Couple of questions I've been wondering about and lost money on. haha
Market opening in 2 min for this stock. The buy order was placed in the 2 min prior to opening and yet the sell order for 0.32 was filled by another buy order. Presumably due to some queue? How does this work? I was in this situation today being the last to place a buy at 0.37 and my order was filled at 0.35 in completely missing the 0.33. Help this newb.
Market closed on this order which was not completed. Does it correct itself within x time to reflect 0.36 as the last price or does it need a transaction to change the price no matter what? I would have thought it needs a transaction but just a few min ago EVE corrected itself after close. Hmm, off to the ASX site for me...
Under what circumstances does the market change price, if any, without a transaction occuring?
I will be researching this on the ASX site but sometimes a friendly explanation is better than technical jargon.