Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Mel Gibson

Mel's father won heaps of money on Sale of a Century a few years ago. One of those 'all time champions'. He didnt appear to be too wacky at the time but obviosuly the Holocaust issue wasnt raised.
I dont think Mel Gibson is anti semitic at all, he was just drunk for christs sake; I mean im a racist homopobic violent thug when im pissed. I say far worse things than he would have said to the cops, anyway i dont think we can call his dad who questions the amount of jews that died in the holocaust a racist....he just like everyone else would like to know the truth
Any comment like that is unpleasant.

But, if Mel had said, said something similar about another race/religious group, I don't think thiswould have been blown up at at all.

There is a big industry around around "antisemitism" that is most unpleasant. Say anything... anything at all they don't like, ("they" being the antisemitism industry) and it will be blown up out of all proportion.

Look, I like most Jews, I grew up with them in SoCal, most of my fathers colleagues were jewish... they all thought we were Jewish dammit! (They were shocked when they found out we were gentiles, but it didn't matter a toss to them anyway)

I admire a lot about their culture, family values, sense of community etc.

But this blowing up any comment way out of proportion, is in itself, way out of proportion.

People make comments about wogs, ******s, ragheads, slopeheads etc that are no less distasteful.. and should absolutely be discouraged, but say something about a Jew and it's all over.

It's time for people to have the cojones to stand up to these people and demand reasonableness in response. We shouldn't be sucked in by emotive propaganda. We shouldn't be emotionally balckmailed into assymetrical responses.

At the same time we should continue to have the cojones to stamp out prejudice in all forms, discouraging the tags used aboveand the attitude behind them.

It is appropriate that Mel is reprimanded for his attitude, but the response was way too big and has become propaganda... payback for the Passion maybe?
Just for clarity.

I under no circumstances condone the above terms. I used them to make a point only, and mean absolutley no disrespect at all to any group.

Apologies in advance if anyone finds that distressing, and certainly no offence was intended.

I find it more than a little surprising that so much hysteria has been generated by Mel Gibson's drunken tirade against Jews whilst virtually no comment has been made about the fact that he was very drunk while driving. Obviously, I'm not going to condone any disparagement towards any racial or religious group, but frankly, I think his being drunk in charge of a motor vehicle was a lot more dangerous.

Julia said:
I find it more than a little surprising that so much hysteria has been generated by Mel Gibson's drunken tirade against Jews whilst virtually no comment has been made about the fact that he was very drunk while driving. Obviously, I'm not going to condone any disparagement towards any racial or religious group, but frankly, I think his being drunk in charge of a motor vehicle was a lot more dangerous.


Hardly newsworthy though.
I find his tirade rather amazing and the reaction almost as amazing.
wayneL said:
Just for clarity.

I under no circumstances condone the above terms. I used them to make a point only, and mean absolutley no disrespect at all to any group.

Apologies in advance if anyone finds that distressing, and certainly no offence was intended.

You Wayne Yes YOU !,

I see no need for an apology, you have shown the echelon of thought in your most recent posts ! ;)

wayneL said:
But, if Mel had said, said something similar about another race/religious group, I don't think thiswould have been blown up at at all.

I second that

Its good that someone on this thread has pointed that out

wayneL said:
... payback for the Passion maybe?

Wayne,you answered you own dilemma there,the antisemitic angle is being milked simply because it gives the people who he displeased a handle.

Had he upsets someother powerful group then that would`ve been the angle used.I disagree with your Jew angle.

Lets not forget we are all paying attention because of who he is.But regardless of how many times we read that innocent people are being used as a cover by hisbollah no one seems to pay attention,maybe what we need is some famous actor to come out and say,yes they prevented us from leaving the area and used us as cover while they shot missiles into Israel.
Maybe then the Jews would get some sympathy.

And please I do feel sympathy for the innocents people caught up in this war,but not about those who are willingly giving their lives and those of their children to score a political point.
Just a guess here, but Iv'e got a feeling Mel is frustrating ~~~~~~~~ regarding about his sexual needs as to the religious constraints he has allowed to overwhelim him .

If you are drunk then you are entitled to say anything you like, even if it is offensive! me I should know...and stuff anyone who doesn't agree....I hate everyone

What you say and what you do are two different things.....Mel is a top bloke who got a bit pissed and had a brain fart....big deal.....I do it all the time....but it's a natural human reaction to throw stones,Bla Bla and those throwing them should take a look in the anyone who thinks Mel is an ******** not guilty of the same sin in some way....I hate everyone...that makes me anti humanity which is a lot worse than being anti semetic or racist....stone me ...kill me...Bla Bla...give the bloke a break...he's got a lot on his plate....looking after all those millions and trying to hold down a family and get the bloody papparazi of his ass is enough to drive anyone to drink!

I could help him out with the MILLIONS but the rest is up to HIM!

I recon he should do a CROWIE and buy a big bush block in a small town and chill out a bit...he's too old and too worn out to be playing these silly games.....It's a litle like the stockmarket.....get out when you're happy with what you've done.......

I personaly don't have any Jewish/rag/slope/nigga/abbo/coconut/spick/curry muncher/pom/.......ect. mates.

I just have MATES! and what they are only relates to how they treat me...I couldn't give a rats' what they look like or where they come from!

I used to think I was a bit I just hate everyone...including
