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Kevin Rudd

Chicken Kev

Kevin Rudd is a Twister Box, Original.

He has failed, and failed miserably.

Let us hope he continues to destabilise the ALP.

What an absolute tosser.

What a choker.

By not challenging he has proven that Gillard and the Unions were correct in dumping him as PM.

Re: Chicken Kev

Mark Latham nails the Rudd persona in this article, a transcript of a conversation between Latham and Paul Murray who I believe is a media identity.

Re: Chicken Kev

Fairfax's Peter Hartcher has some interesting thoughts in the following video,

That was an excellent summation of today's events. Hartcher, who has always been a Rudd supporter, says that Rudd has hung his supporters out to dry, and they will be reluctant to to support any future Rudd challenge. The Rudd brand is stuffed

I agree with him that there has been no other occasion where the Labor party has inflicted so much damage on their leader and their alternative leader in one day.

Go Tony.
The next poll will be interesting, who would want Rudd as preferred PM over Gillard ? It's no longer a question anyone would bother answering.
Re: Chicken Kev

In the Peter Hartcher interview above, at about 7min he comments that Labor has chosen to stick with it's union affiliations and lose the next election.

He also comments that Kevin Rudd couldn't credibly stand for leader again. The only thing that's left for him is whether the prospect of a wipe out brings the Caucus to his door begging.
Re: Chicken Kev

My contacts in Griffith tell me that Chicken Kev is down to a 5% margin in Griffith on internal polling.

I believe he is going to do a mail out to his supporters to get up and going to have him re-elected.

If he has dropped to 5% this would make his hold tenuous, and Griffith a marginal seat.

Feeding the chooks may not suffice for Chicken Kev.

Re: Chicken Kev

A more pathetic sight would be hard to find
Australian ambassador in Afghanistan for Kev
Kevin couldn't stay out of the limelight for long. He's all over the media today proclaiming his epiphany on same sex marriage.

Does anyone care? I wouldn't have thought so, but it has been the lead item on ABC radio news since last night!
Kevin couldn't stay out of the limelight for long. He's all over the media today proclaiming his epiphany on same sex marriage.

Does anyone care? I wouldn't have thought so, but it has been the lead item on ABC radio news since last night!

Is the any chance that Griffiths has a disproportionately high number of gay couples who want to tie the knot?
In case no-one has noticed I am a serial cynic when it comes to politicians (both sides). Whenever they utter anything I figure that self-interest must be close by in one form or other.
I think your cynicism is shared by much of the electorate. What this latest bit of grandstanding indicated to me was (a) a possibility such as you've suggested re gay couples in his electorate, or even more (b) that he has never actually given up on the notion of again leading the Labor Party.

Sure, he has said it will never happen, but we all know how much weight can be given to any statement by any politician.
Sure, he has said it will never happen, but we all know how much weight can be given to any statement by any politician.

I'm not suggesting this will happen but I did ponder today to what extent it may shake things up if the ALP were to propose gay marriage as part of their platform for re-election. Would that recast the electorate from a polling perspective and is that behind Kevin's epiphany.

Spot on dude, Kev doesn't need the money, just the glory.
Nothing wrong with that, if he has the interest of the nation at heart.

Last time round, it was a bull in a china shop

There is nothing wrong with a rich person with a social agenda.
The problem is with a person using a social agenda for personal gain.
I think Kev has his heart in the right spot, however the two bullet holes in his feet seem to be a problem.
Last time round, it was a bull in a china shop


I think Kev has his heart in the right spot, however the two bullet holes in his feet seem to be a problem.

He does seem to have a gift for it but he doesn't seem alone in that one. Regardless of other political opinions, this government has shot themselves in the foot so often they deserve to lose for that alone.

Do you think the wider Australian community is ready for such? I'm not convinced they are, regardless of my opinion on the matter. Further, even if this is some "Hannibal over the alp's" (get it.. alp.. ) maneuver to outflank and wedge the Coalition, I just can't see support crystalising behind a single issue like that that is not perceived to directly affect the individual voter.

I think Kev is no idiot, Labor party does but generally they're idiots.
He would have learnt a lot from shooting from the hip, he is Labors best hope.
Sadly the party has grouped behind the union bimbos, it will be their downfall.IMO
I like to look back on things to see how they played out. An interesting observation is how the Lowy Institute seemed rather professional in its assessment (at the time) of Kevin. This is not one for the congenital haters, if only to encourage a degree of +ve.

and how his legacy appears to be in lock step with current approaches:


Imo China's long term strategy is to make us economically dependent on them in order to make us less likely to speak out against their military incursions in our area.

With all the cow towing to Chine over trade agreements it's going to be more difficult over the years to separate our economic ties from our military and security interests.

When CHAFTA is signed, China will have taken a big step towards achieving its long term military strategy.

So in your opinion, the LUG party has given up on the flood of Chinese workers invading our country and has now started a new campaign that at some time in the future we will be threatened with the might of the Chinese military strength?
Really????? must be joking....The little yellow men invading south east Asia to get to Australia.

As Richo says..."What ever it takes".
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