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Labor's carbon tax lie

Why? I'm not sure I'm properly understanding your point above. Why shouldn't families be obliged to actually make a claim for this sort of rebate? There is a growing culture of expecting money to just land in the bank account.

The rebate system seems better to me as it ensures that money intended to be spent on children actually is. The fact that people don't bother to claim the rebates is the parent's problem not the government's.

The just announced 'school kids' payment can just be regarded as another financial stimulus. If that's what it's intended for I don't disagree with it, but there is no guarantee it will be spent on school kids.
More jobs are going. Hastie's is in strife. Don't tell me this has nothing to do with the Carbon Tax.

More jobs are going. Hastie's is in strife. Don't tell me this has nothing to do with the Carbon Tax.


"Engineering services company Hastie Group is expected to confirm today that as many as 2,000 jobs could go in New South Wales and Victoria.

Hastie Group is expected to confirm that it is calling in administrators before the start of trade on the Australian stock exchange this morning.

The collapse has been precipitated by a $20 million "accounting irregularity" that made debt talks with banks difficult

It is understood the big four banks are exposed to the company's debt.

On Friday, Hasties announced that two of its non-executive directors were stepping down.

The Hastie Group website describes the company as "the leading international designer, installer and maintainer of technical services to the building and infrastructure sectors ”” mechanical, electrical, hydraulics and refrigeration, with well established operations in Australasia, the UK and the Middle East."

It says it has more than 7,000 employees based at over 110 locations."

Right, accounting errors are down to the carbon tax. I'll believe that.
Just about to post that myself. I was looking for a thread entitled
"the daily results of Gillards economic management"
Here is who dunit:
The earths core is responsible for our magnetic field and the poles are shifting, there is a large area between Australia and South America were the pole is changing from South to North and some suspect it could swap over altogether,so like so many other science based ideas the fed' s have jumped the gun the hard part is going to be getting a reversal of policy if the sun theory is proven to be correct due to the money involved and the IMF etc wanting to control a countries assets.
Here we go - price rises starting to happen. I have already noticed some food items up as much as 20% and the only significant change is a carbon tax. Sure, businesses are not allowed to blame the carbon tax, but the majority of voters are not stupid.

Impost to lift cost of generation by 43pc


and it seems that the Qld government has price freezes in place which will cost it $148 million to help protect households. Personally, I think it would have been better not to protect people from the nasties of this tax to help ensure definite removal of Gillard and her unwanted tax at the next election.

I hope an election comes early so Abbott can stop this disaster before it happens, it will be a nightmare to roll back.
With out taking sides it would be a good opportunistic way slipping in a price rise
and blame the CT,just like a lot did when GST came in.

China has 19% of the world’s population, but consumes
53% of the world's cement
48% of the world's iron ore
47% of the world's coal
.... and the majority of just about every other major commodity

In 2010, China produced 11 times more steel than the United States ...
New World Record: China made and sold 18 million vehicles in 2010.

There are more pigs in China than in the next 43 pork producing nations combined.

China currently has the world’s fastest train and the world’s largest high-speed rail network.

China is currently the number one producer in the world of wind and solar power.
But don’t use it themselves. While they manufacture 80% of the world’s solar panels, they install less than 5% and build a new coal fired power station every week.
In 1 year they turn on more new coal powered electricity than Australia 's total output.

China currently controls more than 90% of the total global supply of rare earth elements.

In the past 15 years, China has moved from 14th place to
2nd place in the world in published scientific research articles.

China now possesses the fastest supercomputer on the entire globe.

At the end of March 2011, China accumulated US$3.04 trillion
in foreign currency reserves - the largest stockpile on the entire globe.

Chinese consume 50,000 cigarettes every second …

They are already the largest carbon dioxide emitter
and their output will rise 70% by 2020 !

You are wasting your time and ours with your carbon tax.
All you are doing is increasing our cost of living and rendering our manufacturers uncompetitive.
It will make no difference when countries like China are consuming at these extraordinary rates.
The Australian Communications and Media Authority are also the GW Accuracy Police.


I suppose, Ms Gillard who is a stickler for accuracy, probably made the complaint However she will be in for a shock after glaring inaccuracies about Departure Tax on the ABC, no less. (the Gillard thread)
I saw in todays SMH they are questioning labors commitment to carbon capture, apparently nothing has happened.
Well obviously they don't read their own paper somethings happening, your tax is going up. The other side of the equation where we work towards better climate technology, no nothing happening there.
Well it seems that the Launceston City Council, not exactly a big polluter one would think, is going to have to directly pay this tax. Apparently, they're one of the 300 or so affected "polluters" due to size (not that Launceston is particularly big, but anyway...).

Which brings to mind an obvious solution. Why not just split LCC into two separate, smaller councils with each having emissions under the limit where the tax kicks in?

For that matter, I wonder if there's an opportunity for anyone who is required to pay the tax due to their total emissions, but where individual sites are under the limit, to simply spin off a whole heap of wholly owned subsidiary companies or otherwise restructure their business to avoid it?

I also find it rather interesting that we have one level of government directly taxing the activities of another. I though that wasn't supposed to happen?
I also find it rather interesting that we have one level of government directly taxing the activities of another. I though that wasn't supposed to happen?

Well I suppose that depends on how big a hole you have dug, whose bum you have kissed and if you can get away with it.
...I also find it rather interesting that we have one level of government directly taxing the activities of another. I though that wasn't supposed to happen?

I'm not sure that federal government hasn't excluded itself from carbon tax which, if so, is a massive hypocrisy imo. This article was written not long before carbon tax was so defiantly legislated last year:

IF there are any undisclosed details left for tomorrow's carbon tax announcement, taxpayers can be sure Australia's dirtiest secret, that the government is one of Australia's largest, growing greenhouse gas emitters, won't be included.

Read more:
Interesting piece on the coast of renewable subsidies outside the carbon tax.

SUBSIDIES for rooftop solar panels will cost consumers about $2.3 billion over the next year as the combination of a federal government solar subsidy program and state government feed-in tariffs add about $140 a year to household power bills.

IIRC, these schemes combined resulted in an implied carbon price of around $9 per tonne with the carbon tax obviously on top of that.

Perhaps now, it's worked out to be more.
The entire point of a carbon tax, in theory at least, is that you no longer need any other mechanisms to bring about a reduction in emissions. That is, it relies on the "invisible hand" principle to force change.

The notion that we have any other form of government incentive to reduce emissions is in itself an admission that the carbon tax is not expected to work.

So what you are saying is Tony's right. It's just a great big tax on everything.

Just like putting up the G.S.T? without actually doing it.

The whole solar subsidy was a massive stuff up. Maybe bigger incentives to install, with lower feed-in tariffs might have been the way to go. NSW has a big hole to dig itself out of now.

On another note, as Smurf said, councils tips, which emit CO2, will also get slapped the new tax.

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