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Labor's carbon tax lie

I love it a tax grab on companies, on grounds that are yet to be substantiated, the fall out will be nasty if the premise is proven incorrect.

and from OTTMAR EDENHOFER, a UN IPCC official:

One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole.

UN IPCC Official Admits 'We Redistribute World's Wealth By Climate Policy'
If the media were doing their job they'd be picking up on this.
UN IPCC Official Admits 'We Redistribute World's Wealth By Climate Policy
Europe's emissions trading scheme a flop. The writing is on the wall for Julia's carbon tax/ETS.

(my bolds)
Ah yes calliope, but it will be a huge success for the tax coffers. Who gives a rats whether it works or not, certainly not Gillard and Swan.
It is just another indirect tax to recover the tax cuts you recieved under Liberal. Now where is the next fiasco to waste the money on. LOL
Warmists not so sure?

Read more from the UK mail online: Cameron's green guru reveals his doubts over global warming
Well another interesting development. Rio Tinto is bundling up its aluminium businesses to float them off.
Lets be honest distancing itself from the backlash when they have to be shut down.LOL
What a great tax, I can smell the fresh air already.
I think earlier in the thread we said Bob needs to be carefull what he wishes for, he may get rid of coal, but end up with nuclear.
Well suprise, suprise Ferguson is admitting there isn't the technology available to replace current base load generation.
So meanwhile we will just keep the tax and keep going the way we were.
So all you alternative energy spruikers get the pencils out and make yourselves a fortune. LOL LOL LOL back to the drawing board. Don't forget to pay your tax.
Meanwhile down here in Tassie it seems we're about to have a new industry.

Coal mining.

Yep, in order to cope with the booming demand for the stuff it seems Tassie is about to join the ranks of coal exporters and help keep the lights on in India. And no, I'm not kidding. A century damming our way to power and now we're going to export coal.

Carbon tax is working nicely it seems - export the coal and even the hydro power, shut down all the factories, hope someone in Sydney or Melbourne pays enough tax to cover the dole payments all will be sweet.

It would be funny if it wasn't so serious.
Well smurph, how long ago did we say this was going to happen.
Bluescope in the manure, luckily the government is bringing forward the carbon tax offset payments, that will help with the redundancies.
When you add this to the confession of Martin Ferguson, that alternative technology may not be available.
Why would anyone with a brain, buy into a company competing with China, that is going to cop a tax that they can't do anything about.
May as well shut up shop.LOL
Former Labor leader Mark Latham slams clean energy plan as the greatest waste of money in the history of the Commonwealth. Now I'd like to see that!
Former Labor leader Mark Latham slams clean energy plan as the greatest waste of money in the history of the Commonwealth.

I disagree with Mark Latham.

Putting Labor in power in 2007 is the greatest waste of money in the history of the commonwealth.
Putting Labor in power in 2007 is the greatest waste of money in the history of the commonwealth.

Well I can remember Peter Costello stating that Labor would put the economy into serious debt, attack the Future fund and that an economic Tsunami was just a matter of time.
So obviously Howard and the coalition were voted out. So then the voter was given a second chance and "they stuffed that up as well".

Actually Labor have gone a multiple times worse in a socialist direction.

So the Question is, will the voters respond to the challenge next time round.?

Personally I am starting to think the Australian voter just accumulates a resume of excuses to suit themselves on how they vote. i.e. the opposition will do this and will do that. The media "does not have a clue".

As far as I can see the average voter would not have much of a clue. If they are promised something "free" on the eve of an election, then they would fall over themselves to vote for it.

This is confirmed by the "uncommitted " in the polls. The uncommitted are saying " come on buy my vote". Well that is right up "Labor's ally".

The voter just does not understand that Australia will never have a "surplus" again, and if we do not do something about the current situation, we will be just like one of the "PIGS" next time round.

Yes, I agree. The average voter is very naive. Dangle a carrot in front of their nose and they will follow it over the cliff.

Recent history has proven your points.

I hope, for Australia's sake, that history does not repeat itself, in this respect, in 2013.

Hopefully people will remember how bad this current government has been/is.
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