..............................................................................I definitely don't have a problem with the off topic chat. I think it adds a lot of character to ASF and generates some great discussions. I'd just like to see some more stock chat. It doesn't have to be discussion of particular stocks either, it can just be general market chat. Here's the 2012 General ASX Market Discussion thread that so far has only one post. I'd love to see it revived and some general market discussion generated. Anyone reading this prepared to run with it?
interesting idea and great food for thought. Thanks!
I am prepared to run with it....but with qualifications......I no longer hold much stock......for reasons I will state later...I am predominately holding property and cash.....for the following reasons.....
I like to have total control over my investments....
I dont trust anyone out there today.....to look after my assets...except myself.....I am the only person I can trust to do the right thing...hence property.....the cash is purely a safeguard...for whatever is required to protect my interests....and waiting to pounce on any investment, that attracts my eye
I dont like cash as an investment,,,, its future is basically dependent on others, namely the bankers and the govnuts, with their fudged CPI figures..
also the devaluation of the dollar, by inflation......by the same banks, and govnuts
Did you know, the value of the dollar has been devalued by over 95% in the last 100 years....that is almost 1% a year, on average....
In the last 20 or so years, the devaluation has increased to, on average 10% per annum. this is soley due to inflation, credit, and the rampant printing of valueless paper money by various govnuts.
You may well protest and state, the CPI is currently at 3% or lower, so inflation is only at the lower rate of 3%.
That is not the case....the figure of on average 10%, is fudged to a lower figure......because so many wages,superannuation and other costs are dependent on the CPI figure , for their growth.
Most wages and super increases are tied to the CPI figure, for any increases. The govnut employees rely on those figures...they are the biggest workforce. So to reduce the costs, their employers, fudge the figures, in order to pay a lower increase.
As for HC, they have done a great job, they have brought a community together. It is not only stocks that the members are interested in, members are also interested in other topics, including health, lifestyle interests, music, politics, property, science, cooking and recipes, and a variety of different interests, they have introduced forums to cater for all those other external interests.
Keep the family together, give them what they want. keep it all in house, if you get the drift, or know what I mean.
I think HC has a more vibrant and active community, compared to ASF, and probably more active members, with a larger membership. This is due to a variety of interests allowed to the members....the stocks are the most active threads. But with that comes, more moderators, and the education of moderators, to be more at ' arms length', to not use their own personal prejudice, when moderating members posts.
I found at ASF, that some moderators, and members, were very prejudiced, and antangonistic, their views were
tantamount to antaganising new members.....and so , faced with a prejudiced responses from those in charge, they in fact turned away a host of new members..
I must admit, I appreciated, the empathy and caring nature of the majority of ASF members, who contributed to my recent thread, in relation to the death of my daughter. I will remember their kind thougths, forever in my heart. Each and everyone of those members are important people, as far as I am concerned, and although I do not know them personallly, I can recognise them, from their blogs. thank you.