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MPL - Medibank Private

have been watching this from afar ( i do not hold , directly and am not a customer ) i suspect the 'trickle-truth tactic ' used here will not bode well for shareholder confidence , in the coming year or two .

i had expected persistent government meddling to wreck this niche of insurance , maybe i am wrong this time ( or late knee-jerk government regulations will add to the carnage )
Data breach worse that first reported and I'm one of the (presumably) affected customers although, have not been contacted via phone directly. Plenty of emails of course.
One biggie that MPL, as an insurer, has failed to do is have cyber insurance. Hmm... that was a very silly oversight. Also, a lot as been made that ransomware wasn't/hasn't been involved.

Couple of things that MPL have or are doing that I do like.
1. Returning straight back into my bank account a couple hundred $$$ due to Covid. Need to check but I think this was two years in a row.
2. Deferred the slated premium increase until Jan next year.

From what's been reported, the upshot is that the hack was via an internal high level login. My question is how did the criminal obtain those login credentials?
Disgruntled employee, hacked employee account, cohesion, extortion, threats to life and limb, greed etc etc etc.
Am very interested in how that account was compromised. Big lesson for any business no matter how big or small.

Down 58c last time I looked, up to a reported $35m hit to the balance sheet so no doubt all and any failout (compensation, fines etc) will impact on my MPL divvy too.

One more thing. The cynic in me cannot help but suspect that with all the data breaches of late, large swathes of money have been "invested" by nation states via any means necessary. Yes, including threats to life, family and friends et all because just the other day, this come to mind.

From the USA DoJ:

Two Arrested and 13 Charged in Three Separate Cases for Alleged Participation in Malign Schemes in the United States on Behalf of the Government of the People’s Republic of China

Dreadful, murky business.

I hope those in charge of maintaining our critical infrastructure networks know what they're doing. Water/elec/gas, etc.

Big money for any tech company that can devise an unhackable database. I know plenty have tried.
There was also some talk of this being a magecart attack.

Big trouble in the office, code red. ?

Complete shutdown: Medibank to close all stores, call centres​

Australia’s No. 1 health insurer will close its retail stores, customer contact centres and IT systems this weekend.
As above and a more complete picture, from the Medibank website:

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