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Merry Christmas All ASF Members

Re: Merry Christmas

someone started another thread on this in the last week or so. Should be best to go to that and add I think.

Not knocking your wish, merry Christmas to you too

Threads merged!

Merry Christmas everyone!
G'day Roland

Love your card (hope its apt for 2008).

Reminds of a trip to Spain when I saw a similar silhoutte in the distance whilst driving and thought to myself "Geez thats a f***n big bull".
Further down the road realised it was a billboard ad for beer.

Hope everyone had a great Xmas and look forward to 2008 (lots of ups and downs).


Re: Merry Christmas

Me too

Hope everyone had a great day and wishing all the very best for the new year.


A Safe Christmas and New Year - Forward to 2009!

I would like to wish those on the forum,those AFS's throughout the world and those that take a glimmer of our discussions,

A wonderful Christmas and a Beautiful New Year

It is in your heart and those you love. I wish that all can have time - even on the phone or endearing memory - to someone they love.

I personally don't celebrate Christmas though like to see the care given at that time of year.

Those on hard times I hope you may see your way with courage and inspiration for 2009.

Re: A Safe Chirstmas and New Year - Forward to 2009!

Very nice thought Green, I wish you too all the best whatever tradition you follow, and to all the ASF posters and mods.
Re: A Safe Chirstmas and New Year - Forward to 2009!

I agree Green, lovely thoughts, a Happy Christmas and good health to all in 2009.

Re: A Safe Chirstmas and New Year - Forward to 2009!

I like all the posters here in this forum, and I sincerely wish them all a safe and happy Xmas.

Hopefully, Jan will bring the last leg down, and we can ease into the year structuring our long term portfolio...
Re: A Safe Chirstmas and New Year - Forward to 2009!

Merry Christmas to all! I sincerely hope that no one lets any losses of the year dampen their holidays
Re: A Safe Chirstmas and New Year - Forward to 2009!

I thought Uncle Festivus would have joined this thread by now to begin the 'airing of grievances' for 2008
Re: A Safe Chirstmas and New Year - Forward to 2009!

I would like to wish those on the forum,those AFS's throughout the world and those that take a glimmer of our discussions,

A wonderful Christmas and a Beautiful New Year

Returns to you too Green08 for an enjoyable end of year in midst of another glorious Australian summer.
The Merry Xmas Thread (or should that be Seasons Greetings)

Merry Xmas all. I'm hoping I'll be disciplined enough to largely stay away from stock/options screens or the forums over the next couple of weeks and enjoy some time with friends and family.

But knowing me I'll probably end up debating some pointless political issue with Garpal and Mr Burns at 11pm on Xmas eve instead!

But in case I'm succesful, Merry Xmas to all, and all the best in the New Year.

I'm off to find a beer!

:bier: Cheers C
Re: A Safe Christmas and New Year - Forward to 2009!

Merry christmas + happy new year to all members on ASF,

it has been a pleasure posting on this forum regardless,

may all your dreams come true.

Re: A Safe Christmas and New Year - Forward to 2009!

Merry Christmas to everyone from ASF!

May you all have a safe and enjoyable Christmas and new year!

Looking forward to seeing you all back here in 2009!

Re: A Safe Christmas and New Year - Forward to 2009!

Thankyou Green and very best wishes to everyone here. And please make sure we have a full roll call of all ASF members after the Holiday season is over.
Re: A Safe Christmas and New Year - Forward to 2009!

Merry Christmas all!

Thanks for your friendship over the past few years, and let's pray to the giant spaghetti tea pot that it's a prosperous 2009!!

Special thanks to Joe for creating the ASF community.

And to the other Mods for their dance style!

Re: A Safe Christmas and New Year - Forward to 2009!

This forum has such a great array of different characters, wish all you a great Christmas and New Year, but most importantly, good health!
Re: A Safe Christmas and New Year - Forward to 2009!


Best wishes to all for the festive season,
good health and good trading for 2009

Re: A Safe Christmas and New Year - Forward to 2009!

Merry Xmas and prosperous new year to you Green and to everyone, looking forward to the break hoping you all and your family's stay safe during the festive season I intend to stay drunk for at least part of it.
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