To answer an earlier question to Bobby and Aussiest, I just compromised on entry, and started shorting the market. IG must be really angry with me. 4 glitches in a row (they froze and I had to restart the platform each time)!! I am managing 5 accounts all up, of which 2 are mine, and the 3 that are not mine were smooth. Mine was a pain!! Here is one for the glitches and faults page on IG of this forum!!That IB account will be opened next week!
I have entered about 20% of what I am planning to in around 3765+. Next is as I said at 3780, then 3850 then 3900. Obviously if this all starts falling I will be adding as it breaks the current channel (3640 or lower).
I jumped in to early & now out , 3767 as I type , Dow is up & chopping some ,
Will see if it keeps going before before another entry later .
Ivan you may be to early like I was