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LYC - Lynas Rare Earths

It did try. That $8 mark might need a little WD40 over the next few days?

Could probably keep bouncing along for a bit longer gathering more steam. The longer that goes on the better the break out perhaps. Long term trajectory seems to be up, so just a matter of time.
Nerve racking today, spend big, empty my pot. What's the chance of this stock hitting $10 - $12?
Looking forward for feedback.
Can anyone post some post about this stock. Just curious, how far can it go..

A few questions I have: What's it's Market Cap? How much does it make? What does it cost to make it? Is it producing stuff that's going to go up, or down, in value? Is it generally trending one way or the other? Is it a takeover target? Is it a meme stock that's going into bubble territory based on a narrative? Did my Uber driver just recommend it?

This would have been a great buy on 12 Nov when it broke $7.85 and if you held through the big gap open down on 29 Nov, would be doing OK for a short term trade. If I had have done that, I'd now have a stop at about $8.65.

Chart for reference below.

Where's it going to go? Could go anywhere from here, but the trend is obviously up.

Thanks Sean for your reply and good tips, to ask oneself ie moi.
The chart looks good, have not been that high so now just have to keep stepping up.
Have offload with profit on my first post.
Holding another parcel, currently with profit but hoping for more..greedy..maybe if at $12 will do the jig.
Also watch PLS up up n away..
Is it too late? Recently corrected with the rest of the market. I suppose it will follow any further corrections, but this might just provide an opportunity.

Making lots of money at the moment.

Seems like REE is very high on the agenda for governments to secure supply outside of China.

No posts since Feb22 on this valuable Aussie/Malaysian rare earths producer !

Today's news of a $120M pentagon contract to build another RE facility in Texas induced some demand.
Currently building it's second RE facility in WA.

Will we get another chance to buy LYC at $8 again?
Today's news of a $120M pentagon contract to build another RE facility in Texas induced some demand.

Will we get another chance to buy LYC at $8 again?
Sweet timing on a bad news day . Imagine how it would have traveled on an ordinary day (if there is such a thing)

There's even a FT article
Pentagon bankrolls rare earths plant as US plays catch-up to China
I've too frequently dismissed Lynas because of a few missteps, Malaysia being one and the focus on a light RE mix while the 'forward facing' stuff is meant to be where the growth is. But there's no denying their clout, size and ability to pivot.
Well noted. I missed that though there was some talk of it recently ( unless I dreamt it !! )

I have a July 7.75/7.50 put credit spread on this I sold in April or May, can’t remember. The premium was nice but also in the back of my mind was if it went down this much I would sell my protective put for more premium and be happy to be assigned the shares at 7.75.
Two strategies in one trade. What’s not to like.
I also think they've done an excellent job in Malaysia as there is/was plenty of environmental pressure from a vocal minority. Building production facilities in WA and now Texas will significantly reduce sovereign risk for Lynas. It also establishes them as a more dominant producer (moat?).

News covered in AFR also.
In a report fromThe evil murdoch empire it is alleged that a social media war engaged by China to thwart the expansion of Lynas in Malaysia and texas. It targets the environmental record of Lynas.

Only my opinion re investing in Malaysia. I like LYN but wary about its location. Wldnt hold the stock for long. Only good for short time trading
Penny Wong, having been born in Malaysia, is keen to see a better relationship according to ABC news

and in a report in Murdoch Press
So it might be hoped that the new level of friendship may assist the likes of Lynas in its endeavours.
Still wish they had built the plan right here in Oz.
But..but..but how do one corrects more to add..just read what ever you like.
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