So why does he educate.
My opinion is --- from knowing the guy----
(1) How much golf can you play (And he's not getting better!---or younger--latest excuse!).
(2) How much fishing can you do without a commercial licence!
(3) Like a lot of Successful traders Nick loves the challenge of not only the markets but the challenge of Business. He wants others to be successful as he knows what success can do to peoples life and life styles. He is an expert in his field so I cant see where it DOESN'T make sense to make that your line of Business. It fills in the void that successful trading leaves. It gives BOTH Nick and Trish a common interest and challenge with satisfaction of being successful in teaching your clients something they will have for life ---while answering your own challenge of business success. (Business --another profession which holds that 90% Fail tag).
I hear it loud and clear but my chosen field is Civil Construction and my Challenge is Trading!
I'd be shocked if less than 85% of his income came from selling trading related services as opposed to actual trading.