That depends how you look at it. It is possible that they lose scale (and therefore margins contract) and their reputation is battered (although I admit, I am not sure how, but it is is possible). Ralph Lauren sales were almost half of their revenue, weren't they? That's a fair chunk of cash flow down the drain, if that cash flow (and the capital it was coming from) was helping the expansion then they better replace it pretty quickly! That's what I mean by losing meat. Maybe I should have said it loses some of its edge. You make a good point, but all of a sudden they have gone from a position with degrees of certainty to one of without! Let us hope they have good contingency plans for their sakes.They lose 1/3 of NPAT, but they gain some meat on their balance sheet as they free up the capital that was supporting the licence previously. Their announcement tried to cast a slight positive spin on the event, that this freed-up capital can be used to grow their own brand more aggressively.
Things won't look too good for tomorrow, however.
Interesting side show: Roger the Dodger also held this very recently. Interesting to see what is said this time... third strike from his list of ten companies you would have no problem holding if the market closed for five years.
edit: I think the market will trade this one close to $4 at some stage tomorrow. I think EPS was $0.62, so it comes down to roughly $0.40 if there was no growth. Not entirely unrealistic if it trades at a P/E closer to 10 instead of 12.5 is it?