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Mr. Trump (The Donald) To Win in 2024

Hugh Hewitt quits Washington Post after storming off live stream talk over dispute with with leftist columnists: "I won’t come back."
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As soon as you bring facts to the table, the left folds quicker than a beach chair in a hurricane....​

Trump Wants to Execute My Friend

The aspiring dictator wants to intimidate us. We can’t let him.​

Adam Kinzinger
Nov 02, 2024

(Composite / Photos: GettyImages)
IT’S NOT EVERY DAY THE PRESIDENTIAL nominee of a major political party fantasizes out loud about putting your friend in the way of harm and violent death. Yet that’s just what Donald Trump did to Liz Cheney yesterday: “Let’s put her with a rifle standing there with nine barrels shooting at her, OK?” he said. “And let’s see how she feels about it, you know, when the guns are trained on her face.”

In the context of criticizing Cheney as a warmonger, the recipient of five draft deferments who called America’s war dead “suckers” and “losers” was implying that she was a coward who would be unwilling to face the danger into which she sent others. Cheney is among the bravest people I know, but it’s important to note that Trump wasn’t just musing on her character. He didn’t phrase his thought as a hypothetical—I wonder how she’d feel if—but as an imperative: “Let’s put her.”

This is an ominous sign of an aspiring dictator who has abandoned any remaining notion of responsibility or respect for our democratic norms. Threats against fellow Americans—especially those who have taken courageous stands for truth and constitutional values—represent not only a moral failing but also a dangerous indicator of the direction we’re heading. This is personal for me, not just as a former colleague of Liz Cheney, but as someone who has also faced similar intimidation simply for doing my duty to the American people.

Liz is more than a political figure. She’s a mother, a daughter, a wife, and a friend. Like all of us, she wants to live in a country where her children are safe and where people respect differences of opinion. She deserves to do her work and live her life without fearing for her safety or that of her family. But Trump, standing against American history, sees no difference between disagreement and treason. This is a classic sign of autocratic rule, where leaders wield threats and intimidation against their opponents to quash dissent.

Democracies are delicate. They need nurturing, respect, and accountability. When leaders act with unchecked aggression and a disregard for lawful norms, history shows us that democracies do not just erode slowly—they collapse. From Rome to Weimar Germany, and many others since, democratic societies have crumbled when leaders no longer respect the people they serve. Our country is showing the early warning signs that we, too, may be at risk if we continue down this path.

Autocrats thrive by dividing people, ruling through fear, and eroding the institutions that ensure stability and prosperity. And make no mistake, economies fail under autocratic rule. They become isolated, lacking the confidence of the international community, and eventually, as resources dwindle and leadership becomes consumed with clinging to power, the people suffer. Those in power often gain fabulous wealth, but the people are almost always worse off.

If Trump’s rhetoric becomes the norm—if violence, threats, and intimidation replace dialogue and cooperation—then the future we’re looking at is one that should deeply concern every American, regardless of party. We will find ourselves in a country we no longer recognize, one where citizens are not equal under the law, and where the voices of the people are silenced or scared into submission.

Trump hasn’t killed anyone. He didn’t say he wanted to kill Cheney. But he has encouraged violence before. He has admired dictators for their brutality and aggression against defenseless, often innocent people. He incited an insurrection against the government that took the lives of multiple people. And he has predicated his whole campaign on revenge and retribution against those who oppose him—which, in his mind, is anyone who doesn’t actively support him.

We must reject Trump’s vision for America. For those who think that warnings about the fraying of democracy are hyperbolic or that it “could never happen here,” remember that every country that lost its democracy once thought the same thing.


Adam Kinzinger represented Illinois as a Republican in the House of Representatives between 2011 and 2023. He is a lieutenant colonel in the Illinois Air National Guard and author of a Substack newsletter.
Trump's latest attacks on Cheney is damming the continuing support for Trump just shows how crafting enemies as a target for any grievances has been very effective it would appear Trump could be far more dangerous than McCarthyism crafted by the alcoholic McCarthy.
I just hop it isn't close, for everyone's sake. Tyrant is the word that comes to mind.
You didn't watch the whole video, did you
When Donald Trump spells out how he wants Liz Chaney put in front of a firing squad - he is not just talking about Liz Chaney.

He is talking to anyone and everyone who disagrees with his policies and calls out his lies on the 2020 election and the Jan 6th aftermath.
He is talking to the Democrats.
He is talking to the Generals and administrators who called out his appalling behaviour as President.
He is attacking the Press that attempt to hold him to account.
He is reminding the Judges, Prosecutors and State Legislators that they are in his sights if they cross him.
He is calling out the high profile media and public figures who have condemned him.
He is letting anyone who is "not American" know that come 2025 he will be hunting them across the country regardless of laws
He is reminding big and small business of the power he has either in or out of office

But finally he is dog whistling to his base. He is telling them what he thinks should happen. And then he lets them loose.

