Cheer Pointr. One of the curious apsects of the sharp international drop of a few weeks ago was how indiscriminately stock was dropped. Even, for example, BHP shed to approximately AU$31.
I too like you treated it as a further purchasing opportunity - short term risk but with excellent medium term upside (I even bought some BHP, unusually for me because I generally pick just a few high opportunity stocks, rather than blue chips); and as it happens thus far the short term risk has not been realised and the upturn significantly quicker than I thought might occur). I entirely agree about the ex-BHP staff with MPO.
Of course, MPO, as with PNN and a couple of others, has a substantial advantage over many others in todays adverse finance market because it has substantial cash reserves, enough to fund all projects over the next 18 mths. I suspect that some other companies will fare far less well, a factor that is not properly priced in yet.
I see today MPO has reached AU$.80 so it seems to be consolidating an upwards trend. I agree AJL is an excellent partner; and both it and MPO tend to be conservative compared to several other companies when making announcements; further, Gloucester gives a cash flow and easily commercialistion that many other UCG / CBM fields lack.
MPO's Canadian prospect area is very impressive and I suspect could, in time, be worth more than all other licences. I was (but am not now) an investor in Statoil (Norwegian), which purchased, by acquisition of a company, Canadian oil-sands licences for over $1 bil. It is entirely reasonable for UGC / CBM licenes in good areas such as MPO's in Canada to, in the short to medium term, undergo the rerating that oil-sands licences have had over the last 18 to 6 months.
In short, MPO is, relatively, grossly undervalued IMO