Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Koran Verse of the Day

Garpal Gumnut

Ross Island Hotel
2 January 2006
In the interests of fairness I thought I would join the bible godbotherers with their islamist cousins.

"These are on a right course from their Lord and these it is that shall be successful."

This I believe to be a verse penned by the prophet when he predicted the ultimate victory of technical analysis over the fundamentalists.

Excuse the pun.

In the interests of fairness

I reckon you got no interest in fairness and are stirring ****.
Poets are followed by erring men. Behold how aimlessly they rove in every valley, preaching what they never practice.. The Poets #223
A bearish divergence, on the RSI gg
Bearish: A matter of opinion. More a bullish triple divergance of the relative strength index. Perhaps an oscillating development.
2020 is the expert on ASF as far as poetry is concerned.
Bearish: A matter of opinion. More a bullish triple divergance of the relative strength index. Perhaps an oscillating development.
2020 is the expert on ASF as far as poetry is concerned.

Please don't mention 2020, I chose tonight when he was at an ALP basket weaving class to introduce this thread. Hopefully it will have died a death by the time he returns.

Hey all!

Fear God Because -Romans 2:6 "He will judge everyone according to what they have done"!

Believe In God Because - Romans 3:22 We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. And this is true for everyone who believes, no matter who we are.


The Koran I believe is a better rouser upper of the godbotherers on judgement day

69:13-37T “Then, when one blast is sounded on the trumpet” “and the earth is moved, and its mountains, and they are crushed at one stroke,-” “On the day shall the (great) event come to pass” “And the sky will be rent asunder, for it will that day be flimsy” “and the angels will be on its sides, & eight will, that day, bear the throne of thy lord above them” “that day shall ye be brought to judgement: no act of yours that ye hide will be hidden” “then he that will be given his record in his right hand will say: ‘Ah here! Read ye my record” “I did really think that my account would (one day) reach me’”…“ and he that will be given his record in his left hand, will say ‘Ah! Would that my record had not been given to me” “& that I had never realised how my account (stood)!” “Ah! Would that (death) had made an end of me” “Of no prophet to me has been my wealth!” “My power has perished from me!...’” “(The stern command will say): ‘Seize ye him, and bind ye him” “& burn ye him in the blazing fire” “Further, insert him in a chain, whereof the length is 70cubits’” “This was he that would not believe in Allah most high” “& would not encourage the feeding of the indigent!” “so no friend hath he here this day” “nor hath he any food except the foul pus from washing wounds” “which none do eat but those in sin”

Now I realise that all this was written in the days before emails and text, but you do get the message.

The Koran and the Bible are very similar, it depends on what 12th century psychopath enslaved your ancestors on which you believe.


[7.187] They ask you about the hour, when will be its taking place? Say: The knowledge of it is only with my Lord; none but He shall manifest it at its time; it will be momentous in the heavens and the earth; it will not come on you but of a sudden. They ask you as if you were solicitous about it. Say: Its knowledge is only with Allah, but most people do not know.

Now I'm unsure about this verse.

I take it to mean that the unbelieving, and unworthy will not be prepared. But if most folk don't know then how can they (me) be prepared. Its a conundrum.

Anyone enlighten me.

The Koran I believe is a better rouser upper of the godbotherers on judgement day

69:13-37T “Then, when one blast is sounded on the trumpet” “and the earth is moved, and its mountains, and they are crushed at one stroke,-” “On the day shall the (great) event come to pass” “And the sky will be rent asunder, for it will that day be flimsy” “and the angels will be on its sides, & eight will, that day, bear the throne of thy lord above them” “that day shall ye be brought to judgement: no act of yours that ye hide will be hidden” “then he that will be given his record in his right hand will say: ‘Ah here! Read ye my record” “I did really think that my account would (one day) reach me’”…“ and he that will be given his record in his left hand, will say ‘Ah! Would that my record had not been given to me” “& that I had never realised how my account (stood)!” “Ah! Would that (death) had made an end of me” “Of no prophet to me has been my wealth!” “My power has perished from me!...’” “(The stern command will say): ‘Seize ye him, and bind ye him” “& burn ye him in the blazing fire” “Further, insert him in a chain, whereof the length is 70cubits’” “This was he that would not believe in Allah most high” “& would not encourage the feeding of the indigent!” “so no friend hath he here this day” “nor hath he any food except the foul pus from washing wounds” “which none do eat but those in sin”

Now I realise that all this was written in the days before emails and text, but you do get the message.

The Koran and the Bible are very similar, it depends on what 12th century psychopath enslaved your ancestors on which you believe.

godgodbless gg

I think something may have gone wrong in the translation of the Koran. Infact, this translation seems to be not that well done, unless gg has added lots of typos.