Did you know .. Stormy Daniels lives in a RV at the moment. Somewhere out of sight.
Why ? Because during the last Trump trial; his attorneys "accidentally" (like xxxing hell) flashed up her home address on a TV screen.

Ms Daniels was immediately assailed by threats to rape and kill her and her daughter. Plus every other twisted rubbish one might imagine.

Cute eh ? Just goes with the Trump territory.

This is Fear. Creating a realistic concern amongst people that any criticism of Donald Trump will risk retribution. Attempting to put the fear of Trump into all opposition. If he wins office he will abuse every part of his Presidential power to wreck revenge on his "enemies".

If he doesn't win the election he will still claim victory and attempt to encourage his supporters to do whatever it takes to put him in the White House.

That's how dangerous this creature is. That is why he must be voted out and the Legislative, Judiciary and Law Enforcement authorities need to back up the vote and ensure a smooth transfer of power.

And then there are a few legal cases to settle.
When Donald Trump spells out how he wants Liz Chaney put in front of a firing squad - he is not just talking about Liz Chaney.
Agreed with the point you're making.


I think there's a much deeper story here as to why all this is occurring in the first place.

My theory is it comes down to society having lost the ability to objectively consider all aspects of an issue. Winning the argument has become more important than getting to the correct answer. That combined with an unwillingness to consider or even acknowledge alternative perspectives and treating debate as a personal battle rather than a discussion on the subject is a certain path to escalating conflict.

Related to that is society's apparent obsession with the idea that a consensus must be reached, something that is effectively impossible due to the above. End result is either nothing gets done at all, or what gets done is limited to an approach which satisfies the lowest common denominator which, given the underlying conflict, is extremely low.

Both situations are consequences of a sustained period of weak leadership all round. A self-centred short term focus combined with an unwillingness to upset anyone leads to progressively worse options for future decision making as productive capability and output declines, debts increase and critical resources* become scarce.

*Including built things, labour, skills and so on not just physical natural resources, though it includes those too.

Just my thoughts on it all.
The comment above about Cheney is the fakest of fake news and an outright lie. Those who love to fact check refuse to fact check their own propagandists.

Clearly Trump was saying she wouldn't be so keen if she was on the battlefield.

Leftists are liars and our friend above is one of the worst.


Actually. Look, (Cheney is) a deranged person. The reason she doesn't like me is that she wanted to stay in Iraq."

Trump covered many other topics, then said: "I don't want to go to war. (Liz Cheney) wanted to go, she wanted to stay in Syria. I took (troops) out. She wanted to stay in Iraq. I took them out. I mean, if were up to her, we'd, we'd be in 50 different countries. And you know, number one, it's very dangerous. Number two, a lot of people get killed. And number three, I mean, it's very, very expensive."

Later, Trump added "I don’t blame (Dick Cheney) for sticking with his daughter, but his daughter is a very dumb individual, very dumb. She is a radical war hawk. Let's put her with a rifle standing there with nine barrels shooting at her, OK? Let's see how she feels about it. You know, when the guns are trained on her face."
Thanks @wayneL, I saw elsewhere that it was yet another sentence lifted out of context and then amplified to an outlandish degree by manipulative lying Democrats and 'neocons' but am trying to be less reactive to hysterical fools who regurgitate whatevever they're fed by authority. I don't have the energy and am trying to find myself in all this blizzard of 'doublespeak'. I'm not used to seeing so many people who are even bigger fools than me. Doesn't matter what we say anyway; it's votes, fraud and propaganda that'll detemine the outcome, God help us.
Sounds like you have already decided the 2024 election will also be rigged.

The eyes of the world are watching on.

The USA is not a third world country, they can count votes fairly, FFS.
Bringing bus loads of immigrants into swing states.
Count one person's vote multiple times.
Ballot harvesting.
It's rigged through grey area legalities.
Democrats are just better at it.
Bringing bus loads of immigrants into swing states.
Count one person's vote multiple times.
Ballot harvesting.
It's rigged through grey area legalities.
Democrats are just better at it.
I should add "corrupted doj and government agencies".
Just looked at basilio-the-sponge's latest passive soy boy transmission of a smear. Now resorting to AI falsification. Doesn't reach the level of parody; humour is extinct among the left.
Just looked at basilio-the-sponge's latest passive soy boy transmission of a smear. Now resorting to AI falsification. Doesn't reach the level of parody; humour is extinct among the left.
He blocked me (thank God).
It's been a good election cycle.
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