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Labor's carbon tax lie

Christine Milne's had a good old whinge.

The electorate couldn't trust Labor and that didn't bother the Greens.
Andrew Wilkie couldn't trust Labor.
Kevin Rudd couldn't trust Labor.

What else did she expect ?

Yes doc, good point, Gillard proves to her nearest and dearest, she can't be trusted.LOL
It really is a mess.
IMO, It will be interesting to see what happens in the next 6-12 months with our coal mines.
Coal price down, carbon tax on, Chinese and Indian buyers lining up, I would think.
Talk about "rope a dope" the overseas companies must be sitting back laughing and waiting to pick up our coal mines.
We are really dumb.
Geez, we've got coal mines closing, future projects put on the shelf and job losses mounting.....what's Australia coming to.......the not so lucky country!

I'm not saying the carbon tax is solely to blame but it's got to be a factor in these big companies decision making. Is it just one more nail in the coffin or the straw that's braking the camels back.


Yes, it seems the 'cost of doing business' in Australia is just getting too expensive and making us uncompetitive on a global level.

BHP confirms: carbon tax hurts
I'm really struggling to think of even one industry where Australia is truly competitive.

We're high cost at practically everything and not too great when it comes to service standards etc.
Even tourism (eco or otherwise) which used to be touted as a saviour is suffering from a high Aussie dollar.
Well Queensland is probably doing the right thing, putting up the royalties on coal.
The carbon tax is designed to stop us burning the coal to make electricity.
So we may as well up the royalties that the Indian and Chinese have to pay, when they buy up the mines and send our coal overseas.
Great move, I don't know what people are screaming about.

In W.A our only two coal mines have been sold to overseas interests, I would think eastern states miners would be thinking of doing the same.LOL
You can't beat Labor, for shooting their feet off, unfortunately they take or feet with them.
Have not been following this thread so dont know if this has been mentioned before.
A friend told me today that the electricity companies do not yet get charged by the government because they cannot come to an agreement on charges, dont know if that is true.
Yep Smurph a new link would put the Franklin back on the agenda, why fight the battle before it is required. Now the carbon tax is in we need more hydro.LOL
Would makes an absolute DICK out of Bob and the Greens.
Also Martin Ferguson has mentioned the nuke word again, this is a government bent on dropping our living standards.
We send cheap coal offshore to other countries and force ourselves to use more expensive energy. What a joke.
I don't want to debate the rights or wrongs, but it is going to happen, or living standards are on the slide. IMO. LOL
Yep Smurph a new link would put the Franklin back on the agenda, why fight the battle before it is required. Now the carbon tax is in we need more hydro.LOL
Would makes an absolute DICK out of Bob and the Greens.
Well I could mention that Hydro has now publicly announced its' intentions of building Australia's largest wind farm on King Island and linking that directly to Victoria via a 600 MW HVDC link.

No prizes for guessing that this plan isn't new, there's always been an underlying motive to all that tinkering about with a few wind turbines on the islands. It's also no secret that there is indeed a plan for a new link and it just happens to run via King Island.

On another note and in the interests of balance, I do wonder though how many of those who oppose the carbon tax would also oppose the export of gas? The latter is shaping up as a far, far bigger threat to industry and energy prices in Australia.
Yes smurph, this is why Barnett is demanding a guaranteed amount for local consumption.
Also digging in his heels on onshore processing, the greens want it moved and may succeed in getting it moved offshore, to a platform.
Have any of you on the forum, tried to get a job on an offshore platform, best of luck.LOL,LOL another stuff up
Considering the heavy weight and deep intellectual analysis contained within this thread, and marry that with the economic Armageddon wrought on our once colossus of an economy since the infliction of the catastrophic Carbon Tax, many of you all here who like me ran screaming into night as the midnight death knell chimed at its institution...please all heave together now and set Thomas Freidman right. Who'll be first to forward Tony's number so as he can answer with a sooty finger on the accept button:
A small exert from the following link;

We can’t go off coal overnight, and we can’t go into recession by cutting spending overnight, but we need to start tapping on the brakes in both realms by agreeing on spending cuts, tax increases and new investments that would be phased in as the economy improves, as well as higher efficiency standards for power plants, buildings, vehicles and appliances that would be phased in, too

A pointed exposé of cognitive dissonance indeed.
Great find Orr. Certainly worth reading.

I found the comments under the story even more sobering.

The point about the carbon bubble in our economies is mostly lost in the short term desire to value coal and oil reserves as potential profit. At some stage the penny will drop - as will the nominal value of all the fossil fuel assets.
The carbon tax introduced by this government was always intended to be an illegitimate tax increase above all else.
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