will benefit from protection
of their brands and products; consumers will benefit from added protection against shoddy
and harmful brand substitutes; and governments will benefit from reduced tax evasion. The
only ones who won’t benefit are criminals and counterfeiters!”
Under the terms of the DDT-CSIRO Agreement, DDT has a perpetual, world-wide, exclusive
licence to exploit this new DataTraceDNA technology across commercial applications.
Over recent months DDT and the CSIRO have conducted rigorous laboratory and field tests
of the new technology in a wide range of applications, including cement, concrete,
explosives, timber, plastics, paint and adhesives. DDT has also identified commercial
applications that have attracted the interest of major international companies.
DDT now intends to move rapidly to realise the commercial potential of the new technology.
Directors will make further specific announcements as details become available.
About DataDot Technology Limited (DDT)
DDT is a leading asset identification company, with expanding global operations. DDT has
invented, patented and commercialised an asset identification technology which provides
greater asset security, proves authenticity of product, assists in proving ownership, and acts as
a deterrent to thieves.
The DataDotDNA technology has gained acceptance around the world and is currently sold in
Australia, UK/Europe, USA, Canada, South Africa, Indonesia, Taiwan, Thailand, Hong
Kong, China, New Zealand, Russia and Poland. DataDotDNA customers include a number of
major vehicle suppliers in various regions including Nissan, BMW, Subaru, Ford
Performance Vehicles, Porsche, Holden Special Vehicles, Isuzu, Avis, Techmashimport,
Mitsubishi and VW."
I DO NOT HOLD ...... yet...... have to check Piggy Bank first...;O)