Well it is now official, the Gillard gu'mint is now the second most damaging in Australia's history, after Whitlam.
Plain stupid to blame changes in climate on to AGW. There is nothing new about recent weather.
Now im starting to get worried about you sails..im thinking perhaps early onset of alzheimer's or something.
Nothing new you say...mmmm
Now i would think the setting NEW records would qualify as something NEW...NEW because its a RECORD, and as such HASN'T HAPPENED BEFORE.
Ill do some cutting, pasting and linking below.
Longest, hottest drought on record, says Bureau of Meteorology
BY: ASA WAHLQUIST, RURAL WRITER From: The Australian October 11, 2008 12:00AM
Meteorological lessons learned from ‘Black Saturday’, the 7 February 2009
Victorian fires
The landscape over southeast Australia was primed for fire as the region was suffering a severe and protracted drought that was without historical precedent (Figure 1c). On 7 February 2009 many places reported their hottest day on record, while for the month of February record high temperatures were set in over 87% of the State on this day.
I could go on but.
Hi So_Cynical
Records in themselves do not prove anything one way or the other.
Records where being set throughout history even before man added carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.
Hi So_Cynical
Records in themselves do not prove anything one way or the other.
Records where being set throughout history even before man added carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.
Absolutely right, Dutchie...
Perhaps So_Cynical thinks we all have alzheimers...
But then, so does the US, China, Japan, Russia, Canada, etc, who are losing interest in Kyoto and co2 targets. Do you think most of the world has alzheimers, So_Cynical?
http://unfccc.int/meetings/durban_nov_2011/meeting/6245.php said:The Durban Conference will comprise:
- The 17th Conference of the Parties (COP),
- The 7th Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP),
- The 35th session of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI),
- The 35th session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA),
- The Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol
- The Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention (AWG-LCA.)
The Conference will be hosted by the Government of South Africa and will take place at the International Convention Centre (ICC) & Durban Exhibition Centre (DEC). Further information on the conference will be posted as it becomes available.
Now im starting to get worried about you sails..im thinking perhaps early onset of alzheimer's or something.
Nothing new you say...mmmm
Now i would think the setting NEW records would qualify as something NEW...NEW because its a RECORD, and as such HASN'T HAPPENED BEFORE.
Ill do some cutting, pasting and linking below.
Longest, hottest drought on record, says Bureau of Meteorology
BY: ASA WAHLQUIST, RURAL WRITER From: The Australian October 11, 2008 12:00AM
Meteorological lessons learned from ‘Black Saturday’, the 7 February 2009
Victorian fires
The landscape over southeast Australia was primed for fire as the region was suffering a severe and protracted drought that was without historical precedent (Figure 1c). On 7 February 2009 many places reported their hottest day on record, while for the month of February record high temperatures were set in over 87% of the State on this day.
I could go on but.
Why are we still arguing about the effect of the tax, even Labor agree that it will not reduce the global temperature.
What is more pertinent is what the Government does with all this extra money it is going to get.
With the only Australian solar panel manufacturer about to move its manufacturing plant to China. What is this pro green technology Government saying about it NOTHING
So, now not only do you have the pleasure of being poorer, noting that it will have exactly zero affect on the climate, you will also have the pleasure of the clean energy bills producing absolutely no additional clean energy by 2020.
Thanks for pointing that out dutchie..silly me thinking something that hasn't ever happened in recorded history before was a first.
ill have to totally re evaluate my understanding of the concept of first and record....just wondering hows that work for virginity, birthdays and anniversary's etc.
By Terry McCrann;
As I've written before, you could close Australia down completely, presumably shipping most of us to some foreign 'home', reducing our carbon dioxide emissions all the way to zero, and it would make not the slightest difference to the world's climate future.
Right now we emit around 600 million tonnes of CO2 a year. Have a guess how much China increased its emissions in 2010?
Just under 700 million tonnes. And almost certainly the same again this year. And it'll be the same next year.
Just let that sink in.
In just one year, China increased its CO2 emissions by more than our ENTIRE EMISSIONS.
...Since 2005, Chinese firms have received the bulk of the $6bn in carbon credits for the reduction of these gases, which are produced in the manufacturing of refrigerant chemicals. The money has mostly come from European firms that have bought the offsets under the clean development mechanism, but this source of funding will come to an end next year. The EU has banned HFC-23 offsets because they are inefficient: the value of credits is 70 times the cost of destroying HFC-23 gases.
Last summer, the U.N. panel that oversees the CDM stopped issuing CERs to HFC-23 projects while it investigated claims that some developers were intentionally boosting production of the gas in order to destroy it and earn more carbon offsets.
Thanks for pointing that out dutchie..silly me thinking something that hasn't ever happened in recorded history before was a first.
ill have to totally re evaluate my understanding of the concept of first and record....just wondering hows that work for virginity, birthdays and anniversary's etc.
Loosing interest you say...mmm
That's strange because all those countrys you mentiond have representative's engaged in dioaloge and negotiations at the annual COP meetings.... remember that one in Denmark a while ago that all the deniers were so worried about, well the next meeting (COP17) is in Durban Sth Africa in 7 days.
According to the COP web site http://unfccc.int/meetings/items/6240.php there is a meeting every 3 or 4 months somewhere in the world and turns out that the US, China, Japan, Russia, Canada, etc all send teams of representative's to these meetings.....i wonder what there talking about? oh i found an over view of what will go on there.
So if as you suggest the US, China, Japan, Russia, Canada, etc are " losing interest in Kyoto and co2 targets" then why are they meeting to talk about them? why do they do this every 3 or 4 months? why have they done this for the past 15 years? why will they continue to attend these meetings? is something going on? is there a global movement to work towards something?
Something Inevitable???
But five years later the green future looks a long way off. Faced with the need to cut its budget deficit, the Dutch government says offshore wind power is too expensive and that it cannot afford to subsidize the entire cost of 18 cents per kilowatt hour -- some 4.5 billion euros last year.
It will be interesting if it is proven that co2 emmissions are not causing an increase in temperatures.
Will the "big polluters" be able to claim back the tax paid, as they would have been taken on a false assumption?
The Dutch are finding wind power too expensive:
Read more: Dutch Fall Out Of Love With Windmills
Shouldn't Australia be taking note of what others have tried before us? Wouldn't it be better to learn from the experience of others than plough ahead with 'clean energy' that may not actually be a viable alternative?
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