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More Religious Nuts

If you are an atheist and you know it, clap your hands.

As usual the loudest in the room, are usually the ones in the back which are 'least' understood.

Thats, pretty much on the money , it's well documented that the Swedes are by and large an athiest society, and have one of the safest and most livable countries in the world .
And America has the highest representation of christianity and its well, lets just say not in the top ten of lovely places. !!

77% believe in either a god/spirit/life force ... what is your definition of atheism ? I thought with atheism we are just a random quirk of nature, without needing any communion force, mind or purpose.
77% believe in either a god/spirit/life force ... what is your definition of atheism ? I thought with atheism we are just a random quirk of nature, without needing any communion force, mind or purpose.

My Definition of Atheism is just about the same as all the other Athiests that read this thread, in fact i can speak for us as a majority, and i doubt many will rebuke it , as we only have a simple creed , i don't think you can do the same with religion.
Atheism is the acceptance that there is no credible scientific or factually reliable evidence for the existence of a god, gods or the supernatural.

If humanity is to move forward and ultimately survive on this planet we have to admit to ourselves that superstition cannot play a productive part in our affairs. Socially, politically and environmentally, civilisation is at the crossroads of success or failure .

What is an Atheist? If you are not one now, then potentially, it is you

The use of science as evidence of achievement outside of physics is so abused, as we have made so much progress in that one area, we think we have made so much progress in other areas of science.

The idea that we need to dismiss something because we have no scientific or factual reliable evidence is ludicrous. Doctors use to think it was ludicrous to have to wash their hands before surgery ... the idea of germs ... was ludicrous.
What we have here is an ecumenical matter. God cannot be proven via science or facts, so therefore He does not exist. God does exist via religion and faith so therefore He does exist.

Hmmmm ... not sure about the washing of the hands thingy. This was borne from ignorance and had nothing to do with science. We know now that hygeine is a priority when one is performing an operation. So why does Golden Staph survive in the cleanest of environments ie the hospitals? Is it because it prefers a clean environment? Yes.

The earth was flat until science proved otherwise and so on and so forth. Everything is easy once someone has shown you how to do it.
I thought with atheism we are just a random quirk of nature, without needing any communion force, mind or purpose.

Atheism is not believing in the existence of a god or gods. Full Stop. It doesn't state anything beyond that.

It makes no statement as to how we came here or why we are here. It doesn't require you to accept evolutionary theory, the big bang, gravity, life on other planets or anything else for that matter.

How atheists view these matters is an individual choice.
Dudes going out , and have not intentions on logging on to the computer until tomorrow, so don't take my lack of reply to agreeing.

You are all wrong, I am right, because I would not have said it, if it was not true.

Unfortunately , your just grasping at straws, we don't have to prove there is a god, thats a given , all you have is blind gullible faith.

Religion is dependent on infant indoctrination – Hindus beget Hindus, Muslims beget Muslims and Christians beget Christians.

Atheism is akin to when a child finally accepts that Santa is just pretend. The child lets go of a cherished belief and replaces it with a greater maturity in facing life as life is. If we failed to discard the Santa fantasy, our mental development would assuredly be impaired and a full and proper understanding of the wonder of the natural Universe and our place in it, lost forever, Hence doctors and handwashing.

Religion is our grown-up Santa. Think about it.

What you would describe is more agnosticism.

Agnosticism is the only truly scientific stance one can take. As the existence of God (in any of infinite forms) cannot be disproven.

Ergo, "atheism" is a belief. A belief that God(s)/whatever does not exist.

Furthermore, one should separate the existence of God(s)/whatever, from the practice of religion.

If there is some form of "whatever", there is no incontrovertible proof that it wants to be worshipped.
Dudes going out , and have not intentions on logging on to the computer until tomorrow, so don't take my lack of reply to agreeing.

You are all wrong, I am right, because I would not have said it, if it was not true.

Hmmmm ... slight God complex there? Or is it a narcissistic personality disorder. I am right, you are wrong ... so there !
Hmmmm ... slight God complex there? Or is it a narcissistic personality disorder. I am right, you are wrong ... so there !

Still here, but almost out the door .. I thought atheists would have a sense of humor by definition !
Golden Staph survive in the cleanest of environments ie the hospitals? Is it because it prefers a clean environment? Yes.

Trainspotter, that is simplistic and brilliant all rolled into one, i have so got to use that analogy at work , with your permission of course !!!
Still here, but almost out the door .. I thought atheists would have a sense of humor by definition !

Weird , i was laughing with you , i have a sense of humour, enjoy your night at the temple champion !
Trainspotter, that is simplistic and brilliant all rolled into one, i have so got to use that analogy at work , with your permission of course !!!

Use away my friend. Good to see you are picking up what I am putting down.

P.S. You don't work in a hospital do you?

Great question, and well written , my brother inlaw David Nicholls wrote on exactly the same lines, perhaps you know him !


That's the binomial argument - Atheism versus religion. Both are beliefs.

Actually, religion can be tradition more than anything. There are plenty of atheists in church.

Also a person who feels that there is some form of "god", may totally reject religion.

Science considers possibilities. I think science can rightly discount the Judeo/Christian (and other primitive representations) model of God, and therein lies the difficulties that human then extrapolate that to all possible models. It is possible that god could exist in one an infinite number of other models. Hence the truly scientific approach is to be open to these possibilities, while being satisfied that the primitive model is incorrect.

It is assumed that god must be supernatural. What if we speculate that there could be a natural god.

We are currently only scratching the surface of physics, with a number of interesting theory and hypotheses... string theory, electric universe theory etc.

The interesting thing about humans is the phenomenon of "attitudinal polarization", the tendency to gravitate towards extreme opposites in debate, hence traditional religion versus atheism with zero consideration of any possibilities in between, or outside the debate.


I like the ignore the extremes and look everywhere else. I want to know everything everybody else pointedly ignores. Think about it, consider it. Open your minds. It doesn't mean that you can't hold beliefs, but it means those beliefs can evolve as information comes to hand.

Both atheism and traditional religion have a rigidity that is unacceptable for truly enlightened discussion.

All IMO of course.

Both atheism and traditional religion have a rigidity that is unacceptable for truly enlightened discussion.

All IMO of course.

Ah WayneL so true, and a topic that will be debated for years to come , mind you , i believe that only a "fool says in his own heart" there is no god.

The wise man says it to the world

Must have been quite a journey, bellenuit.
Thanks for your articulate and interesting comments.

The idea that we need to dismiss something because we have no scientific or factual reliable evidence is ludicrous. Doctors use to think it was ludicrous to have to wash their hands before surgery ... the idea of germs ... was ludicrous.
Um, hard to see the connection with the topic at hand.

Ah, thank goodness. Finally, we come to the utter sense of agnosticism.

I remember a few years ago when we had a discussion along these lines that Dukey mentioned pantheism. This works for me.

Sorry Julia, don't understand, the prior post was that things needed to be proven before we would accept them (and anything not should be rejected), which I believe atheism is based on. Bad logic.

As given in the previous example, why do you expect knowledge to be given to anyone of a platter. Doctors thought germs were ridiculous before learning to wash their hands, does it mean germs didn't exist until that point ?

I have had this argument before with an atheist, for some reason their brain somehow rejects even processing this thought, so not surprised to see the 'hard to see the connection with the topic at hand' comment.
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