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Labor's carbon tax lie

Their carbon policies are deliberately sabotaging our industries, and we still don't know why.
If you want to understand this then simply observe what has already occurred in Tasmania over the past 30 years. You don't have to spend long in the place to realise that there's stuff all industry left in Tassie these days, a far cry from the days when Tas, with a minor share of the national population, accounted for almost a quarter of Australia's heavy industrial production and ranked third amongst the states.

Wander, Tioxide, APPM Burnie, APPM Wesley Vale, NW Acid, Southern Aluminium, Coats Paton, ACI glass, Stanley Works, Electrona, Port Huon mill and even the likes of Blundstone. It's all gone now with the zinc works, Comalco (Rio Tinto), Temco, Boyer and the two breweries being about all that really remains in terms of large scale manufacturing.

Rightly or wrongly, we have seen the substantial de-industrialisation of an Australian state and it's transformation into a "green" economy where the largest employer is tourism, wages are the lowest in the country and somewhere around half the population is on some form of welfare. It's a nice place in many ways, but it would be hard to deny that economically it has massively underperformed for as long as the Greens have held influence either through parliament or by other means as even a casual glance at any key economic statistic will confirm.

Now in 2011 mainland Australia faces the same fate... Trouble is, we can't all get a disproportionate share of GST, send our kids interstate to work and depend on others to pay the bills.
One of Bolt's readers sent Mark Dreyfus, the Gillard Government’s Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency this question:

Can you provide details on how much the global temperature will drop with the introduction of the this tax in 2020 (~5years)/ 2025 (~10years) /2065 (~50 years)?

And this was the reply he received:

So, if there will be no change in global temperatures by 2065, what's the point? The US have backed away from carbon tax or ETS - so raises the question why do labor use AGW as the excuse for a tax? Why potentially upset our main power source and cause a rise in all sorts of areas and while doing no good for the environment as confirmed by Mark Dreyfus?

Source: Dreyfus: no cut in temperature under our tax
So, if there will be no change in global temperatures by 2065, what's the point?

Say hello to a socialist government. They know what is best and also what you should be spending your money on, no more choice for you.
Prepare for:
Big government
Massive government debt
Nanny state
Reduction of productivity
Spoiling employees to the point of laziness and welfare mentality
Anti business stance, more red tape and bureaucracy.
Destruction of value in prime industry
Civil unrest

Its obvious labor lost the plot during the Rudd era. Labor had twelve years in opposition to get their stuff sorted and instead we get policy on the run.
Screw you enviro commies

THIS is the best post i have read re this stupid tax EVER and i hope a lot people read it and see through this stupidity.......

ahhhhh..... now i feel better (rant):bier:

so in other words .....what is happening in Greece right now... you beauty
One of Bolt's readers sent Mark Dreyfus, the Gillard Government’s Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency this question:
Sails, I'm astonished that Mark Dreyfus would make such a damning admission about the pointlessness of the proposed tax.

Do you know if this has appeared in some of the major media, i.e. was it included in one of Andrew Bolt's comment pieces?
It should surely be made available to the broader electorate?
so in other words .....what is happening in Greece right now... you beauty

the majority of those points were factors that are already upon us. At least we have employment though.

Julia, I posted the link to Bolt's comments at the bottom of the email image.
Here it is again: Dreyfus: no cut in temperature under our tax

I don't know if the mainstream media will pick it up because it was an email sent by one of Bolt's readers to Mark Dreyfus who then forwarded the reply email to Bolt.

At least we have a way to share news like this here...
Hmmm, I wonder if organisations will lie to get this sort of free money. The following advertisment was apparently in the weekend Australian.

I think it will put doubt on the sincerity of any organisation appearing on advertisments in the future crowing about the benefits of carbon tax and renewable energy. Whether or not they actually believe in it or not may be irrelevant, but the free $250,000 could make good incentive to say anything the government want...

From the Telegraph by Tim Blair

Since when is CO2 a pollutant? HUH ??? If it is THAT bad then stop making dry ice and fizzy drinks if it is killing the planet. DERRRRRRRRRRRR

Oh Oh ...... what's this then? We are not that bad afterall?

Consulting the US Energy Information Administration database (see: ), in 2004 Australia (0.3% world’s population) yielded 1.4% of world’s fossil fuel-derived CO2 (3% including coal exports). The World’s 27,043 Mt fossil fuel-derived CO2 (2004) comprised 10,850 Mt (petroleum), 5602 Mt (gas), and 10,592 Mt (coal) with the Australia breakdown being 810 Mt (total), 117 Mt (petroleum), 52 Mt (gas), 217 Mt (coal, domestic), 424 Mt (coal exports).

So it is our coal exports ramping up our per capita CO2 emissions? Hmmmmmmmm !!
Oh oh ! The cat is out of the bag now.

A NEW Greens senator is forecasting the coal industry will be closed down in a decade as her party readies to use its increased numbers to influence major policy issues.

The prediction by hardline New South Wales senator Lee Rhiannon will be rejected by the Government but will feed the growing concerns about its carbon pollution pricing scheme.

And it will add to speculation over the contents of the carbon reduction scheme now being negotiated by the Government with the Greens and independents.

Read more:
And that's what you get for voting for the Greens I think Australians are about to learn a hard lesson.

The big end of town is not going down without a fight ..........

AN alliance of some of the country's biggest industry groups is reportedly preparing to launch a multi-million dollar campaign designed to defeat Prime Minister Julia Gillard's plans to price carbon.

The Australian Trade and Industry Alliance is planning to spend at least $10 million on the campaign, using television, radio, print, the internet and social media to get its anti-carbon tax message across.

Read more:
I also saw that woman placard campaigning for the ban of live animal export. I don't foresee her being seen or heard in the media beyond a year from now.
Has this woman informed India of the renewable fuel power stations of the near future they must comply with? Like the P.M., she may view resistance as a sign she is on the right path.
Tony Abbott's finally beginning to sharpen his attack,
And this,
Abbott lashes out as another report backs carbon tax

AUSTRALIA'S economists are wrong to believe a carbon price is the best way to reduce greenhouse has emissions, the Opposition Leader, Tony Abbott, said yesterday as another expert report concluded a carbon price would be the most efficient policy.

Just keep looking the other way folks.

Abbotts policy just sucks bit like him but just keep looking the other way...and keep saying Great Big Tax.

A director and economist of the Grattan Institute, Saul Eslake, said Mr Abbott was attacking economists because he was frustrated ''he can't find a single economist in Australia who supports his policy''.
Read more:
Maybe Australia wil be like France who dumped their carbon tax after a few bad polls.

I read somewhere that carbon tax will be required at $80 per tonne to make it vaible for alternative energy usage offests.
Just keep looking the other way folks.
Do you think Labor's carbon tax will make a material difference to the world's climate ?

Do you think Labor's ultimate policy will be pure in relation to direct action incentives ?


It will be carbon tax ++++++++++ as Labor has its Green bed partners to satisfy.

Wherever one looks, Julia's words from the last election still echo loudly,

There will be no carbon tax............
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