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Kevin Rudd

Re: Howard monsters Rudd

Mr Howard has been remarkably quiet since leaving, in contrast to some other ex-Prime Ministers.

Seems to be a case of Liberals capitalising on Mr Rudd's present lack of favour with the electorate, and is probably the first sensible move they've made in some time.
Re: Howard monsters Rudd

Who cares what Howard thinks.

Maybe someone will throw another shoe at him

You're think about Bush.

As with Howard, you should of said He should practice his cricket bowling instead
Re: Howard monsters Rudd

During the Howard years Australia went backwards to the 1950's white picket fence vision. Public Schools, public Hospitals, Universities and research institutions, Arts & creativity, intellectual life, social justice and inequality, Aboriginal race relations retreated back to a pre 1970's era mentality. The politicisation of the public service, judicial system and parts of the defense structures was outrageous.
Why anybody pays any attention to him is beyond me.
Re: Howard monsters Rudd

Zird, some of us might take into consideration the minor matter of that government paying off considerable debt and leaving with a substantial surplus.
Re: Howard monsters Rudd

Zird, some of us might take into consideration the minor matter of that government paying off considerable debt and leaving with a substantial surplus.

Yeah it was really hard selling off Telstra
Re: Howard monsters Rudd

John Howard just has his nose out of joint because Kevin Rudd hasn't offered him a job.
Re: Howard monsters Rudd

John Howard just has his nose out of joint because Kevin Rudd hasn't offered him a job.

Nulla Nulla, don't talk crap for God sake, Howard is almost 70 is enjoying life. Would you be looking for a job at his age?

Next thing you will be saying give Gough a job!!!!
Re: Howard monsters Rudd

Julia, to coin a labor party phrase 'a drovers dog could have left a surplus' after so many years of global economic boom. Trouble is Australia's infrastructure roads/health/environment/education/research and development etc went backwards during the Howard years.

There was no real vision for a prosperous, creative intelligent country that put it's faith in it's people. Just smash the unions, dig up the resources and ship it to whoever.

One simple example is of Australia a cronic lack of skilled tradespeople. Howard's (and others) solution - was not to beef up the Tafe system with great bonuses to people that would train school leavers etc but to import sub-standard workers.

Nothing was achieved to fix the immense problem of the Murray/Darling river system - Australia's food bowl. Howard's solution was to open the flood gates of cheap, poor quality food from 3rd world countries.

Our Universites are in a long decline of standards and quality of graduates. Ask any Uni Professor. Howards solution was to force Uni's to import fee paying OS students in huge numbers at the expense of teaching Aussie students..
Where was the action on being a smart country when public schools/Tafe and Universities are neglected and funding reduced year after year.

Yes Julia it was a healthy surplus but one built on the decline of our great countries infrastructure.

I am not an ALP hack - both parties have a similiar stench of self opinionated hypocracy.
Re: Howard monsters Rudd

Great post full of substance Zird.
Great one for the one-eyed idealogues also to ignore.
However, I enjoyed reading it.
Re: Howard monsters Rudd

Great post full of substance Zird.
Great one for the one-eyed idealogues also to ignore.
However, I enjoyed reading it.

I'd certainly agree with your estimation of Zird's post. Right on the button.

Re: Howard monsters Rudd

Thanks Gumby. This forum is great. A place for debate and contrary views where personal attact is left out. Thank goodness for free speech. Long live Oz.
Re: Howard monsters Rudd

Where was the action on being a smart country when public schools/Tafe and Universities are neglected and funding reduced year after year.

Last time i checked, public schools were run/funded by state governments.... Labor state governments.

Water.... labor state governments again, but cant blame the federal government to wanting to overhaul that.

but dont let facts get in the way of a good rant :
Re: Howard monsters Rudd

See what I mean Zird. Even though beerwm is correct about public state schools and water. The substance of you post has largely been ignored.

But the factual abstract of your post stands.

University funding among lowest in OECD

PUBLIC spending on higher education remains well below the levels in other developed countries, the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development says.

While spending from all sources in Australia's universities was just above the OECD average, most came from private funds.

Australia ranked with the United States, Korea, Chile and Japan as countries with more than half their annual investment in universities from private sources.

Australia's public spending on higher education was among the lowest of the 34 developed countries covered by the OECD report, with only Russia, Brazil, Japan, Italy, Korea and Chile spending less in public funds on their institutions as a proportion of their economic output.
Re: Howard monsters Rudd

Nulla Nulla, don't talk crap for God sake, Howard is almost 70 is enjoying life. Would you be looking for a job at his age?

Next thing you will be saying give Gough a job!!!!

Yes, due to the pathetic legacy of John Howard, I expect to bo working in my 70's (if i should be fortunate to live so long).

No, imo Gough has done more than enough to be entitled to enjoy his retirement.
Re: Howard monsters Rudd

Bring back Howard now, he could very well win the election.
Re: Howard monsters Rudd

Beerwin the real argument is not labor or liberal - both are appalling. Somebody called them the "Laborials". The question really is the state of the nation and if Howards years as leader was any good..

Federal Governments allocate funds to the states as set out in constitution and also there are many ways of allocating resources via way of Federal Government initiatives ie such as Roads to recovery" or computers in schools both of which are state issues.

Howard was more interested in Liberal Party ideology and his own survival as the new Bob Menzies than the welfare of Australian citizens. Even though the states were Labor they would have accepted grants to boost up things like education, health, environment etc. But there was none.

Howards role was to try and destabilise the labour State by bringing about public disenchantment with state gov'ts by reducing funds for things that people needed such as hospitals, roads etc.

Howard's ideology was that the government should not be involved in anything and all should be left up to 'private sector'.

For me, the Howards years at the best were lost opportunities when the economy would have allowed great leap forwards in things like education, and at worst was just a cynical grab and hold of power.
Re: Howard monsters Rudd

And of course his persistant efforts in undermine and erradicate the collective bargaining power of workers through their right to join unions.
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