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MPL - Medibank Private

Re: MPL - Medibank Private IPO

A dataset that showed this along with perhaps a timelapse of CBA, QRN (AZJ), TLS after they floated until now would be quite useful in forming an opinion on the market dynamics of MPL going forward.

At the back of annual reports there are shareholding distribution tables. You can assume a cut off somewhere like $50k or below would indicate retail holders. You will find that, with major public floats, the retail holder numbers do reduce over time. But this exercise only gives you a yearly view which may or may not be what you are after.
Re: MPL - Medibank Private IPO

it actually very clever of fund managers if that is their thinking
bid it up so retail investors see stag profit, they all jump over the fence to sell to lock in profit

as sell side stacked up, they slowly bites.... a much better way than low bid and no seller
and have to pay much higher premium for shares, as it rises less people willing to let go, waiting for higher price...

Very clever strategy if that is the case.
Re: MPL - Medibank Private IPO

We bought MPL shares as Retail investors on line

Have now downloaded our share allocation which provides our ARN number

I called Westpac who advised nothing can be done to transfer our allocation to our SHARE HOLDINGS account until we receive our SRN number!

Right now watching the SP changing with no opportunity to sell until December 5 earliest!


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Re: MPL - Medibank Private IPO

Was that situation not made clear in the prospectus? ie that shares could not be sold until 5 Dec?
Re: MPL - Medibank Private IPO

Right now watching the SP changing with no opportunity to sell until December 5 earliest!

that's only about a week away.

When you bought the shares how long was your intention to hold them?
Re: MPL - Medibank Private IPO

So how come so many seem to be changing hands?

From my understanding from a phone call yesterday to CommSec, im sure they said i could sell them but the trade wont settle until Dec 5th as they are trading on a deferred basis.

You have to call the broker though and they will sort it out as you cant sell online, would have thought Westpac (as all brokers) are the same.

Iam not bothered, i plan to hold them for a while anyway

To be honest though, the whole float has been very badly organised and executed, so many people are confused and frustrated.
Re: MPL - Medibank Private IPO

Iam not bothered, i plan to hold them for a while anyway
That's fine for you. But if someone wanted to take a quick profit on the first day when they at one stage spiked up 11%, would they have known from the Prospectus that they couldn't actually sell then?

(I don't ever buy into IPOs so didn't read the prospectus.)
Re: MPL - Medibank Private IPO

But you can sell them (well from my understanding from talking to Commsec ), its on a deferred basis and you get the price they are trading at when you do sell, so on day one you could have sold at around $2-20 when they started trading, its just another gaff they made in this whole float, from the way it was going to be priced to how it was allocated and to now how its being listed, it may well all be in the prospectus but it wasn’t really very well presented or explained to people, even brokers were not sure what was going on or how to handle it.
Re: MPL - Medibank Private IPO

I don't know what the big fuss is. It is typical of ALL IPOs to have a deferred settlement period where securities don't show up on people's broking accounts. If you don't understand this, it is either because you haven't read the prospectus (it is all stated on the timetable at the front) or it is because you have very little idea of how IPOs work and shouldn't be investing in them if you don't understand the risks or likely a combination of both.

I mean, what do you expect them to write in a prospectus? "Dear all potential investors, if you want to sell the moment the company lists, please follow these instructions..."


It doesn't stop you selling, it just means it is a bit more involved than simply pressing the sell button on your online broking platform. Some people have had no problem providing evidence to their broker of their holding and selling on market. It isn't for the company to tell you how to trade your shares. They don't know every broker's processes and practices. People should have called their brokers up beforehand to let them know what their objectives were and whether the broker was able to satisfy those objectives. If you don't like it, move your business elsewhere!
Re: MPL - Medibank Private IPO

Re: MPL - Medibank Private IPO

OK, question duly answered. Thank you.
Re: MPL - Medibank Private IPO

I mean, what do you expect them to write in a prospectus? "Dear all potential investors, if you want to sell the moment the company lists, please follow these instructions..."
FFS, why not. The document was hundreds of pages thick.

You are right Panaman you can sell MPL on a deferred basis.
Re: MPL - Medibank Private IPO

FFS, why not. The document was hundreds of pages thick.

Without being (too) rude, perhaps the answer is that because the goal of the listing entity is not to serve speculators who wish to take stag profits. They are looking for investors who wish to own part of the business who they can share ownership and profits with over a longer period. It is costly for companies to have a rapidly churning register, for a number of reasons.

There is nothing wrong with speculating and trying to stag a profit within the first week of trading...but if you are one of these people then you would have known the settlement conditions prior to taking the position as you would have done your homework and actually read the offering details!

I personally don't think there was anything wrong with the listing process or the float. The only reason, in my mind, for the backlash is because the float was participated in by a number of newcomer investors who aren't familiar with the process and as soon as something doesn't work out perfect for them they like to :bazooka:
Well (and politely) said, Value Snatcher. Couldn't agree more.

The law isn't there to protect people who don't take reasonable care and diligence, which includes reading a PDS to ensure an investment meets your objectives (however short or long term). If you can't be bothered reading the PDS, don't expect the world to hold your hand and do it for you.
I don't see anyone bitching now that you can sell them at all time high because they delay
putting stocks in your account ....
Re: MPL - Medibank Private IPO

Well said coolcup.

I have no time for people who do not understand the dynamics of buying and selling IPO's on a deferred basis.

If they don't understand they should seek advice from a broker or stand aside.

Those caught in misunderstandings are muppets.

Anyway. I'm out. $2.29

Was a too small parcel to hold and I didn't see it as a screaming Buy a few weeks ago.
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