The true bible is held in Russia and when translated by todays scholars reads quite differently to the earlier translation by the Blessed Bead, a monk from many centuries ago. It seems that there is no mention of Jesus Christ ever saying he was "the son of God" in the one held in Russia.
This sums up Islam, and much of organised religion.

"The only true faith in God's sight is Islam." (Surah 3:19)

It's the blight of humanity.


But this one is nice and warm and fuzzy:

"Seek out your enemies relentlessly." (Surah 4:103-)
This sums up Islam, and much of organised religion.

"The only true faith in God's sight is Islam." (Surah 3:19)

It's the blight of humanity.


But this one is nice and warm and fuzzy:

"Seek out your enemies relentlessly." (Surah 4:103-)

Gann followers may care to look at the koran rather than the bible for their entry or exit points. After exhaustive searches I have pinpointed Sept 11 as a pivot point for Gann/Koran followers.

My proof is in the following.

[3.52] But when Isa perceived unbelief on their part, he said Who will be my helpers in Allah's way? The disciples said: We are helpers (in the way) of Allah: We believe in Allah and bear witness that we are submitting ones.

That is the verse for today. Beware all ye who ignore it.

(declaration of interest gg held MIM for many years and felt sold out by the board for allowing a good aussie company to be taken over by yanks )

Watch for action on Sept 11

It would seem that, as you progress through the Koran (starting at the front), the more violent it becomes. Whereas as you progress through the Bible - from Old to New testament - it becomes less violent. :2twocents


Some scholars view as futile the attempt to define the teaching of the Koran (concerning violence / struggle etc) ....
You can find in it condemnations of war and incitements to struggle, beautiful expressions of tolerance and stern pictures against unbelievers."

.... the contradictions in the Koran are resolved by recognizing Muhammad's progressive teachings from peace to war during the course of his life and experiences.

The Resolution of the Contradiction

... the contradictory statements reflect the "progressive revelation" that was tailored to fit Muhammad's circumstances. ..... The references from the Koran are given as Sura, which means chapter, followed by the number of the verses.

Stage One: No Retaliation
The "verses of forgiveness and pardon" :-

When Muhammad began preaching Islam in 610 A. D. in Mecca, ...the chapters (suras) of the Koran which originated during the 13 years Muhammad continued to live in Mecca, contain no instruction about fighting, in spite of the severe persecution suffered by his small band of followers. Why? Simply because his few followers stood no chance to win in a physical conflict. Thus it was a wise survival strategy to avoid violent confrontations. Few verses will serve to illustrate this teaching.

In Sura 73:10,11 Muhammad urges his followers to be patient toward those who deny the truth: "And have patience with what they say, and leave them with noble (dignity). And leave me (alone to deal with) those in possession of the good things of life, who (yet) deny the truth, and bear with them for a little while."

Stage Two: Defensive Fighting is Permitted

On July 15, 622, the increasing opposition forced Muhammad and his followers to flee from Mecca to Medina, a distance of 250 miles North. This is an important date, known as the Hegira, because it marks the beginning of the Moslem calendar. In Medina Muhammad was recognized as a prophet and was able to consolidate his power. His followers began looting the Meccan caravans passing through Medina. This practice eventually led to several battles between the Koreish tribes of Mecca and his followers.

Muhammad gained the first victory in the Battle of Badr in 624 with an army of 305, mostly citizens of Medina, over a Koreish force twice as large. He conquered several Jewish and Christian tribes and ordered and watch in person the massacred of 600 Jews in one day. It was at this time that Muhammad instructed his followers to defend themselves by fighting and killing.

An example of this instruction is found in Sura 22:39-41 where permission is given to engage in defensive fighting : "To those against whom war is made, permission is given (to fight), because they are wronged, and verily, God is most powerful for their aid." Again in Sura 22:58 rewards are promised to those who die in jihad: "Those who leave their homes in the cause of God, and are then slain or die, on them will God bestow verily a goodly provision." The promise of paradise to those who die fighting for Allah, has inspired countless Muslin through the centuries to become martyrs for their faith. It is this promise that inspires devout Muslims young men and women today to become suicide bombers for the cause of Allah.

Stage Three: Defensive fighting is Commanded

A few months after granting permission to fight in self-defence, Muhammad instructed his followers in making war as a religious obligation. At first the enemies were the idol worshippers of the Koreish tribe in Mecca, but later it included the Jews and Christians who did not accept Muhammad as prophet.

This teaching is found in numerous verses of the Koran. Richard Bailey lists 32 passages, annotating them with valuable comments. For the sake of brevity I refer only to four of them. In Sura 2:190 instruction is given to fight until persecution is stopped and Islam is established: "Fight in the cause of God those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for God loveth not transgressors. And slay them wherever ye catch them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out; for tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter."

Stage Four: Offensive War is Commanded Against the Pagans, Christians and Jews.
The "Sword verses" :-

The final phase of Muhammad's teaching on warfare developed after he conquered Mecca in 630 A. D. Most of the pagans living in the city became Muslims. At that time Muhammad was able to take over the city and cleanse the Ka'aba (sacred shrine) of some 360 idols resident there.

