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Kevin Rudd

Re: Rudd Quits Labor Party

Kevvie won't be far behind her when he loses his bid to regain the leadership.

Bye bye Julia, Terise and I are off to live in good old England.

Is it possible if Kevin Rudd were to quit he may take Carr and Mc Clelland with him for they very unhappy little Labor 'vegimites' ATM.
Re: Rudd Quits Labor Party

Is it possible if Kevin Rudd were to quit he may take Carr and Mc Clelland with him for they very unhappy little Labor 'vegimites' ATM.

Well noco, that is a classic, what if Kev's mates give them the bird. $#it that would really put a cat among the pidgeons.
Good call !!!!!!!
Now that would be an ASF scoop that would take some topping.

But as you say at the moment there is no honour or upside to being aligned to this motley crew.
They side with anyone and $#ft anyone to cling to power, while changing the face of Australia with minority support.
Re: Rudd Quits Labor Party

spt, that is not as silly as it sounds.

My contacts at the Church of St.Jude, patron of hopeless cases, , tell me that a prominent worshipper who shall remain nameless but is known as "Kevin from Queensland who is here to help", is planning a mass defection.

Re: Rudd Quits Labor Party

GG, next year will be 'WHOPPER' in Canberra. Can't wait for it all to implode.

The relationship between Julia and Kevin must be like a boil on the bum of both of them. The core of the boil is still there. It just a matter of waiting to see which one pops out first.
Re: Rudd Quits Labor Party

The relationship between Julia and Kevin must be like a boil on the bum of both of them. The core of the boil is still there. It just a matter of waiting to see which one pops out first.
Yes, it is very Howard/Costello-ish, ay?
Rudd Resigns as Foreign Minister

Where to from here everyone?

I think it is good move from Rudd, looks like he is "the victim". Knifed again by the "faceless men".

Gillard looks like she was being paranoid all along.

Unfortunately Australia loses one of the few cabinet ministers that actually knew about his portfolio area.

Re: Rudd Resigns as Foreign Minister

Well if Kev spits the dummy and walks out on the party, we could be awfully close to an election.

You have to remember without the hobnobbing and travel, there isn't much in it for Kev.
He may as well go and work for his missus, as sit on the back bench playing with ear wax.
Re: Rudd Resigns as Foreign Minister

Blah blah blah, the Parliament today is equal to paper money


cept paper money still buys a diminishing bit.

Got physical gold ?
Re: Rudd Resigns as Foreign Minister

Where to from here everyone?

Kevin Rudd will gather the numbers on the Week-end, then make a statement on Monday what he going to do Tuesday. Challenge? Or decide on another source of mischief.
I think Kevin is p****d with everyone in Labor. Gee he may go Independent!!
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I believe Kevin Rudd is abiding his time for Gillard to fall on her sword and the timing could be before xmas 2012.

That would give him time to re-establish himself before the next election.

If Rudd were to scrap the carbon tax, reopen Nauru and tear up the Greens/Labor agreement, Tony Abbott may be in for the fight of his life.

This could certainly develope into a boast in the polls for Labor and it would not surprise me in the least if Rudd happened to go that way.

Lets see what happens.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Kev hasn't been idling his time away.

Here is his new website, by jingoes, she's a beaut:

If you can say "fair suck of the sauce bottle" with a very clipped formal accent, you're on your way.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Good chance Rudd will only re-open Nauru but not put the Pacific Solution back in it's entirety which means it is not so likely to work as effeciently. Abbott will still hold the trump card in that case:
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

That article almost paints the return of Kevin Rudd up there with the return of the messiah.

To a party heading towards political ruin under their current leader, that must increasingly seem the case.

If that is indeed the case, they are more delusional than ever.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Good chance Rudd will only re-open Nauru but not put the Pacific Solution back in it's entirety which means it is not so likely to work as effeciently. Abbott will still hold the trump card in that case:
Tony Abbott would insist on nothing less and rightly so.

To do otherwise increases the risk of policy failure which in this instance would be at the Coalition's expense.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Tony Abbott would insist on nothing less and rightly so.

To do otherwise increases the risk of policy failure which in this instance would be at the Coalition's expense.
Agree. He's also doing the right thing in being absolutely clear about not getting involved in the Houston-led panel on border control or whatever it's called.
On that, I laughed this morning to hear on Radio National that this 'expert panel' now has a special committee of fifteen 'advisers' to help it. These are, of course, largely drawn from the lofty heights of academe, with their left leaning law faculties.
What a farce!
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

That really is a community consensus by Gillard standards.

She only had four advisors for the carbon tax.
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