Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Mutiny at HotCopper

most probably but i learnt my lesson stay away from them
they were very obnoxious with me
most probably but i learnt my lesson stay away from them
they were very obnoxious with me

Des, I have been permanently banned from HC, but am able to observe the posts via a dead relatives computer, which is appropriate as many of the posters on HC are brain dead.

The level of intelligence and training of moderators is poor, and I have seen people suspended or banned for less than your posts.

If it is any consolation the posts by in large are unintelligible, too fundamentally driven and posted by sad darlings with small or no holdings in desperate stocks such as PEN.

Hi all, i just had a pretty bad experience with hot copper
Became a member it lasted for 24hrs then they suspended me for only one post.
View attachment 47293

When i asked the reason why they only would comment it was there right
Cant see myself going back there again
they are a very unfriendly friendly bunch:(
I have no interest in defending HC but that post seemed like a ramp of QPN to me.
I have no interest in defending HC but that post seemed like a ramp of QPN to me.

Sorry Julia i have no intention of ramping any company i was asked to give my honest view on how the drilling industry works in Indonesia
and i only gave my view on the area as i have travel through it on my way to geothermal jobs and was shocked to find how much drilling was being done in the general area.

GG thanks for your comments i have done some research and have found that my name was to similar with someone else living in Indonesia (I even sent them my passport Photo but that was not good enough)
So i will stick to ASF in future
I dont like being discriminated for an honest post
At least we have Joe Blow and other Moderators with ethics to keep things in line
I have no interest in defending HC but that post seemed like a ramp of QPN to me.

Julia how could you have possibly come to a conclusion like that?

Although I haven't yet met Des personally, I am acutely aware of his business here in Indonesia. I "met" Des here via a pm he sent me as he saw I to was in Indonesia. Since we opened communications I have found him to be amongst the few refreshingly honest people I have come across. I have also found him to be extremely knowlegeable in regard the mining and oil and gas industry.

HC displayed how paranoid and small mindedly arrogant both the moderators and admin have become. Do what they did to Des was not only foolhardy and a disservice to forum posters, it was downright rude. It turns out they think Des is me, purely because of the nic he selected and that he is in Indonesia. I had no idea Des had signed up and was told of both his signing up and suspension by the person that encouraged him to join hc. This person s also an expat here but in Yogyakarta, Des in Bogor and me in Jakarta.

I thank ASF for getting to now have such an outstanding networking contact and as it turns out not living as far away as first thought and will have another mate here to share a few bintangs with. ASF and ASF members should thank there lucky stars people like Des are here and so willing to freely share information, as should have the short sighted fools on hc.

I was permanently suspended for most ridiculous reason. As it turns out the reason they suspended me was posting facts against a serial liar but was let loose courtesy of mods, one in particular. This very same person now under scrutiny by PEN's lawyers along with 3 other posters who are all now suspended for defamatory postings. The mod is close behind them.

As I said to admin on hc, you reap what you sow.

Happy to be away from the BS on hc, but there are SOME very astute people on there and I will still read their information. Thankfully I have a very good network of contacts from both there and here now and forums pay less of a role, however I remain here as I still like to share and also read others information.

I have been requested by many to simply get a new device and ISP then sign up again...simply not going to happen.
Julia how could you have possibly come to a conclusion like that?

Although I haven't yet met Des personally, I am acutely aware of his business here in Indonesia. I "met" Des here via a pm he sent me as he saw I to was in Indonesia. Since we opened communications I have found him to be amongst the few refreshingly honest people I have come across. I have also found him to be extremely knowlegeable in regard the mining and oil and gas industry.

HC displayed how paranoid and small mindedly arrogant both the moderators and admin have become. Do what they did to Des was not only foolhardy and a disservice to forum posters, it was downright rude. It turns out they think Des is me, purely because of the nic he selected and that he is in Indonesia. I had no idea Des had signed up and was told of both his signing up and suspension by the person that encouraged him to join hc. This person s also an expat here but in Yogyakarta, Des in Bogor and me in Jakarta.

