Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Media headlines, cliches, one liners and the market impact

looks like an interesting blog:)

It is, and it is useful if you find threads like this one (using headlines etc. to highlight the consensus sentiment) interesting, he posts up magazine covers etc. a few times a month.
To be honest I think media headlines and commentary has little effect on the market, it's all relative. Behind closed doors is where a stock's price is determined not on a front page.
Used these pics elsewhere and thought I would add them to this thread too.

Perma-bears are (finally) getting their time in the sun at the moment, their consensus views even getting onto the front page of the tell-em-what-they-want-to-hear media:

Big thank-you to the Fairfax sub-editor for reflecting the over-the-top fears out there in doomer-land. The S&P500 (and also the ES, my trading vehicle) has had something of a record-setting week, up more than 0.75% each individual day, only the eighth time in the index history it has done this.

Total move up over 5% for the week.

Not a bad move to trade (but only if you have the 'we all know the US is doomed' blinkers off, and others).

2*1 P&F chart attached, and also a daily S&P:
aaPF 2x1.jpg

Good trading.