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Kevin Rudd

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

He may soon surpass Whitlam

Kevs -- :crap:
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Anything Howard could do, Rudd can do better.

twas I unless I've stolen Mr.Burns thunder.

He is a control freak, with the emphasis on freak.

There is a notable lack of people in Rudd's past who can commentate on him as a human being, "a good guy" " a good bloke in atight corner" "loyal" etc etc.

He is one of these godbothering swivvle headers who rises to the top.

He's brilliant, intelligent and able , and if he keeps cool, will go down as one of the greater PM's.

But there is that lack of a past, or future, he may blow up, and if he does it will be spectacular.

The ALP are very suspicious of him so he has to watch his back as well as his enemies on the cross benches.

the Ruddmeister

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Rudd has had to make his own way, and is "driven" to succeed.
When Beazley was on the way out, Rudd wasn't even on the radar as a replacement.
For a very long time Kev and the affable Joe appeared on the Morning Show with Koshie and appealed to a very wide audience with his personality as well as his brain.
It's pure codswallop that few in Rudd's past would call him a good guy" or lacking loyalty, unless they were on the "other" side.
Although Swan does not inspire the confidence that Costello would, the opposite is true with Rudd. Like Obama, he's the right man for the times.
Some here retain the sour grapes they have sucked since Howard lost an unlosable election. Get over it children.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

The game is far from over and I see Rudd as creating a mess far greater than we deserve. Couldnt care less who won the election as long as they do the job and I cant see that Rudd is doing that at present.
The Kevin Rudd Tapes

Finally some proof of what was said on "that flight". What a pompus arrogant wanker...

The Kevin Rudd Tapes

In yet another bombshell revelation it has now emerged that Kevin Rudd’s air-rage incident was captured on tape during some routine surveillance by the Defence Signals Directorate.

Finally the truth can be revealed…






Interception commences

FEMALE VOICE: Can I get you something to eat sir?

MALE VOICE: On the question of whether or not you can get me something to eat, let me just say this: I am rather peckish actually. What have you got?

FEMALE VOICE: We have a prime rib-eye. Grain fed Wagyu, aged over a hundred days.

MALE VOICE: Wagyu? That’s in Japan right? Why don’t we stop by and pick up a couple of California rolls. Pilot! Take the next left.

FEMALE VOICE: Um, actually sir Wagyu is a type of beef.

MALE VOICE: A type of what now?


MALE VOICE: Come again?

FEMALE VOICE: Beef sir. Wagyu is a large beast of burden with a lot of fatty meat that makes it easy and enjoyable to devour.

MALE VOICE: You mean like Kim Beazley?

FEMALE VOICE: Well, no, it’s more like, you know, cattle.

MALE VOICE: Oh, you mean like caucus.

FEMALE VOICE: Um, no sir. It’s a type of beef. A type of meat.

MALE VOICE: What was that?




MALE VOICE: The what you say?

FEMALE VOICE: Meat. It comes from animals and you eat it.

MALE VOICE: That doesn’t sound very hygienic.

FEMALE VOICE: Well you cook it first.

MALE VOICE: That must hurt the animals.

FEMALE VOICE: Well no, the animals are dead.

MALE VOICE: Dead? How did that happen?

FEMALE VOICE: Well, they are killed sir.

MALE VOICE: Killed? Good Lord, we’re as bad as the Japanese. Pilot! Turn back around. We’re going to Canberra again. <<>>

FEMALE VOICE: Um, it’s not so bad sir. The animals are killed very quickly and they don’t even know it’s coming.

MALE VOICE: You mean like Kim Beazley?

FEMALE VOICE: Um, not really sir. It all happens in a slaughterhouse.

MALE VOICE: You mean like caucus? You know miss, we appear to be going around in circles.

FEMALE VOICE: I’m sorry sir. I…

MALE VOICE: No, I mean the plane. Isn’t that the same cloud we passed before?