I thank ASF for getting to now have such an outstanding networking contact and as it turns out not living as far away as first thought and will have another mate here to share a few bintangs with. ASF and ASF members should thank there lucky stars people like Des are here and so willing to freely share information, as should have the short sighted fools on hc.

I was permanently suspended for most ridiculous reason. As it turns out the reason they suspended me was posting facts against a serial liar but was let loose courtesy of mods, one in particular. This very same person now under scrutiny by PEN's lawyers along with 3 other posters who are all now suspended for defamatory postings. The mod is close behind them.

As I said to admin on hc, you reap what you sow.

Happy to be away from the BS on hc, but there are SOME very astute people on there and I will still read their information. Thankfully I have a very good network of contacts from both there and here now and forums pay less of a role, however I remain here as I still like to share and also read others information.

I have been requested by many to simply get a new device and ISP then sign up again...simply not going to happen.

Hangseng, I haven't been looking at HC for a while, I thought you were one of their "stars".

What happened?

Hangseng, I haven't been looking at HC for a while, I thought you were one of their "stars".

What happened?


Well there you go you learnt something gg, hc never regarded me as any such thing. I did clearly have a strong following being number 16 in the site favourites list for a very long time However i was clearly disliked by most of the mods due my challenging them, one in particular. The emails from admin said it all and displayed to me what I despise about hc.

I was originally suspended temporarily and instructed to place a poster "on ignore". I had to have him on ignore but not him me. I let it go for about 3 weeks, then saw a reply to one of his posts. What hc didn't realise was even though a poster was on ignore you could still easily access their posts, and both read and reply to them. This particular post was an outright lie, so I responded with facts and well within guidelines. That sent me to the sin bin.

HC admin and mods said I must have taken him off ignore to respond so didn't do as requested. I then received an email stating I was right but too bad still suspended.

Also another expat in our office decided to sign up for hc. He was, like Des, immediately suspended as being a multinic of guess Once again hc blew it as this person is an outstanding engineer and project manager and not me. We do share the same wifi put on only for expats and guests use,but that is where our likeness ends.

So Des is not alone and I know of many others that were suspended for ridiculous reasons. Hc will end up self destructing, left only with those posting on stocks placing little more than "get on this baby now" and other similar thought provoking posts.
I will have to be a bit more careful with my wording next time

Des you have absolutely nothing to apologise for nor do I believe you need to be more careful in what you post.

Unlike many on forums you post openly and honestly and provide valued information due to your obvious extensive and respected knowlege of your field in resource drilling.

Don't stop sharing and definitely don't change who you are because of others, IMO, erroneous views.

We have beat up on HC here but all forums, including ASF, has there fair share of dills posting more against other posters rather than providing valued information.

You IMO are a valued poster, HC's loss and ASF's gain.
Des you have absolutely nothing to apologise for nor do I believe you need to be more careful in what you post.

Unlike many on forums you post openly and honestly and provide valued information due to your obvious extensive and respected knowlege of your field in resource drilling.

Don't stop sharing and definitely don't change who you are because of others, IMO, erroneous views.

We have beat up on HC here but all forums, including ASF, has there fair share of dills posting more against other posters rather than providing valued information.

You IMO are a valued poster, HC's loss and ASF's gain.

+1, Des
sorry, Julia: I would value the contribution as a plain lecture of facts. Although I rarely take note of fundamentals for trading purposes, I would welcome Des' list of key facts as an interesting insight into the way "things work". No ramping that I can see.
For the record, I welcome all thoughtful and constructive contributions in stock threads. All I ask is that any assertions made about a stock be supported by some reasoning, so that others can understand how the person posting has arrived at that particular conclusion.

If you claim a stock is overvalued or undervalued, explain why.
If you have a price target for a stock, provide details of your analysis.

Ramping occurs when a poster makes bullish assertions about a stock without explaining their reasoning. Switch bullish with bearish and you have downramping.

