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Bandicoot: who is Andrew Marshall?
You say you agree with his remarks.
Could you outline how you consider "power structures can be discredited", and "distributed to the people".
It all sounds like a blurb for the Socialists.
I'd just be interested in an outline of how "the people" are going to successfully run the country in the absence of any 'power structures'.
hi julia,
andrew marshall is an independant journalist, other than that i dont know anything about him other than i found his article that i quoted from very apt!
i find it hard to understand how you came to the conclusion his words equated to "a blurb for the socialists", from my reading of his article i concluded that he was focussing on the corrupting influence of certain powerful lobby groups, backed by both corporate parasites & manipulating NGO's such as the foundations (being the power structures) on grassroots organisations.
from my perspective (as a jeffersonist libertarian) i see his position as opposing over-regulation and domination of the population that is being engineered by institutional power structures, be it big government or crony-capitalism (the current phony-capitalist system that is manipulated and dominated by parasite 'elite' corporations at the expense of developing & small business that represent TRUE capitalism)
as an example of crony capitalism i give you JD rockefeller, a man who created the standard oil empire not by honest and productive practices but by undermining, manipulating and ultimately destroying & taking over any competition he had by whatever devious, corrupt and unethical behaviour that it took. that is not true capitalism, it is authoritarian elitism at its worst and goes hand in hand with fascism.
'competition is a sin' -JD Rockefeller
...this was the basis for the bastardisation of true capitalism that has brought us to the current corrupt financial system
i'll leave you with a relevant jefferson quote:
“The end of democracy and the defeat of the American Revolution will occur when government falls into the hands of lending institutions and moneyed incorporations.”
― Thomas Jefferson