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Kevin Rudd

Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

Seeming a bit cooler latey since Rudd signed kyoto. There is action for you. :

Ill bet the Rudd haters will say its just a coincidence.
Re: Rudd. I'm happy with his progress.

PS It's gonna get messy with two threads on this, one for and one against - mods, how about combining them and making it a poll?
Re: Rudd. I'm happy with his progress.

I think next year will be the test for Rudd

Interesting the focus on Rudd when I think the real strength or weakness of Labor will be the front bench.

Labor is not quite as obsessive about the leader cult thing that Costello spoke about confronting the Libs.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

Seeming a bit cooler latey since Rudd signed kyoto. There is action for you. :

Ill bet the Rudd haters will say its just a coincidence.

Lets hope he scores tonight, he's such a boring pigeon toed chook.

Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

Green08, it's already happening.

What's next bloodcurdling, ghastly, frisly gruesome, macabre, trepitdation we are reaching Steven King novel: If Jack Nicholson is involved then the above might apply.
Re: Rudd. I'm happy with his progress.

It’s still very early to call good or bad yet. Kyoto was nothing but spin and the ab sorry day not much better. But as long as progress is made in health, education infrastructure then I'll just poke fun at him every now and then. Hard to be a labor fan when you live in NSW
Re: Rudd - I'm happy with his progress

I think its to early to make a rational decision the problem is to many people will respond out of their pre judices i.e. they have prejudice either for or against due to their political allegiance. I have always felt that the first year of a new government they are still dealing with and have the results of the previous mobs policies so that many of the things that occur are not the result of the new government but the fading echoes of the previous
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

I am indebted to 2020 for his advice;
'Never let the truth get in the way of a good story'.

Before boarding his plane to return home Mr Rudd was asked whether his trip was successful.

He said he was very satisfied with his rousing speech, which he wrote himself, before the General Assembly, but was disappointed that the few members who were there went to sleep.

He also said that actually the main purpose of the trip was to set up a photo op with Chrissy Higgins. However this had to be dropped at the last moment when he received a text message from his plant on ASF that some posters were ridiculing his attempt to be a cool dude.

Anyway he said, there will be many photo ops and TV footage at the footy tomorrow. Although an avid AFL supporter (since last weekend) he hadn't yet been briefed on who was playing who.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?


the awful thing is , it probably is true Calliope.

Re: Rudd - I'm happy with his progress

I'd call this a good week's work (despite the jealousy evident in the comments from the Libs)

Re: Rudd. I'm happy with his progress.

PS It's gonna get messy with two threads on this, one for and one against - mods, how about combining them and making it a poll?

This one was necessary to balance the obvious bias from a number of members. I would expect a poll to be against Rudd on this forum where unbridled capitalism is the dominating attitude. Combining the two will result in more personal abuse that genuine contributions. The minority view needs a soap box too.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

Dudd - first he dazzled us with all kids get a computer, not only didn't it eventuate but he also screwed up the tax system for those workers who were claiming a notebook for their kids via salary sacrifice. Remember he's promise of using KPI's and 'memorising' us with what it stood for and meant, and how regularly he wanted to rate the performance of his government...what's happened???

Who can forget Dudd, social and religious groups having a whinge pre-election about how ppl are working longer hours and spending no time with their families...has anything changed? Except the fact that some of his overworked staffers have left...
Re: Rudd. I'm happy with his progress.

Disagree. It's too messy now. I'd prefer a single thread, maybe entitled, "Our Politicians", to include the existing ones on Rudd (why couldn't you have made your comment in this thread on the existing thread on Rudd, Nioka?), the one on Turnbull, and - if it's still relevant - the one on Costello.

To say that you "would expect a poll to be against Rudd on this forum...."
isn't quite reasonable. There have been plenty of pro-Rudd comments initially, but they seem to have dwindled as we see more of him.
e.g. I was all for him in the beginning, but now regard him as focused on talk fests, gestures and posturing.

And if you imagine that having a separate thread praising Mr Rudd will eliminate any abuse, you're dreaming.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

Just had a fine laugh, Calliope. Thank you.
Mr Rudd might like to hire you in his P.R. Department.
Re: Rudd - I'm happy with his progress

You gotta be happy that he's always out of the country:bananasmi
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

Geez I'm glad you didn't say ,''He is fiddling with his wife while Rome burns''
Re: Rudd. I'm happy with his progress.

(why couldn't you have made your comment in this thread on the existing thread on Rudd, Nioka?), .
The existing thread, or the one that inspired this is crude, demeaning and very one sided. Maybe I am trying harder for the wooden spoon. In Turnbull's words "that is for others to decide".
Re: Rudd. I'm happy with his progress.

on second thoughts, I agree.
Re: Rudd. I'm happy with his progress.

e.g. I was all for him in the beginning, but now regard him as focused on talk fests, gestures and posturing.

Why is that Julia? Isn't it wise to get wise people to discuss/debate (and learn) an issue before issuing policy? Surely this is a way to bring forward good policy instead of ****e policy that needs to be dismantled later (eg 'work choices')?

What are these 'gestures' and posturing you speak of? Sounds like what certain elements of the RW media would carp on about but I hardly think it is based on any fact. Some may view Kyoto and saying sorry as pure gesture/posture but there is a hell of a lot of people that appreciated said gestures, myself included. What are the other gestures that are meaningless or duplicitous to you?
Re: Rudd. I'm happy with his progress.

What are the other gestures that are meaningless or duplicitous to you?

Just the first one that springs to mind:

That new carbon capture institute thingo.

Aus has one of the highest rates of sun per day in the world and a lot of unusable land. Why not build a ****e load of solar or wind power out in the deserts. Or those "heat farms" with the flat glass panels for the air to heat and spin a turbine. Why not do what we can now rather then setting up something that MIGHT be usuable in 10 yrs time.

Even better do both...
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