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Kevin Rudd

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

No not really. I don't like the prim and prissy mouth and his schoolmasterish way of talking down to everyone. He won't answer questions, but spouts boring cliches. He loves being photographed with celebrities. Those in the know say he does have some human qualities. When upset he has a foul temper and a foul mouth.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

No, the Milky Bar kid does not inspire me...
Re: Kevin 07 or Kevin 747

anyone else find it surprising that there is a liberal backlash among state governments now..

WA for example,

NT was a close call..

must be telling people something, as one would think that those who were in favour of rudd would be in favour of a labour state government too :S
Re: Kevin 07 or Kevin 747

I noticed that when federal government is Labor, state governments gradually drift toward Liberals.

What surprised me is that this happened so soon.
Re: Kevin 07 or Kevin 747

Yes, I was a bit surprised too. Interesting, isn't it. And even more interesting to see what W.A. comes up with in light of the election result.

When you think about it, though, it's not so surprising. There is a great lack of confidence in the electorate, people are doing it tough on the whole with rising cost of living, then there's the forecast of a further 40% increase in the price of electricity, thanks to Prof. Garnaut, no sign of the sharemarket and therefore superfund balances improving, depressed property prices and a general mood of pessimism.

Gotta take it out on someone. The gummint is an easy target.
(Not that I disagree with Labor getting thrown out.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

All the back-slapping and glad-handing with celebreties and world leaders cannot transform a bureaucrat into a statesman. Parkinson's Law will always kick in. You can blame the Party.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

well, compared to Nelson, bugs bunny would inspire confidence
At least Bugs Bunny is a very happy bunny and come to think of it, Rudds Bunny is also a happy looking bunny. Both have good teeth, one bites and one doesn't, out of sight that is.
Nelson is perched up on his column and is only plopped upon by passing pigeons. Poor old Rudds bunny is continuously plopped on by all insundry, but carries on regardless.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

For a politician who would like to be able to inspire confidence and respect. one great drawback is to have the looks, mannerisms and speech patterns which make it so easy for cartoonists to lampoon him. Howard also had this handicap - in spades.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Thought I'd pass this on...
No hard feelings...
Israeli doctor said, 'Medicine in my country is so advanced, we can
take a kidney out of one person, put it in another, and have him
looking for work in six weeks.'

A German doctor said, 'That's nothing! In Germany , we can take a lung
out of one person, put it in another, and have him looking for work in
four weeks.'

A Russian doctor said, 'In my country medicine is so advanced, we can
take half a heart from one person, put it in another, and have them
both looking for work in two weeks.'

The Aussie doctor, not to be outdone, said 'Hah!. We can take an
******** out of Queensland , put him in Canberra and have half the
country looking for work within twenty-four hours.’
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Does Rudd have confidence in Bill Shorten? Does Shorten's move to dump his wife Deb Beale for Chloe, the daughter of the G-G indicate a move to raise his status in the labour hierarchy? Shorten plans every move he makes. His marriage to Ms Beale helped his elevation in the union movement. He rushed back from overseas to the Beaconsfield disaster to boost his image for election to parliament.

Can Rudd trust him? His wife couldn't. Following his election he said;
Above all others - and I can say this on Valentine's Day - I thank my wife, Deb Beale, an endlessly intelligent, supportive and loving woman. I knew this instantly from my first outing, when she agreed to visit a picket line with me.

Rudd is no fool. But it gets curioser and curioser. Rudd's wife and Quentin Bryce are great mates from way back. Would Shorten as a prospective vice-regal son-in-law fit into this cosy relationship?
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Off topic 2020!! If you can't build up the left without taking down the right don't post.

You're right duck, nelson really inspired confidence.

Gotta feeling the approval rating of the leader of the opposition is up from 15 to 28% since Turnbull took over. Mind you Rudd is around 58% I believe.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

1. fuel watch - fail
2. Grocery watch - fail
2. Alcopop tax - fail
3. first home buyers account - fail
4. laptops for school kids - fail
5. 20/20 summit - fail/ still no outcome
6. apply downward pressure on inflation - fail
7. promise to ""end the blame game" - FAIL

and the list goes on.....
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

so who you blaming for 1 and 2 (and 2)?
as for 3, perhaps it was inflationary ? had to be / is being reviewed
4. it is being rolled out. try a bit of patience.
5. will report later this year.
6. Downward pressure? all relative. Simply by the fact that Labor promised less than Howard means that relatively speaking he has succeeded.
7. He's mainly blaming the world economic downturn. Do you disagree?

I mean, are we talking blatant "core and non-core promises" ? or just a need to buckle down the hatches for a massive storm?
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Good article by Michelle Grattan in today's Sun Herald, (and other interstate papers)

1. Rudd leaves for NY after tomorrow's parliamentary question time.

2. Objectives:-
a. discuss possible seat on the UN security council
b. discuss global financial situation - advertise Australia's relative stability
c. global warming
d. discuss with UN Australia's progress towards millenium goals for 2015, where Johnny Howard signed up in 2000 for less than 0.5 % of GDP. Tim Costello pressuring for 0.7%, Rudd holding firm for 0.5%.
e. possibly others

Overseas trip to discuss international financial crisis (just as Malcolm Turnbull just did as shadow treasurer to USA.

Also Rudd and Swann did a similar trip prior to the budget, and Saul Eslake agrees gave them early warning of global downside risks - allegedly taken into account in the budget.

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