Should be able to save as to your desktop, providing it's just all formulas that doesn't rely on live variables off of the infochoice site...which it might, in which case you'd need to be online.
No, that won't do - let me do some further futzing with it, one moment!
You know, it might just be easier to host the Favorite file (web page) on your desktop, & pretend it's software ! Just right click the link in your Favorites, copy...and paste on desktop
As from what I can see - they do need online access
The idea of them being online is so we look at all the ads, but I for one, never look at them anyway, and definetly don't click on the 100 things flashin.
Thanks for lookin into it Nyden.
Hope someone will make use of the online ones, as the calculations are astonishing when you think of the interest payable..