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Labor's carbon tax lie

Breathtaking in it's clarity. Vote 1 Slipperz. Use the funds raised to invest in clean, green, mean, dream technology.

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Lol trainspotter. Great idea. *hops on soapbox* The time has come for The Koala Shooters party to make it's mark in Australian political life. Currently the exhalted and beloved party leader for life position is filled *beams* however a vacancy exists in the shadow ministry for coastal concreting and pork barreling. Perhaps you would care to join me on the march to Canberra Trainspotter?
Tony Winsdor has declared that he would like to "do something about this issue irrispective of whether it kills him at the polls or not". That's his own words.

Video of the above comment in the following news article,

With that, he, like Rob Oakshott and the Greens is clearly on a personal crusade regardless of the views of his own electorate or the nation as a whole. The only pltential saving grace here is that apparently being more moderate than the Greens, it may not be possible for the two to reach agreement.

The other conclusion that can be drawn from the above is that he has recognised that this is his last term in office.

To be honest after listening to Winsdor for a while now I quite like his demeanor and common sense to his core beliefs.

I think if it gets done in some ways it will be more because of Winsdor than Labor

Winsdor IMHO is one of the better political players in the House.
I think if it gets done in some ways it will be more because of Winsdor than Labor

]Winsdor IMHO is one of the better political players in the House.
That does not justify him abandoning democracy for what is clearly a personal quest.
That does not justify him abandoning democracy for what is clearly a personal quest.

Not sure what you mean about abandoning democracy he is after all just one vote in the house?
Not sure what you mean about abandoning democracy he is after all just one vote in the house?

He doesn't give a rats about the views of his own electorate or the nation as a whole.

Tony Winsdor has declared that he would like to "do something about this issue irrispective of whether it kills him at the polls or not". That's his own words.
Not sure what you mean about abandoning democracy he is after all just one vote in the house?

I am often amazed at how labor supporters seem to have no idea of the real meaning of "democracy". They seem to think it's just all about the two party preferred electoral system - which does not always reflect the will of the people.

Here you go, IFocus - I think this is what Drsmith is talking about:

Meaning of DEMOCRACY from Merriam-Webster dictionary:

a : government by the people; especially : rule of the majority
He doesn't give a rats about the views of his own electorate or the nation as a whole.

I think his electorate by all accounts are doing just fine out of the current arrangements all be it I am sure many are squirming at the closeness to Labor.

But then check out all the broke thread bare national seat electorates over east its no secret that the coalition doesn't work very well for the nationals.

Of course by comparison WA is going broke with Barney buying the support of the nats here.........I think there is a thread some where about that

1.government by the people; especially : rule of the majority

Last time I looked there was a majority of members supporting the Labor Party to govern.

All the members of parliament were elected by the people as determined by the electrical commission.

As much as Abbott stamps and has hissy fits he hasn't a majority and for good reason.

Bring on the next election and we will see who is swimming naked when the tide goes out.

P.S. It was for 3 Independents that has made this a minority Guvmint.
Watching Prof Stephen Hawking reminded me. The way is now clear for a Sunlight Tax.

In our solar system, over time the biggest carbon polluter = the Sun. As gravity (which thanks to that guy on Q&A we now know climate sceptics don't believe in, presumably along with a round earth) compresses the Helium atoms in it's core, the Sun is making carbon atoms. Once the Sun burns itself out and goes supernova, it will explode millions of tonnes of polluting carbon, billions of kilometres around.

Taxing sunlight will motivate the Sun to transition to lower carbon energy production.

Only if we can change the name of the party to "Shoot the Sleepy Koalas Dipped in Molasses Party"

I am there comrade.

well I invite you take your fellow 30% of primary voters, start a new colony of arts students, ABC workers and public sector employees and see how it goes... dont ever confuse what type of people keep this country going
All the members of parliament were elected by the people as determined by the electrical commission.
Um, IF, the "Electrical" Commission?

As much as Abbott stamps and has hissy fits he hasn't a majority and for good reason.
Indeed there is a good reason, i.e. that the so called Independents just couldn't wait for their chance to take their revenge on the Nationals and thus sided with Labor, despite such a choice being against the wishes of their electorates.
Politics is all about self interest.
Um, IF, the "Electrical" Commission?
Elect our politicians that way and I'm pretty sure that CO2 taxes, World Herritage Areas or any other cause supported by the green (formerly yellow) triangle brigade that hinders the generation of electricity won't get too far...
She's worried if she's still banging out the same message with no detail.

Negotiations with the Greens are still obviously proving testy.

Ms Gillard says the compensation package will be finalised in coming weeks.....

It will be interesting to see how many weeks and what direct action measures are in there.

It would also be good if the media stopped showing carbon dioxide as black.

Yes Doc, this Green/Labor Government are very deceitful and deceptive to say the least.

It makes me want to throw up my dinner every time I see that add with Cate Blanchett. Surely she is not that naive to believe carbon dioxide is black smoke as shown coming out of a decommissioned power station in souther England.

Seems that anything to CONvince people that carbon tax is OK. Seems that the use of deception is justified for their cause of robbing people through taxes. Clearly, this co2 tax is going to do little, if anything, to help the environmnet, so wealth redistribution seems the only remaining motive.

Hopefully, Aussies will not be fooled.
It would also be good if the media stopped showing carbon dioxide as black.
The real issue is atmospheric pollution in all forms. Beats me why they play these stupid games though. Might be some sort of wake up call before things do get worse.
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