At this point it became evident to Muhammad that Jews and Christians would not accept him as prophet, so they became part of the list of Islam's enemies to be conquered. Thus, warfare was no longer to be a defensive fighting, but an aggressive Jihad against all unbelievers. This is the final teaching of the Koran which is still in force today and has inspired the recent acts of terrorism.

There are several texts commanding offensive warfare to kill the pagans, Jews, and Christians. Among them Sura 9:5 stands out for its explicit injunction to slay the infidels: "When the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war). But if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practice regular charity [become Moslem], then open the way for them."
PS That article is long but very fair (at first read) ..


This leads us to the discussion of violence in the Bible and in the Koran. The debate over this question has intensified after the events of September 11. Those who want to exonerate the use of violence by Muslims, are quick to point out that Christianity is not different, because the Bible and Christian history are filled with violence. Earlier we cited Kenneth Woodward who wrote in Newsweek: "The Bible, too, has its stories of violence in the name of the Lord. The God of the early Biblical books is fierce indeed in his support of the Israelites warriors, drowning enemies in the sea" (Newsweek, February 11, 2002, p. 53). .... but .... if .... etc
In the interests of fairness I thought I would join the bible godbotherers with their islamist cousins.

"These are on a right course from their Lord and these it is that shall be successful."

This I believe to be a verse penned by the prophet when he predicted the ultimate victory of technical analysis over the fundamentalists.

Excuse the pun.


GG....Your sense of humour gave me a good laugh, me being a dedicated technical analyst 'n all.
Seems to be a common theme among Christianity, Islam and Buddhism....they attempt to strike fear into people in an effort to keep them in line.
If you want to see some really fantastic, outrageous, violent and extreme claims that are clearly designed to intimidate people into towing the line, just check out what the Buddhists say about all the hells that are waiting for you in the next life if you don't behave yourself in this one.
I recently read a booklet put out by the Buddhists, outlining in detail what was in store for us in each one of their nine (or was it ten?) hells, should we find ourselves unfortunate enough to go there.
They have different hells for different classes of bad people, and I tell you, if you were gullible enough to believe it all you'd make sure that at no time in your life would you ever be guilty of the slightest misdemeanour.

I think it's pretty damn feeble when religions attempt to threaten and intimidate people. And equally feeble when people allow themselves to be threatened and intimidated by religions.
Please don't mention 2020, I chose tonight when he was at an ALP basket weaving class to introduce this thread.
:topic gg
Just been adding the finishing touches to the barricades
the revolution starts first light tomorrow. ;)
(I'm thinking Les Mis style revolution ok)

Dyslexic Anarchists of the World .... UNTIE!! :viking:

PS or the dyslexic agnostic insomniac who lay awake all night wondering if ... - yeah yeah , only heard that one 150 times..
:topic gg
Just been adding the finishing touches to the barricades
the revolution starts first light tomorrow. ;)
(I'm thinking Les Mis style revolution ok)

Dyslexic Anarchists of the World .... UNTIE!! :viking:

PS or the dyslexic agnostic insomniac who lay awake all night wondering if ... - yeah yeah , only heard that one 150 times..

I've got nothing against revolutions mate, as long as I end up with the house on the hill and the mercedes, (NSW ALP chant):p:

Any faves from the koran mate, or is it off topic for the PC.?? :eek:

1. I've got nothing against revolutions mate, as long as I end up with the house on the hill and the mercedes,

2. (NSW ALP chant):p:

3. Any faves from the koran mate, or is it off topic for the PC.??
1. you mean
"let em eat cake" - as Mugabe seems to say to the Zimbabwe proletariat these days? :rolleyes: Animal Farm gone mad.

2. Would do NSWALP good to spend some time in opposition, but they don't have to face the electorate until after the next Fed election. Does em ALL good to spend some time in the wilderness (imo) - keeps em sharper that way. (PS Gotta feeling I was first to predict OFarrell would take over as Coalition Opposition leader after last election ;))

3. I posted a few back on #13. Think I prefer the earlier Suras, "verses of forgiveness and pardon" over the later "Sword verses" :eek: Strange the way it evolved - as the message spread and their strength (Spread of Islam religion) increased, it seems that the message also changed and became bolder and more aggressive.

Likewise, (think I read somewhere, Dr Thorreau maybe? - some lady scholar of the Dead Sea scrolls ?) that Judas wanted to attack the Romans, but Jesus wanted to coexist and forgive - even though Israel was occupied etc :2twocents

All these quotes (whether Bible or Koran) have to be seen in context surely.
"Women shall with justice have rights similar to those exercised against them, although men have a status above women. God is mighty and wise." The Cow 2:28

Not that I agree with it, but its in the book.