FEMALE VOICE: Ummm, I think it’s a different one sir.

MALE VOICE: Thank God for that. You sure it’s not just the first one in a different shape?

FEMALE VOICE: Quite sure sir.

MALE VOICE: Oh good. So, back to this “meat” business…


MALE VOICE: Not sure if I really like the sound of it to be honest.

FEMALE VOICE: I beg your pardon sir?

MALE VOICE: I’m more of a “potatoes man” if you know what I mean.


MALE VOICE: Sort of like “meat and potatoes man” but without the “meat”.


MALE VOICE: Sort of like the Labor Party…

FEMALE VOICE: …without Kim Beazley?

MALE VOICE: Oh that’s a good one. I’m writing that down.

FEMALE VOICE: Thank you sir.

MALE VOICE: So back to the, er, situation…


MALE VOICE: Do you have anything that’s not, ah, how can I put this…


MALE VOICE: Spot on! You know you’re very good at this. Hey there’s that cloud again.

FEMALE VOICE: I think that’s a different cloud sir.


FEMALE VOICE: It’s the wonder of creation sir.

MALE VOICE: It is. It truly is… So, about the, ah…

FEMALE VOICE: The meat sir?

MALE VOICE: Er yes, the meat. Look I don’t want to make a fuss or anything but do you happen by any chance to have anything that’s not what you might conventionally consider to be…


MALE VOICE: Exactly!

FEMALE VOICE: I’m afraid not sir.

MALE VOICE: Right. Well go @#% yourself then.

Interception terminates
Re: The Kevin Rudd Tapes

If thats correct it absolutely confirms the AU public made a huge blunder at the election. NEVER toss out a leader because you don't like him before thinking about who will replace him, all that he has shown of himself there will flow over into his work, he cant be trusted and is not a decent person.

His work will be flawed, so our gut feel about him was right, another Latham in different clothes.
Re: The Kevin Rudd Tapes

Please dont turn this joke thread into some political war. We all know it won't achieve anything and will only result in people getting offended.
Re: The Kevin Rudd Tapes

Is it a joke ? seems to be on a legit web site, though seems unlikely to be an actual coversation.
Re: The Kevin Rudd Tapes

The only part of that converstion that could possibly be real is the last line.

If it is (and that's a very big if) then it suggests cultural issues within the ALP that go well beyond it's leader.
Re: The Kevin Rudd Tapes

The URL seems correct, though I dont believe that could be a real conversation.
Re: The Kevin Rudd Tapes

It didn't occur to me for a second that it was legit. Would have been allover the media if it were. Quite clearly exaggerated.
However, it says something about Rudd that someone is prepared to lampoon him to this extent.
How is it that the dreaded polls still show him with an astonishing popularity?
Re: The Kevin Rudd Tapes

Julia, I think it is time for me to email Jullian Morrow...
Re: The Kevin Rudd Tapes

Julia, I think it is time for me to email Jullian Morrow...
Yes indeed, Solly.
Btw, wherever are The Chasers? Seems like forever since they brightened our doleful lives. Such rich sources of material for them at present too.
Re: The Kevin Rudd Tapes

Well I thought it was highly unlikely but it was on the News Ltd web site and I've never known them to indulge in that type of humour.
Re: The Kevin Rudd Tapes

Yes indeed, Solly.
Btw, wherever are The Chasers? Seems like forever since they brightened our doleful lives. Such rich sources of material for them at present too.

Julia I've been told they will be back soon on the ABC, I can't wait.!!
Next time I'm in Syd I'll see my source and see if there's anything definite
Re: The Kevin Rudd Tapes

Julia I've been told they will be back soon on the ABC, I can't wait.!!
Next time I'm in Syd I'll see my source and see if there's anything definite
Maybe do some old fashioned grovelling? Perhaps I need to get a life but their show was just the highlight of the week. Would just love to see them doing K. Rudd.
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