Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Mutiny at HotCopper

You can not win at Hot Whoppers, we took off on a holiday and had house sitters in for three months, the house sitter lodged on to Hot Whoppers, next day I and the house sitters was banned for multi nicking, we both explained to HC when we got back what happened, but no luck we are both banned, B4 getting banned I was giving T4P (MILK4 profit)/ Nev a hard time.
You can not win at Hot Whoppers, we took off on a holiday and had house sitters in for three months, the house sitter lodged on to Hot Whoppers, next day I and the house sitters was banned for multi nicking, we both explained to HC when we got back what happened, but no luck we are both banned, B4 getting banned I was giving T4P (MILK4 profit)/ Nev a hard time.

A not uncommon experience.

I was active on the LNC thread.

Then I was banned for questioning a quite untruthful post.

It's full of nutters imo.

Hot Copper always seems to me, to be a group of people, trying frantically to justify their stock choices.

That's definitely true, and as soon as you put forward a neutral, objective point of view everyone hates you and tells you how insane, hateful and insidious you are. Most of the locals there only accept ramping and unbridled optimism. There are of course also a few decent people posting a bit of decent information, but you have to sift through a lot of ramping and nonsense.
I have always hated HC's layout, and it was enough to keep me away for a long time, but they have a lot of discussion and eventually I gave in and got used to their system. Why they would take a terrible layout and replace it with something far worse is beyond me. Why such a hideous system is so popular is also puzzling.
The new format was working well last night. I actually much prefer it - it's more like ASF and at least now has an Edit function.

That's definitely true, and as soon as you put forward a neutral, objective point of view everyone hates you and tells you how insane, hateful and insidious you are. Most of the locals there only accept ramping and unbridled optimism. There are of course also a few decent people posting a bit of decent information, but you have to sift through a lot of ramping and nonsense.
Perhaps it depends in which threads you're posting? I haven't found that in eg Super and similar discussions.
And we all think we are offering a 'neutral, objective point of view', don't we?
Doesn't always seem that way to others, I guess.
The new format was working well last night. I actually much prefer it - it's more like ASF and at least now has an Edit function.
I think once they are over the teething problems (which I haven't experienced personally and I check it every day) - I think this will be a massive leap forward for their site. I thought the old format was awful - it reminded me of trawling discussion boards in the 90s.

Judging by the volume of complaints on their actual forum - my opinion (which you somewhat share) seems to be in the minority. But, it only takes a few hundred people in a userbase of many thousands, for people to start thinking that everyone hates it I guess. Lots of noise about nothing, it will calm down within two weeks.

I'm not sure how people can't find things - it's not like they removed the search bar. :D
That's definitely true, and as soon as you put forward a neutral, objective point of view everyone hates you and tells you how insane, hateful and insidious you are. Most of the locals there only accept ramping and unbridled optimism. There are of course also a few decent people posting a bit of decent information, but you have to sift through a lot of ramping and nonsense.
Never had this problem personally - I've seen it happen a bit, but it's not unlike my experience with most forums on a wide variety of topics. I don't really post or read about mining or resource or any kind of speccy stock, so perhaps that may be why I miss most of the excitement.

The mods over there are pretty good by and large. I've seen a lot of nuissance trolls and rampers get shown the door.
...But we need to have less sad sacks worrying about dying, their hearts, and wearing lycra on their sad daily bike trips, on ASF.

Let's have some robust discussion on ASF on the stocks that matter, BHP.RIO, NAB,WBC,LEI,IVC, instead of the granny stocks on HC.
Mate that's disappointing. Your second statement, agreed, it's a sine qua non of ASF.

But the first, why take a gratuitous swipe at one of the most valued posters on ASF? Go onto the Heart Health thread and say that:
i have always preferred ASF.

HC has made a "jumping the shark" change, though I suspect they had to.

Encourage your friends to follow stocks on ASF.

But we need to have less sad sacks worrying about dying , their hearts, and wearing lycra on their sad daily bike trips, on ASF.

Let's have some robust discussion on ASF on the stocks that matter, BHP.RIO, NAB,WBC,LEI,IVC, instead of the granny stocks on HC.


I usually enjoy reading your posts when I come across them, whether they be stock related or not.

However, it is not for you to proclaim what stocks are important on ASF and what stocks aren't.

If the above listed ones are important to you then so be it, but don't marginalise other stocks or those members that apply the effort to post on them just because they serve you no purpose.

Last time I checked ASF catered to all, grannies included.
He already has and I chewed him there Ill chew him here as well.
It was deleted in about 3 mins.

GG's sole purpose on ASF appears to be forum Buffoon.
Cheers Tech. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy GG's contributions, but I think this one needed to be pulled up.
Perhaps it depends in which threads you're posting? I haven't found that in eg Super and similar discussions.
And we all think we are offering a 'neutral, objective point of view', don't we?
Doesn't always seem that way to others, I guess.

Absolutely. I'm sure if you're discussing super it's a totally different thing. If you're discussing specific companies it's extremely biased. Anything which isn't glowingly positive is attacked as ridiculous and claimed as having sinister motives. Sure, we're all biased and I'm not immune to that, but I'm not just talking about my own posts. If I look at the discussions about a company I am not invested in and have no bias, it's just as obvious. You can't say anything negative without being hated, and the most popular person is the most bullish.
Well there you have it folks - HC has moved back to their old format!

Seem to have lost a whole lot of posts in the meantime :cautious: but still looks like they've paid and then chucked it away (for now)...
Well there you have it folks - HC has moved back to their old format!

Seem to have lost a whole lot of posts in the meantime :cautious: but still looks like they've paid and then chucked it away (for now)...
How pathetic. The new format was heaps better. Management should have stuck to their guns.
How pathetic. The new format was heaps better. Management should have stuck to their guns.

It would seem there are some major fixes to be done - one biggie was that many posters couldn't log into the new site - seems there were incompatibilities with some browsers.
How pathetic. The new format was heaps better. Management should have stuck to their guns.

I'm sure it wasn't a case of them changing their minds. They didn't put all that time and money into making the new format just to throw it away. It was obviously too buggy so they've just put the old one back in temporary use while fixing the bugs. I hope when it's fully tweaked it's a lot better than in the first run. Either way, you'll have your new one back soon, I'm sure.
OK, thanks for explaining that. I thought they'd just caved in to the whiners.
Absolutely. I'm sure if you're discussing super it's a totally different thing. If you're discussing specific companies it's extremely biased. Anything which isn't glowingly positive is attacked as ridiculous and claimed as having sinister motives. Sure, we're all biased and I'm not immune to that, but I'm not just talking about my own posts. If I look at the discussions about a company I am not invested in and have no bias, it's just as obvious. You can't say anything negative without being hated, and the most popular person is the most bullish.

+1 million.

I used to post my thoughts, and would be called "wrong" just because I didn't hold any stock.

Go figure :confused: