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Labor's carbon tax lie

What I can't understand is why people can't see how ludicrous it all is. The rest off the world is worrying about china and India decimating their manufacturing. While this government is actively encouraging it.
These jobs are our kids and grandkids jobs, I will whole heartedly support it if it is done on a global platform. But to sacrifice our kids jobs and send the jobs to other countries and at the same time doing it by penalising their parents, is just absolutely bloody
How these people can sleep at night is beyond me, anyway that's my rant for the week. (I hope)

Just have to add, I don't mind China improving their living standards, by capitalising on their lower wages. However why we have to penalise ourselves and accelerate job losses I have trouble reconciling that. When do we stop when we reach the lowest common denominator?
Well underway is the smoothing over of pre-election lies and post election incompetence along with the shoring up of troops in readiness for the bloody battle of election time.
Isn't it great Christmas is over and we are all back into it. Yeh
Bring on the Labor supporters from middle earth, true believers, who don't know what their leadership stands for. Yeh
Don't worry Labor supporters you will get an update on your future direction in next weeks S.M.H then you will know what your party stands for, next week. LOL
What a shambles, come on Bob give Julia her next policy.
Labor party members can get the S.M.H on line at a discount. IMO
That's what it comes down to. We're wiping out critical industries that were established over many years in order to bring about ZERO benefit to the environment, indeed with the added transport (a big source of emissions) we're actually making the situation worse rather than better whilst causing massive problems for the country in the process.

The thing that is really funny smurph, is if the Liberals had introduced these policies the unions would have brought the country to a stand still. Maybe that is what the 30% pay rise is about, maybe they are on a bonus scheme.
From my point as a S.F.R I think it is great it will knock wages back a couple of notches which will maintain the value of the $. I guess that is why you have to put labor in occasionally to reduce real wages, otherwise inflation would be rampant.
Agree 100% with Mr Costello. And to think we criticised him because he had a "smirk".
How I'd welcome him back in any capacity now.
Agree 100% with Mr Costello. And to think we criticised him because he had a "smirk".
How I'd welcome him back in any capacity now.

Yes, Rudd knew he was the one that could blow them away, way too smart. That's why Rudd gave him a lot of $ to go to the future fund.
Hopefully Costello goes back to his beliefs and runs for office again.
If it doesn't happen next election it won't happen.

It was funny in the news article, that Kim Carr said it was all rubbish and they were providing funding for companies carbon arangements would bring.
However our only solar panel manufacturer( who have been in business for 25years on Australia) have moved the plant offshore since the carbon tax was announced.
Why produce it here if the cost of electricity is going to go through the roof. Well done Bob and Julia.
Very true sptrawler.

"Australia will end up in the same economic position as Europe if the government doesn't start to curb spending, says former Liberal treasurer Peter Costello. "Europe at the moment is suffering under a mountain of debt that it can't service," he told Macquarie Radio today."

What did Paul Keating say, a Banana Republic. We need some grown ups to run the country. History will not be kind to this Labor-Greens govt. They are ideologically deranged.
It's quite disturbing that the man who was treasurer for so long still has no idea how our monetary system works.

It is however a relief that the current govt is all talk and won't actually try to deliver a surplus anytime soon. Even if they try the automatic stabilisers should ensure it won't happen based on the way the employment situation looks to be going
Lets examine Petes comments on this

"If Australia wants to say that it is no longer going to be the home of cheap electricity and cheap power, which is what the carbon tax is all about ... then the whole premise for the manufacturing industry changes."

Here in WA

Yep its all going to be the cabon tax fault!

Then there is the small matter of the structural budget black hole good old Pete left us.......................
To think that the carbon tax will oly add 7% to our electricity cost is a joke. Someone is obviously not taking into consideration the change over from low cost coal to natural gas generation.
The C.E.O of Verve energy stated that the carbon tax will have to go to $70/ton to make gas competetive with coal.
However Verve is shutting down coal fired plant to replace it with gas fired generation, therefore joining the dots tends to point to fairly expensive electricity.

But it won't have anything to do with the carbon tax. Nope
Then there is the small matter of the structural budget black hole good old Pete left us.......................

Well in December the government paid off $3B and apparently issued $7.3B of new bonds. So as Pete said they are still going backwards.
Yep its all going to be the cabon tax fault!
It is not totally the fault of the tax, so called "de-regulation" is the main thing that has sent electricity prices through the roof thus far, but the impending carbon tax is playing a part.

In WA especially, the industry has already become heavily reliant, somewhat dangerously so, on gas in anticipation of the tax since it just didn't make sense to invest in new coal-fired plant with the carbon tax looming. The trouble is, it has long been known in the industry that the easy way to identify places with high electricity prices is simply to list those with a high reliance on oil, gas and/or nuclear for generation, whilst the easy way to identify those with cheap energy is to list those with high reliance on locally mined coal and/or hydro.

Traditionally in Australia, SA has been the only state with a substantial electricity system reliant on gas as a major fuel source. SA is, of course, also quite well known as Australia's home of expensive electricity for that reason. WA has always used some gas (previously oil), but coal remained the major source which helped keep overall prices down.

It's worth noting that the other states all also have an increasing use of gas and this is putting upward pressure on prices. Just wait until the LNG plants come on line and east coast gas prices rise to export parity...
So where is Flannery, Gillard, Wong and Combet now on climate change?

Their silence is deafening.

In 2007, they said our dams would never be filled and the Murray/Darling basin would never run again.

They are all doing a better job of propaganda than Goebels did for Hitler.

Only problem is they have all been proven wrong once again and the general public have woken up to it all.

Thanks to the BOM for the base SOI chart, at: The green ink comments are mine.

La Nina, and the SOI turning positive, not so good when the talk is about introducing a carbon tax. Nor is a (some astrophysicists predict) decline in sunspot activity.


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It would now appear that the Chinese Government has no intention of introducing a Carbon Tax or paying any Carbon dues in countries where it is levied.

This from the BBC.

China 'bans' airlines from joining EU carbon scheme

So it looks as if the Greens, the Australian Labor Party and the Three Muppet Independents are the only ones in favour of imposing this Tax on Australia in spite of the parlous economic times.

The Chinese are no fools.

So it looks as if the Greens, the Australian Labor Party and the Three Muppet Independents are the only ones in favour of imposing this Tax on Australia in spite of the parlous economic times.

The Chinese are no fools.
We are.

We gave Labor another chance to cobble something together they call a government.
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