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Kevin Rudd

Rudd's Budget Insanity

Chris Leithner on 612 ABC Brisbane, 13th May 2009.

- Government operating on two fallacies
- Two Parties in Australia: Stupid and Evil
- Printing money is madness
- Big picture view of the Budget
- Future Inflation Pressure

Re: Rudd's Budget Insanity

Interesting both comsec and bill evans and westpac like the budget
Re: Rudd's Budget Insanity

From his newsletter -

Re: Rudd's Budget Insanity

I appear when GM ( Government Motors ) goes under all hell will break loose in USA with thousands going out of work from car yard (2,600 to close this week)to parts suppliers to councils who use to get the stamp duty and rates. then we have Ford line up before Toyota
Re: Rudd's Budget Insanity

Great Stuff Conza, I'm glad others are tuning in to Chris Leithner, well worth a listen.
Re: Rudd's Budget Insanity

It's funny.......what we hear is the difference between Keynes and the neo-liberals..........only Keynes's name was never mentioned.......the politicians like Keynes cause it justifies spending money when people and the government really shouldn't!!!!!
Re: Rudd's Budget Insanity

Cheers for the update Conza.

Rudd & Swan's arrogance and indifference towards average people appears to be a problem. While it doesn't seem as obvious as the the arrogance of Howard & Costello it will prove to be an achilles heel if they decide to trigger a double dissolution. This debt is huge!

It baffles me that they can claim this Budget as an economic victory.

They are all elitist buddies deep down on both sides of the house these days IMHO.

Maybe Rudd should have gone out and got his hands dirty like the rest of us, instead of cleaning Laurie Oakes house when a student.

The ALP is no longer run by the cream of the working class, it is now run by the scum of the middle class.
Re: Rudd's Budget Insanity

Maybe Rudd should have gone out and got his hands dirty like the rest of us, instead of cleaning Laurie Oakes house when a student.
Did he really? That explains a bit about why Oakes is so extraordinarily pro-Labor.

Thanks for drawing attention to Chris Leithner, Conza. I've liked him and his common sense views for a long time.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Wow just when you thought he should be good at something he fails again. Even China is seeing through the spin now.,27574,25497435-5007133,00.html

Given his knowledge of China I thought he would excel. He seems to be having trouble seeing things through to the end. And the list is only getting longer.
Re: Rudd's Budget Insanity

Latest opinion poll since the Fudget shows Rudd's popularity has suddenly plummeted 10%.

Unfortunately for the opposition, MT's has barely moved.
Re: Rudd's Budget Insanity

Latest opinion poll since the Fudget shows Rudd's popularity has suddenly plummeted 10%.

Unfortunately for the opposition, MT's has barely moved.
AJ was the poll taken before or after Malcolm Turnbull's Reply to Budget?
It was quite good.
Nice to see the government taking a bit of a fall anyway.
Re: Rudd's Budget Insanity

AJ was the poll taken before or after Malcolm Turnbull's Reply to Budget?
It was quite good.
Nice to see the government taking a bit of a fall anyway.

Drop was not significant, probably smokers are Labor supporters.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Another grand stand and possibly good excuse for few trips, not to mention opportunity to bump up the price of electricity.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Rudd and his lame DUCK (Swan) are both living in a glass house where all can see what they are doing.
China, together with most sane Australians are wide awake and looking in together at what they are up to, and today's poll proves just that!
Even the GREENS support for Labor looks a bit shakey.
They keep coming up with "HAIR BRAIN" FANTASIES which they know cannot be achieved.
With each new FANTASY, which tends to makes them look good, is implimented in a way to take your mind off the previous one.
Bring on a double disolution.
The problem is the hard core Labor supporters will still have their dark glasses on whenever that may be.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I thought the Kruddster thread would die down between elections but basically it looks like KRUDD always rises to the top. Measured budget but pathetic vision, lack of confidence is high.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Bring on a double disolution.
The problem is the hard core Labor supporters will still have their dark glasses on whenever that may be.
No, we don't want a double dissolution at this stage. Rudd is still riding on the popularity of the hand outs. It will take longer for unemployment to rise, and the reality of the deficit to take the place in Labor voters' minds of the free money they've received.

If a double dissolution were to be held in the immediate future, Labor would win. That would mean they have another three years in power.

The Libs need to make more of how an ETS will devastate business, and push up prices of everything for the ordinary Australian. This is a fairly fine line, however, as they can't afford to upset the climate change believers, though I guess they will largely be Labor voters anyway.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Got me in Green , kinda like your direction please add more
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

You would have to have confidence in a prime minister who says;

"You know something, I have a great affection for our friends in New South Wales, because we share the same religion, and that's called rugby league," he said.
Re: Rudd's Budget Insanity

Mr Rudd says he stands by the "tough budget decisions" despite a hit in the popularity polls.

What tough decisions?:dunno:
Re: Rudd's Budget Insanity

Mr Rudd says he stands by the "tough budget decisions" despite a hit in the popularity polls.

What tough decisions?:dunno:

He's a complete tosser, even when his popularity wanes he puts spin on it, "it's because of the tough decisions" oh yeah like mailing everyone a grand ???????
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