I would really like to see more posting in stock threads. If a company on your watchlist announces something interesting, post in the thread on that stock to let everyone else know about it. Updating a thread with some news or analysis tends to generate further discussion, which keeps the stock threads active and interesting.
No ramping that I can see.
Fine. Joea also suggested he could see it as such.
Immaterial to me. I was just offering a suggestion as to why the mods at HC might have taken exception to it.
I know nothing of any background either, which may or may not be relevant.
Fine. Joea also suggested he could see it as such.
Immaterial to me. I was just offering a suggestion as to why the mods at HC might have taken exception to it.
I know nothing of any background either, which may or may not be relevant.

Some times it not what you actually say, but the perception. After all, I left one word out of a sentence and was accused of inside trading.
JoeBlow has summed it up, so less leave it that eh.?

For the record, I welcome all thoughtful and constructive contributions in stock threads.


I would really like to see more posting in stock threads. If a company on your watchlist announces something interesting, post in the thread on that stock to let everyone else know about it. Updating a thread with some news or analysis tends to generate further discussion, which keeps the stock threads active and interesting.
+100, Joe;

It amazes me that so few contributions in the Australian STOCK Forums relate to stocks.
Since you're apparently in the process of overhauling the software: Would it be possible to add one extra menu item "New STOCK posts"? One that would filter out - in date order of last contribution - only threads that deal with stocks? Maybe the most recent 50 or 100 would do.
It amazes me that so few contributions in the Australian STOCK Forums relate to stocks.

This observation has been made previously by a few other ASF members.

It's not that I necessarily object to the number of posts in the "General Chat" forum, but I would really like to see more stock market related posts, particularly posts in stock threads. After all, ASF is a stock market forum. However, this is something that has to come from ASF members themselves. I don't feel the right approach is to limit the number of off topic posts, but to encourage more stock discussion. I mention it as often as I can without feeling like a broken record in the hope that I can effect some sort of change.

Since you're apparently in the process of overhauling the software: Would it be possible to add one extra menu item "New STOCK posts"? One that would filter out - in date order of last contribution - only threads that deal with stocks? Maybe the most recent 50 or 100 would do.

I'm sure this is possible but it will probably take a while to develop and implement. However, it is a good suggestion and I will definitely put it on the to-do list. I appreciate the feedback! :)
Joe, if you're a long-only trader like myself, periods like this are very boring because you're sitting in cash (piles of it! :) I wish...). So I find myself crapping on about off-topic stuff. I can see it probably adds a bit of mess to the site.

One thing I'd like to see is a sentiment indicator. eg. in order to post, you have to give a 5 day sentiment forecast (just up or down) for the index. Then the collective wisdom of ASF could be displayed on the home page, and maybe mapped against the real index movement.
Joe, if you're a long-only trader like myself, periods like this are very boring because you're sitting in cash (piles of it! :) I wish...). So I find myself crapping on about off-topic stuff. I can see it probably adds a bit of mess to the site.

I definitely don't have a problem with the off topic chat. I think it adds a lot of character to ASF and generates some great discussions. I'd just like to see some more stock chat. It doesn't have to be discussion of particular stocks either, it can just be general market chat. Here's the 2012 General ASX Market Discussion thread that so far has only one post. I'd love to see it revived and some general market discussion generated. Anyone reading this prepared to run with it?

One thing I'd like to see is a sentiment indicator. eg. in order to post, you have to give a 5 day sentiment forecast (just up or down) for the index. Then the collective wisdom of ASF could be displayed on the home page, and maybe mapped against the real index movement.

Interesting idea and great food for thought. Thanks!
Joe, if you're a long-only trader like myself, periods like this are very boring because you're sitting in cash (piles of it! :) I wish...).
+1. I've been in cash for some time and am quite out of touch with the stocks about which I could once have commented with some understanding.

Imo there's also a pretty natural tendency to discuss especially politics in the current volatile political and global financial environment. To not do so would seem quite odd imo.