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Kevin Rudd

Re: Kevin 07 or Kevin 747

im not claiming to be the smartest person around, but i go well for my short time on this earth....

i just think it would be a better system if people had to earn the right to vote not just turn 18
Re: Kevin 07 or Kevin 747

Under the Howard government we also had inflation and a reluctance to take off petrol taxes.

With that attitude Howard never would have replaced Keating.
Re: Kevin 07 or Kevin 747

Why would anyone trust the Neocons to steer us through the mayhem that they have amplified through flippant and arrogant fiscal policy ?

I agree with one point though, Krudd is away to much.....
Re: Kevin 07 or Kevin 747

Huge swing against Labor in the NTstate elections,I hope Krudd is enjoying his latest junket(olympics) because things are starting to go pear shape for our Labor states and Federal government
Re: Kevin 07 or Kevin 747

Huge swing against Labor in the NTstate elections,I hope Krudd is enjoying his latest junket(olympics) because things are starting to go pear shape for our Labor states and Federal government

I was hoping NT. would go anti Labor to break the coast to coast Labor Party. Under the GST constitution rules, it only needs all the states, the territories and the federal goverment to increase the GST to what ever they like.
The Feds. are talking taxation reform and imho the states are looking for more revenue thru increased GST. KRUDD and Swanie say no way. Lets wait and see.
The next state election is in WA. but with the LIBS in termoil I can't see it happening there. May be the turning point will be QLD, unfortunately that will not happen untill September 2009, in the meantime time Labor may bring it on???????
Re: Kevin 07 or Kevin 747

Huge swing against Labor in the NTstate elections,I hope Krudd is enjoying his latest junket(olympics) because things are starting to go pear shape for our Labor states and Federal government

Labor 57 votes ahead of a hung parliament at present counting ..

so jj, Country Party haven't won yet - just that they are getting closer
Re: Kevin 07 or Kevin 747

Don't get me started 20/20 ,saw that grinning 4eyed imposter at the
Olympics last night almost put my foot through the television:swear::aufreg:Biggles Gareth Evans was a novice compared to this joker
Re: Kevin 07 or Kevin 747

Don't get me started 20/20 ,saw that grinning 4eyed imposter at the Olympics last night almost put my foot through the television

so , we talking Kevin Rudd or Peter Costello now ?

(I realise you mentioned "4-eyes". I guess that, in Peter's case, he rarely wear glasses, but then again, he was always saying "aye aye, capn" )
Re: Kevin 07 or Kevin 747

o boy, 23% of the vote in NT apparently went the Greens (just heard on ABC)
Re: Kevin 07 or Kevin 747

our PM is in Korea trying to be a hero on climate change lol

who is paying for his holidays - tax payers thats right

he is out of the country more than he is in it
Re: Kevin 07 or Kevin 747

our PM is in Korea trying to be a hero on climate change lol
who is paying for his holidays - tax payers thats right
he is out of the country more than he is in it


why don't we send you instead agro -
you're far more diplomatic.
probably achieve twice as much ..
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Please refer back to the topic.

Mr Rudd may do well to listen to a man of appropriate credentials:

BHP's Argus criticises Australian emissions trading plan

BHP Billiton’s Don Argus has criticised the Australian Government’s plans for an emissions trading system, recommending a re-think of the alternatives.
Author: Rob Taylor
Posted: Monday , 01 Sep 2008

Australia's government came under pressure on Monday from the chief of BHP Billiton, the world's largest mining group, to reconsider a planned emissions trading system expected to reshape the $1 trillion economy.

As the government's emissions trade guru, academic economist Ross Garnaut, prepares this week to recommend 2020 emissions targets for the carbon-heavy economy, BHP Chairman Don Argus said the country should be looking at alternatives to an emissions trade regime expected to be among the world's toughest.

"Volatility and uncertainty is a poison for any trading system. Australians should consider and debate all the alternatives to a cap-and-trade system," Argus told a conference of industry leaders at parliament in Canberra.

"I would not leave out the carbon tax initiatives which I think other nations of the world are moving to rather than the emission trading system. That's mine, it's not the company's, view," he said.

The centre-left government is planning to begin carbon trading in 2010, forcing 1,000 companies to buy permits to cover their emissions and putting a market price on carbon to encourage firms to clean up their pollution.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Does Rudd inspire confidence? Oh yes, best Prime Minister Australia has ever had.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Does Rudd inspire confidence? Oh yes, best Prime Minister Australia has ever had.
<sarcasm> What about "The Great Man"? </sarcasm>
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

What didn't help the market today were the trade figures, suppossed to be up, but no, down because of the 20th century infastructure keeping commodities at the ports.
Rudd & black swann will open purse string in 2010/election year.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

K. Rudd inspires me:

1) To ask more rhetorical questions.
2) Face away from people who ask me questions

If you have ever seen him during a session of parliament then you will know what i mean.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008 at 09:24am

Kevin Rudd, October 2007:

I will end the blame game… the buck stops with me...

Kevin Rudd, August 2008:

PRIME Minister Kevin Rudd has admitted Australians are worse off since he took power late last year, but says he is not to blame..

“The challenges we face as an economy are in part globally driven and are in part a product of some of the economic conditions we inherited - that is just the truth,” he said.
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