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Labor's carbon tax lie

Well it is now official, the Gillard gu'mint is now the second most damaging in Australia's history, after Whitlam.

I am not counting them out just yet wayneL they can still make first place!

Plain stupid to blame changes in climate on to AGW. There is nothing new about recent weather.

Now im starting to get worried about you thinking perhaps early onset of alzheimer's or something.

Nothing new you say...mmmm

Now i would think the setting NEW records would qualify as something NEW...NEW because its a RECORD, and as such HASN'T HAPPENED BEFORE.

Ill do some cutting, pasting and linking below.

Longest, hottest drought on record, says Bureau of Meteorology
BY: ASA WAHLQUIST, RURAL WRITER From: The Australian October 11, 2008 12:00AM

Meteorological lessons learned from ‘Black Saturday’, the 7 February 2009
Victorian fires

The landscape over southeast Australia was primed for fire as the region was suffering a severe and protracted drought that was without historical precedent (Figure 1c). On 7 February 2009 many places reported their hottest day on record, while for the month of February record high temperatures were set in over 87% of the State on this day.

I could go on but.

Hi So_Cynical

Records in themselves do not prove anything one way or the other.

Records where being set throughout history even before man added carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.


Hi So_Cynical

Records in themselves do not prove anything one way or the other.

Records where being set throughout history even before man added carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.



Absolutely right, Dutchie...

Perhaps So_Cynical thinks we all have alzheimers...

But then, so does the US, China, Japan, Russia, Canada, etc, who are losing interest in Kyoto and co2 targets. Do you think most of the world has alzheimers, So_Cynical?

From Bloomberg: Australia’s Pollution Law Bucks Global Impasse on Climate Rules
Hi So_Cynical

Records in themselves do not prove anything one way or the other.

Records where being set throughout history even before man added carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.



Thanks for pointing that out dutchie..silly me thinking something that hasn't ever happened in recorded history before was a first.

ill have to totally re evaluate my understanding of the concept of first and record....just wondering hows that work for virginity, birthdays and anniversary's etc.

Loosing interest you say...mmm

That's strange because all those countrys you mentiond have representative's engaged in dioaloge and negotiations at the annual COP meetings.... remember that one in Denmark a while ago that all the deniers were so worried about, well the next meeting (COP17) is in Durban Sth Africa in 7 days.

According to the COP web site there is a meeting every 3 or 4 months somewhere in the world and turns out that the US, China, Japan, Russia, Canada, etc all send teams of representative's to these meetings.....i wonder what there talking about? oh i found an over view of what will go on there.

So if as you suggest the US, China, Japan, Russia, Canada, etc are " losing interest in Kyoto and co2 targets" then why are they meeting to talk about them? why do they do this every 3 or 4 months? why have they done this for the past 15 years? why will they continue to attend these meetings? is something going on? is there a global movement to work towards something?

Something Inevitable???

Why are we still arguing about the effect of the tax, even Labor agree that it will not reduce the global temperature.
What is more pertinent is what the Government does with all this extra money it is going to get.
With the only Australian solar panel manufacturer about to move its manufacturing plant to China. What is this pro green technology Government saying about it NOTHING

And if this is correct, 'clean energy' isn't going to be supplying any more electricity than it does now:

So, now not only do you have the pleasure of being poorer, noting that it will have exactly zero affect on the climate, you will also have the pleasure of the clean energy bills producing absolutely no additional clean energy by 2020.

Read full article from Barnaby Joyce: Clean energy and the effect of yesterday's vote
Labor and its feral Green and independent comrades may well face the next election with their carbon price of $20 something and an EU price under $10AUD.

That would be poetic justice.

Your welcome
Someone posted this link in another thread (Could have been this one), but l had to get this out in the open (if it hasn't already been posted).

From the Herald Sun
Our Carbon future has started


Buying 'Carbon Credits' is going to do.....wait for it, Jack S$!T.
It's a waste of time and money.

Why not spend all the money that will leave Australia (Carbon Credits) on renewables?


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Is there anything honest about this carbon tax? Below is a taste of how money from Australia is likely to be spent overseas to pay for the co2 we are PRETENDING to reduce.

These carbon offsets make no sense at all unless one owns a business to collect the money. I often wonder how many of our pro carbon tax posters have investments in carbon offset businesses. Excerpt below from an article in the UK Guardian by Jonathan Watts (my bold):

Read more - it's a short article: Green group accuses China of climate blackmail

AND more on HFC-23 projects from ClimateSpectator by Nina Chestney:

Last summer, the U.N. panel that oversees the CDM stopped issuing CERs to HFC-23 projects while it investigated claims that some developers were intentionally boosting production of the gas in order to destroy it and earn more carbon offsets.

Read full article: Tax proposed on CO2 credits from HFC-23: UN paper

And thanks to Andrew Bolt for providing the links. Read more: The great offsets scam begins

Come on mate...2 things.

1 - Government's always jetset people around the world for things that don't mean much to them - doesn't cost them anything - keeps them employed - ra ra ra...which leads me to my 2nd point

2 - 15 years of talking and the aforementioned countries haven't done anything about it? With the US saying no way jose and I think Canada the same? Seems like a use of taxpayers money to stay 'relevant' for 'relevant sake'
How I would like to get into Oabma's head to know what he really thinks of Gillards carbon dioxide tax.

I think he would be saying under his breath "she must have rocks in her head".

Read the link and one would most likely read between the lines as what he truly thinks of a carbon tax.

I believe he is heading along the lines of Tony Abbott's direct action policy.
The Dutch are finding wind power too expensive:

Read more: Dutch Fall Out Of Love With Windmills

Shouldn't Australia be taking note of what others have tried before us? Wouldn't it be better to learn from the experience of others than plough ahead with 'clean energy' that may not actually be a viable alternative?
It will be interesting if it is proven that co2 emmissions are not causing an increase in temperatures.
Will the "big polluters" be able to claim back the tax paid, as they would have been taken on a false assumption?
It will be interesting if it is proven that co2 emmissions are not causing an increase in temperatures.
Will the "big polluters" be able to claim back the tax paid, as they would have been taken on a false assumption?

Maybe this is what Clive Palmer has in mind in taking the Government to court over the lack of compensation for his Nickel Refinery in Townsville.

No doubt the Green/Labor socialist Government are whacking Clive over the head because he is a LNP supporter.

Unfortuneately, the LABOR Party have tunnel vision and will refuse to recognise what is happening outside their own box.

Another Labor Party stuff up in the making and they should go into the Guiness Book of records for the most number of 'stuff ups' by any Federal Government in Australian history..
At last this global warming scam is about to be exposed for what it is ; an absolute fraud.
The IPCC is admitting that global warming may never occur in the next 30 years.

Here we have this Green/Labor government claiming they had to impliment a carbon dioxide tax to save the world because they had scientific proof of man made global warming.

With this new admission from the so called experts of the IPCC, will Gillard now reverse this ill-conceived carbon tax.

Not bl*^dy likely!!!!!!!!!!
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