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Kevin Rudd

Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

i see no one can adress my post , but prefer to beech and moan at each other instead .

my post wasnt that hard was it ?

No the global financial crisis is not the fault of the Labor Govt but I dont like the way they've handled a few things, such as the increase in the first home buyers grant.

I also dont like the way Rudd seems to bask in the roll as world statesman, it's annoying, I also dont like the way he squeaks Chinese.

Probably a good warm up as we will probably have an Asian PM before long, look at the Lord Mayor of Melbourne.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

LOL thankyou ....... yep the midwest of wa currently printing up 10 million chinese flags for the new owners of the outback
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

If you abuse me for not answering to your satisfaction you will get a verbal smack in the mouth, fair enough ?
If I were at high school your puerile humour might have appeal.
Some of us have graduated.

I had wrongly thought you might be up to a challenge, but in your class of inconsequential forum bullies, I'll let you hide in the limelight of your own shadow.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

I have been vigorously attacked for celebrating lower interest rates, which benefit me as a mortgage holder. Just because I have a mortgage, I have been accused of all sorts of things - the right wing conservative Howard voting nutty paternalistic pokies and plasma crew.

I think Ruddy and the RBA is doing a fantastic job with interest rates. Another 1% to come before the end of 2008?

Oh, I do hope so. Im hooked on the pokies... anyway, back to the plasma.

Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

You are the bully rederob, cant you see that ?
The rest of your post is gibberish masquerading as clever comeback.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I have a few random thoughts about PM Rudd:

1. He tries hard - there is no doubt that Mr Rudd is trying to get his finger in every pie, I think he may be spreading himself a little thin by doing so, making him a little inefficient in his approach.

2. In Asia I feel he is perceived as being a little bit tyranical and possibly relying a little too heavily on his Chinese language skills to make him fit in (feel at home). His colloquial Mandarin is lacking and some joviality misses the mark which tend to lower his intended impact.

3. In the US, he is an emabarrasment.

4. On the world stage he has trouble filling Howards shoes, but I'll give him points for doing a fair job at being the new kid on the block. Any future and present Australian PM has the advantage of previous "good will" developed over the last 100 years by the amazing progress of Australia and Australians as a whole.

5. I really think that Mr Rudd should be focussing more on insulating Australia from global problems rather than trying to solve them. It will be a long time before we would ever be considered one of the world powers that he so intent of purveying.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?


The federal government is sending each and every one of us a $600 rebate.

If we spend that money at K-Mart, the money will go to China.

If we spend it on petrol it will go to the Arabs, if we purchase a computer it will go to Taiwan,

If we purchase fruit and vegetables it will go to Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala,

If we purchase a good car it will go to Japan,

If we purchase useless crap it will go to Korea and none of it will help the Australian economy.

The only way to keep that money here at home is to spend it on prostitutes and beer, since these are the only products still produced in Australia.

Thank you for your help.

Kevin Rudd & Wayne Swan .
( Australian Prime Minister & Australian Treasurer)
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

yes he does thats all i want say for now but the stupid rule about length of posts makes me keep gping
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

pacestick, that 100 character rule only applies to posts on stock threads, not General Chat. Joe had to introduce it in an attempt to counteract massive ramping on stock threads.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

When Kevvy and Bazza get together they will find that they have several things in common, including;

Their love of cliches, and

Their facination wth the words "working families".
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

The real message to every true Aussie.

The Federal Government wont need to send you a rebate as prices will fall. If you're out of work, go abroad and send your money back to help Australia.

Spend less money on foreign imports and buy Aussie. If we don't make it, go without.

Cut down on the amount of fuel you buy. Companies like Woodside export gas, lots of it. It is a matter of staying in better balance.

Try growing fruit and vegetables if you are able to. This will cut down on the need to buy so many. 80% of Aussie agriculture goes abroad.

Purchase second hand cars and keep hold of that old car a bit longer. Europe is down about 23% on car purchases. Put your country first and follow the trend.

Come on now all of you, don't buy that Korean crap.

If you look above, Australia has a thriving Gas export, Agricultural export, coal and iron ore etc., export industries.

You help us to help you

Kevin Rudd PM & Wayne Swan AT, thank you all and looking forward to your support.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

When Kevvy and Bazza get together they will find that they have several things in common, including;

Their love of cliches, and

Their facination wth the words "working families".
Calliope - try listening to OBama's acceptance speech, (or read it if you wish), and see if you find the phrase "working familes" once.

Instead you might hear totally original phrases like this :-

It's [tonight is] the answer that led those who've been told for so long by so many to be cynical and fearful and doubtful about what we can achieve to put their hands on the arc of history and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day

obama acceptance speech hq

"A great bit of oratory" - Adam Spencer on the ABC's week's summary of radio.
- still I'm sure you could do better Calliope - and that goes for any of Kevin Rudd's speeches as well
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Howard and Costello will have to go down in History as the worst two ever to run the country, they both let home loan go unregulated when commonsense tells you we can't keep expecting house prices to defy gravity.I suppose they thought the average OZ had enough sense to realise this and that greed is good it made people feel they were wealthy and help the Libs win elections.
Now Howard is gone after a great victory and now on the Public purse for life, unless we run out of money but I assume the Fed's have a law saying they must be paid first before any one else.
Yes I do agree we would be still in trouble but not as much if they hadn't allowed 110% borrowing's over 50 years.
Rudd in 'quantum of stimulus' calculation call

If what been done to date isn't enough we're all stuffed.

Empty words once again. I think we have a drama queen in charge grandstanding at every opportunity and no doubt already planniing numerous overseas trips to more useless seminars and summits.

Rudd supporters dont bother wading in here, not interested.

Re: Rudd in 'quantum of stimulus' calculation call

I'm all for protectionism. The position is extremely grave and Aussies must choose Australia, not foreign, in the days, and months ahead.
Kevin Rudd just has to accept that what will be, will be. No point now, travelling around the world, his job is protecting Australia.
Re: Rudd in 'quantum of stimulus' calculation call

I have my doubts if throwing money that we don’t have (since surplus gone already) to continue doing what we did to get what we got is bit unwise.

Almost everybody agrees that you cannot do the same to expect different results, but somebody has to tell that our elected Government and G20 as they seems to think otherwise.
Re: Rudd in 'quantum of stimulus' calculation call

Noirua, I think in Mr Rudd's eyes, his job is primarily furthering his own CV abroad, and on the home front ensuring the polls continue to reflect his hand-out inspired popularity.

If I hear too many more times from recipients of the pre-Christmas gift, "thank you Mr Rudd", I will spit. "Thank you, Australian tax payers" would be more appropriate.
Re: Rudd in 'quantum of stimulus' calculation call

I'll tell you this and I'm sure most would agree, if the supermarkets had Australian made sectioned off I would shop there first but they dont it's all mixed in together and no one can be bothered reading all the labels, the same will happen with GM food, we wont know and thats the way they like it.
Re: Rudd in 'quantum of stimulus' calculation call

All this stimulus stuff will come back to hit us in the back of the head one day, when it has to be repaid, this is dangerous stuff and Rudd and others are just throwing money away like confetti and has it worked NO, judging by the above article it hasn't changed anything except prop up a few banks.

So what do they do ? double up.

Our standard of living and into the next generation will pay for this.
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